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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 6 KB, 200x200, litecoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16815295 No.16815295 [Reply] [Original]

Have 15k. Do you think it's worth to invest in this coin?

>> No.16815301

Absolutely not

>> No.16815346

Then what would you suggest?

>> No.16815376

i would stack this coin, wait a year or two make a 6-7 figures. this is one of those coins that can turn 15k into a 500k-1mily undervalued for what it is. just sell the new ath at 3k-5k. b/c aths for this go up 10x. first one was 40 second one was 400 next one probably 4k

>> No.16815491

Got a bag for trading, selling around ₿ 0.015

>> No.16815499

I have 100 ltc myself. Used to believe in it more, still do but will probably not buy more. If you're using coinbase read up on BAT. Do your own research of course. Dont let these idiots tell you what to do.

>> No.16815503
File: 643 KB, 1022x731, tiresome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP you are a fucking idiot if you take any crypto investing advice from /biz/.

>> No.16815516

yes. but not all 15K. Buy 1 full BTC first, then split the rest in low-middle-high risk portfolio.
LTC is low risk. If there's anothoer BTC bullrun it will go $1k.

I'd put $1k into this tops. Before anything else, secure at least 1 BTC

>> No.16815559


>> No.16815577

Wasn't the LTC project abandoned by original devs?

>> No.16815585

Yes. 100 LTC will be worth 400k before the end of the bullrun.

>> No.16815620

I did. BAT is total crap meme coin. Nobody will watch ads to receive pennies.

>> No.16815658

Litecoin was created by just one dev, some chink named Charlie Lee who was also the engineering head of Coinbase before they went full Orwell. Due to Bitcoin's tps limit, the whole point of Litecoin was to be a lighter (hence the name), less secure but faster version of Bitcoin to use for smaller everyday purchases. Now that there's lightning on Bitcoin Charlie pretty much implied that there's no point to Litecoin other than being a testnet for Bitcoin.

>> No.16815697

He's gonna introduce MimbleWimble protocol in Litecoin so transactions are much more private even by Monero standards.

>> No.16815725

Cool, I hope it works. But I heard MimbleWimble has significant technical issues.

>> No.16815731

lmao this is why you should stay away from BAT... because litecoin brainlets like it.

both are for smoothbrains

>> No.16815733

unironically buy bitcoin cash instead

>> No.16815754

no. chinese make good workers but never buy a chinese investment ever. never buy jew chinese or nigger investments. ltc is just garbage in every metric. dont do it do yourself a favor. If you want a fast bitcoin beater, there is dash is you need a ton of exhcange support and high volume or wau coin if you want the very best there is regardless of volume. dash and wau coin are the only two "best of" digital currencies Litecoin is a scam piece of shit

>> No.16815769

yep. bat and all the other utility token chucky cheese things are nothing but garbage

>> No.16815820

dash aka darkcoin is garbage by every metric too

>> No.16816208

stay away from LTC if you want something less risky with equal or better chance of reward go with ETH & BNB

>> No.16816220


>> No.16817023
File: 40 KB, 480x360, BagHolders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16817156

LTC will still pump harder then BTC it just doesnr hold its value. Buy and sell accordingly poorfags

>> No.16817184

People think LTC is a shitcoin with no purpose and I agree to some extent. But I'm buying and holding for the post-halving pump

>> No.16817784
File: 21 KB, 532x817, ltc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ffs. could've done it by 48$. 10% potential losses, great

>> No.16818334

I didn't say I owned bat.

>> No.16818387

LTC is literally kill.
After all these ERC20 scams we don't even need it to trasfer funds fast.

>> No.16818445

Reminder that this shitcoin was dumped literally ATH by its own developer.

>> No.16818456

No jackass. BTC or a moonshot like RSR if ur brave. Do 50/50, u won’t regret it.

>> No.16818468

Bagholder says what?

>> No.16818985

im $5k deep in LTC, waiting for a fabled moonshot which we all know is bound to happen

>> No.16819040

What other developer did honestly call the top. If anything, it's based.

>> No.16819131

>Zero usecase with regtest