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16808349 No.16808349 [Reply] [Original]

iran confirmed this. you don't believe me? trips and i will explain why

>> No.16808364

>chart that makes no considerations for broken fundamentals is accurate

Enjoy losing.

>> No.16808381

Fuck these BSV faggots

>> No.16808389

Doubt you even know what these are

>> No.16808392

>no mention of BSV

How scared can you possibly be?

>> No.16808404

imagine being so mathematically illiterate you don't know what: .95 R2 + Cointegration means.

>> No.16808415
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>fundamentals of internet party hats
Where do you think we are?

>> No.16808428

So just wait until may. Nice.

>> No.16808444

absolutely seething

>> No.16808453
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Check 'em

>> No.16808482


>> No.16808487
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alright OP spill the beans

>> No.16808524


>> No.16808620


iran confirmed that bitcoin is considered to be a safe heaven. this implies strongly that the digitial gold meme is real. unlike peter schiff claimed it's not just a bet to be one. why? because it's easy to exit ANY fiat market and enter ANY fiat market ANY time.

think about it, all models that work for gold have to work for bitcoin too. S2F is correct and the market acknowledged this the past days.

>> No.16808637

also what i forgot to add, we were in a downtrend before this all happened, the trend reversed now. this is further confirmation.

>> No.16808662

BTC has the highest friction of any crypto on the market. If a nation state attempted to use it for anything theyd be buried under a mountain of fees and wait times. Itd unironically be better to be sanctioned then to have the national treasury tied up in BTC.

>> No.16808697

my whole post is about bitcoin not being a currency and currency models do not apply here either.

>> No.16808718

>bitcoin not being a currency
>peer to peer cash system

BTC isn't a currency. Bitcoin absolutely is.

>> No.16808839

>cash and currency is the same thing

>> No.16808850

an attribute of a strong money is being resistant to inflation or change
few nodes in control make it less secure against change

>> No.16808894

BTC is basically the only tradeable asset in this market. Nothing else has close to the amount of liquidity that btc does. You fucking p2p cash retards always neglect this in your analysis.

>> No.16808914

BTC trades on-chain are severely limited by block size.
Bitcoin is p2p cash. Your 'digital gold' nonsense is getting old.

>> No.16808926

single digit hash

>> No.16808942

Hash rate is temporal and does not equate to chain security.
Many of microtransactions and microfees are way better than a few high fee whale transactions for long term viability.

>> No.16808958

>mountain of fees and wait times
Only true if Bitcoin is used as a means of daily commerce for every individual. For just settlement between banks and foreign countries once a day the 7 tps is enough. Obviously we want a more scalable crypto eventually (that still offers the same security that BTC does - fuck LN bullshit) but at the moment BTC can meet requirements for the digital gold meme.

>> No.16808959

oh clearly you're too retarded to understand what liquidity is.... but lemme try to expalin.... no one is going to buy $1mil of BSVCHD because that amount would cause mass slippage.

Very few people care about bitcoin being accepted as a payment because it's such a huge gulf to cross. The 'digital gold meme' actually makes sense because it's possible to buy a serious amount of BTC and sneak it out of china/iran or other country with capital controls, whereas buying some shitcoin fork causes more slippage on both ends than its worth.

A tradeable shitcoin that's slow and cumbersome is still worth more than a great one because liquidity is utility.

>> No.16808979

>hash rate does not equate to chain security
Retard detected

>> No.16808982

BTC isnt cash, it isn't currency, it isn't anything besides digital hodl. It's a Frankencoin.

A few nodes control BTC. Your laptop "node" doesn't enforce the rules.

The liquidity of btc is pathetic on the scale of a nation state or even typical financial markets. Another reason OP is a faggot, btc moonbois are delusional and why your segwit shitcoin with zero utility is going to zero.

>> No.16808992
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>trips and i will explain why

>> No.16808997

>using the blockchain should be reserved for large payment processors and banks


>> No.16809002

Maxis only have insults left because they have lost the point. P2p cash would not need fiat touch points to be useful. There would be no slippage because there would be no conversion. The use case you are talking about is better served with tether or DAI or another token, NOT on BTC.
'Digital gold' is a copout and misses the point.

>> No.16809018

Bitcoin is secured by economics. Failing that and the hashrate really doesn't matter. I hate to be the guy saying "yuo will see", but you will see. The btc is unsustainable. The Bitcoin system is going to btfo.

>> No.16809051

>iran confirmed that bitcoin is considered to be a safe heaven
no, it didn't. It confirmed crypto speculators think btc is a safe haven.

>> No.16809176

still think the s2f model is too optimistic it's got a higher rate of growth than most log curve (hopium curve) projections. it's bound to set up disappointment when it doesn't match up.

yea nothing happened it looks like 1 btc changed hands and it's iran so ~$30000 in trading volume.
it got more volume last summer it's a speculative trading tool.
it can grow in the future and more people can use it like the Venezuelans do. but for now it doesn't seem like much in Iran at least.

>> No.16809191

I think he meant that people elsewhere bought bitcoin because they were afraid of war, ie. they sold stocks and bought bitcoin with that money. Nothing like that happened, of course. Just crypto speculators going margin long.

>> No.16809221
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yea i agreed with what you were saying forgot to post the picture which more or less proves it

>> No.16809233
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It could just as easily do this or a thousand other things. Thinking you know where the market is going to go is how you end up losing.

>> No.16809257



>> No.16809274


That's what the BSV chart will look like by 2025.

>> No.16809485
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>> No.16809490


>> No.16809507

thanks captain obvious

>> No.16809937


>> No.16809958

but nothing happened in iran. it literally defused within 72 hours.

>> No.16810656

The great thing about Trump is he doesn't have the attention span to start a full on war. He is the president of peace.

>> No.16810927

>but nothing happened

the US military got attacked by an state

>> No.16811084

may is when it arcs up slowly. 1 year and a bit after the halving historically is when we see the BTC intersect the S2F line again

>> No.16811145

consider the 2014/2015 lows of $200 to bull run peak at $20k thats 100x

$3000 lows of 2019 to $100k is 33x

That easily leaves room for diminishing returns in each bull cycle. We will probably see $100k like the $10k in the last cycle, and push above it a bit in the euphoria, maybe not $200k but above $100k

>> No.16811160

>B happened after A
>therefor A caused B

>> No.16811189

Where is all the cash flow going to come from to push btc up to 100k though?

>> No.16811216

Three letters. BSV. BTC can't scale. BSV can. Creg is Satoj. If you don't like it, STIFF!

>> No.16811774

>P2p cash would not need fiat touch points to be useful.
>The use case you are talking about is better served with tether or DAI or another token, NOT on BTC.
Wait. So which fucking coin are you shilling, then

>> No.16811828
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Let's say this happens, do you know the amount of people killing himself and the pink Wojak here on /biz/ in the next weeks/months before $1M in 2026? You know OP? Right?

>> No.16811871

Three letters: BTC. Bitcoin's the only coin that matters you dumb fuck.

>> No.16811880

I just thot of something. You know how when you plot bitcoin’s log price against an ALSO logarithmic time axis, you get a perfectly linear channel on the chart?

I can’t into statistics, so not sure how it works but is there maybe a parameter you could tweak to represent logarithmic time in the S2F calculation? Instead of linear? if so I wonder if that’d fix it to appear more correctly in line with the BTC price chart

>> No.16811897

The main reason for Bitcoin Core doesn't exist anymore. Better use Monero instead or BCH

>> No.16812084

This , these retards are just going to be justed so hard after the halving.

>> No.16812127
File: 2.81 MB, 400x300, thispaquetitoforyou.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy get's it wich is why the average btc transaction is between 20k to 55k depending on the week.

>> No.16812276

no m8.

most value transactions are large one, house, heavy equipment etc.

the daily transaction are fuck all.

It store of value and large cash transfers that the current banking system cannot deal with, and likely never will due to AML/KYC and capital controls.

Try and transfer more than 50K anywhere without "permission" or even 10K for that matter.

>> No.16812283


>> No.16812554
File: 219 KB, 800x620, neverselling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and Satoshipilled

>> No.16812605

BitcoinCashSV want a centralized private company-style approach to Crypto with blocks so large that not even AWS would be able to sustain their pipe dream network. On this path, the coming years, the will be akin to a multinational datacenter, rather than a brand of cryptocurrency.
Furthermore they plan to reverse out protocols which were implemented on the bitcoin chain over the years to improve functionality and security (P2SH) which will result in users of BSV being able to claim and spend BSV which existed on the bitcoin chain from before August 2017 without ever knowing private keys. The results with be seemingly limitless inflation and dumping of their currency, to the detriment of the oblivious and mislead who lack the knowledge of how to claim 'unclaimed' Bitcoin / BSV from the fork.
If there were ever an opportunity to invest in the future of bitcoincashSV, it has long since past. After the Genesis Hard fork I fully expect BSV to be the headline of unfortunate articles and imagine the price per coin to plummet, in 2020.

>> No.16812615

It's not coming from anywhere. Shit is a meme.Anytime it gets relatively high all the whales dump and drive it down. Imagine how much fucking retail muh institutional money would be needed to drive it up while whale NEETs continue to dump and add downward pressure

>> No.16812632

nah m8, because you run out of btc to sell. You can't just print more unlike fiat

>> No.16812670

>normie puts money in a saving account
>normie thinks banks has all the liquidity to give you back all your money anytime
>normie doesn't understand banks is playing the jew loan game with them
>low interest rates are drying banks liquidity pool
>be BTC
>what's next?
DON'T FALL FOR SIDECHAINS (you lock your precious BTC in exchange for thin air)

>> No.16812713

it's worse than that the biggest risk as anon said is kyc and aml , shit's insane even the paypal cfo got his paypal account closed , worse due to post 9/11 regulations they can't even tell you why they blocked your accounts.

And doing big transactions is almost suicidal for non companies , as a phyisical individual try to send 10k between first world nations and it will be frozen for no fucking reason, in the case of developening nations you can send in but not back due to capital controls and you also risk the same of getting it frozen plus the fees in this case are as percentage not a fixed fee so you can pay a shitton.

And in the case of third world nations you can't even send in.
Normalfags don't even understand the power of btc , those that do knows we are were the internet was in 1994.

>> No.16813414

10$ btc lol and you put in effort for that graph

what the fuck

>> No.16813504

>10 dollar to 10000 dollar bull run

pls happen

>> No.16813529

How will Kleros benefit form this? Someone's gotta hold them responsible.

>> No.16813780

>buzzword buzzword sourceless claim

Enjoy P2SH mining