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1680196 No.1680196 [Reply] [Original]

>nocoiners getting BTFO right now

>> No.1680199

rest in peperonis nocoiners

>> No.1680313

tfw i sold like 20 coins at 795 yesterday

and now we're pushing 800

I thought there would be more pullback i didnt get back in at 790 ;;

>> No.1680316

its dipped below 795 a couple of times already if you want back in you won't have a hard time in the short term

>> No.1680321

well im still holding some coins so its okay with me if it keeps going up desu

>> No.1680326

I'm interested in buying some Bitcoins for the long-term, but I don't know anything about the price dynamic. Isn't it extremely volatile and likely to drop by double digits every once and again? What makes you guys believe in the "it will only go up" meme? Justify why Bitcoin is still undervalued at this point.

>> No.1680328

oh it will definitely drop hard at some point

but not today it seems

>> No.1680329

Fiat will fail


>> No.1680334

>Fiat will fail

the only people that think Bitcoin is going to do well are people thinking Armageddon is going to come, world economies collapse, but somehow they'll still have electricity and internets to trade online currencies.

In reality major governments will soon declare cryptocurrencies to be tools of money laundering and other crime, and will outlaw them. Fiat currencies will become completely digital. At that point it will become impossible to convert bitcoins to dollars and the value will go to $0.

>> No.1680339

and why would it become impossible to convert bitcoins to dollars?

>> No.1680340

> Fiat will fail
I don't think that will be good for Bitcoin. When people are looking for save havens, they buy stuff with real value - not speculative black market money.

I can only imagine that Bitcoin either will rise more due to widespread adaption beyond the meme level or as a pump and dump scheme gone too far. I don't think the first thing is too far off in the long-term, but that doesn't decrease short-term volatility.

>> No.1680341

>Fiat will fail
it has already failed countless times tho
but sure this time it will be different

>> No.1680344

bitcoin only rises when a country is about to fall apart and it's currency is inflating to oblivion.
greece was last time now venezuela.
that's all.

>> No.1680345

its literally all CNY falling

>> No.1680346

or that i don't follow everything that's going on.
but usually local fear of losing wealth is what drives up the price not some weird global acceptance.

>> No.1680348

which makes it a great short-term speculation but a terrible thing to plan your retirement around.

>> No.1680349

I get your point but i honestly dont think venezuela plays a part

china is the main driver of bitcoin price

>> No.1680350


Can you stop like spewing the truth?

What would be a good long-term hold?

>> No.1680437

>he isnt holding for 10 years
when will you learn the lesson

>> No.1680451

"guys, the government banned money laundering"
"we'll better stop then"

how are they going to do anything?
piratebay is still up and running

>> No.1680454 [DELETED] 
File: 194 KB, 660x393, TraitsOfMoney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I havent been working in exchange of bitcoin for years

This is what everyone that doesn't want to be a cuck from the closed source e-fiat 1984 tier nightmare will be doing. Working under the radar in exchange of cash is illegal yet everyone does it. All the underground economy will move into Bitcoin. People will work for Bitcoin, buy for Bitcoin, circle is closed. Government can't do shit.

Expect 6 figures a coin in the future.

>When people are looking for save havens, they buy stuff with real value - not speculative black market money.
2013 wants his meme back.

People are buying Bitcoin precisely because of his unique characteristics. I could move 1 million dollars anywhere right now, either by transaction or by carrying it an undetectable, encrypted file inside a USB, and nobody would never know. If you don't see inmense value on this I don't know what to tell you. And what's better: that is the tip of the iceberg. Since it's programable money, the possibilities are endless.

>inb4 b-but muh global ban
There has never been a global agreement on anything, and it would take a global agreement everywhere in the world to really damage the network. We can't even agree on global warming.

There will always be countries that benefit by having a certain contrarian stance. For example, I see Switzerland being a place that will be very Bitcoin friendly.

Also anyone can run their own node and obscure it throught Tor. We also have legit billionaires on board with an incentive to keep the network healty. Nodes will always be around to keep the network alive. You simply can't stop this, just like they couldn't stop Bitorrent.

>> No.1680458

>piratebay is still up and running
really? have you tried it recently?

>> No.1680461

>how are they going to do anything?
by making the currency digital and tracking every transaction.

you could still trade bitcoin for black market products, but then you could only spend it on black market products as well. Which isolates the market and makes trade worthless. What's the point of selling stolen goods or criminal services if you can only exchange them for other stolen goods and criminal services?

>> No.1680464
File: 194 KB, 660x393, TraitsOfMoney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I havent been working in exchange of bitcoin for years

This is what everyone that doesn't want to be a cuck from the closed source e-fiat 1984 tier nightmare will be doing. Working under the radar in exchange of cash is illegal yet everyone does it. We don't need the end of the world, just wait as they remove physical cash. All the idiots that still don't see the importance of Bitcoin, will see it by then. Since obviously people aren't to magically accept lossing all of their financial privacy, they'll look for alternatives, which means all the underground economy will move into Bitcoin, and it is BIG. People will work for Bitcoin, buy with Bitcoin: circle is closed. Government can't do shit.

Expect 6 figures a coin in the future.

>When people are looking for save havens, they buy stuff with real value - not speculative black market money.
2013 wants his meme back.

People are/will be buying Bitcoin precisely because of his unique characteristics. I could move 1 million dollars anywhere right now, either by transaction or by carrying it in an undetectable, encrypted file inside an USB, and nobody would ever know. If you don't see inmense value on this I don't know what to tell you. And what's better: that is the tip of the iceberg. Since it's programable money, the possibilities are endless.

>inb4 b-but muh global ban
There has never been a global agreement on anything, and it would take a global agreement everywhere in the world to really damage the network. We can't even agree on global warming.

There will always be countries that benefit by having a certain contrarian stance. For example, I see Switzerland being a place that will be very Bitcoin friendly.

Also anyone can run their own node and obscure it throught Tor. We also have legit billionaires on board with an incentive to keep the network healty. Nodes will always be around to keep the network alive. You simply can't stop this, just like they couldn't stop Bittorrent.

>> No.1680469

check again tomorrow
i send you money to your bank account, you send me cryptos
they don't know your wallet and they don't know mine
they will only know that i sent you money, not for wht reason and the inplications
bitcoin sites will simply move to the dark web

>> No.1680470

They can't track shit already if you use a service like Helix which is a legit tumbler, but this is nothing. You need to go study about what's comming.




"Blockchain analysis" is already a meme field.

>> No.1680472

this guy is right
i hope you also own some ether in case dapps become a thing and bitcoin can't handle the transaction volume

>> No.1680481

>shills spam threads about how fiat will fail
>neets and idiots buy into iy
>shills cash their actually worthless virtual money out for the fiat they're claiming is worthless
>price crashes

You guys ready for another year on biz

>> No.1680577

cant wait

>> No.1680589

>buying high
>buying high and getting hacked losing your btc

Talk to me when you have a FDIC

>> No.1680632

they won't be tracking bitcoin transactions.

they'll be tracking transactions in dollars or whatever the nation's currency is.

bitcoin transactions won't matter because the gov won't allow them to be bought or sold for dollars. Or any currency that allows purchase of bitcoin.

for being such bright fuckers you guys sure don't see the forest for the trees.

>> No.1680644

>they will only know that i sent you money, not for wht reason and the inplications
yes, it would require also tracking the inventory of goods or services you paid for.

this isn't beyond the realm of current technology, and there's no reason to think it won't happen.

it would dry up money laundering, tax evasion, most fraud, and most property crime. All it will cost is all of your privacy, which you guys give up every day anyways.

>> No.1680651

Why is this a solid investment?
Can someone explain how this all works?

>> No.1680657

You buy low, then you sell high. In between the buying and selling, you shitpost here.

>> No.1680660
File: 1.13 MB, 2560x1536, 3453456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if u go on this discord, i explain it to you all senpai


>> No.1680675

I'm totally not Federal law enforcement of any sort and I'd love to hear about your discords and such.

no entrapment, ok?

>> No.1680685

meh, joined and read a bit of what they were saying. Its harmless

>> No.1680701


The government could no more outlaw Bitcoin than they could outlaw people trading seashells as currency.

It is 100% people's right to use a given item as a trade tool.

Attempting to outlaw it would create a rebellion that would lead to the collapse of our democracy.

Don't try it Anakin, Bitcoiners have the highground.

>> No.1680708

Anon where do i start with Bitcoins?

>> No.1680712

>Attempting to outlaw it would create a rebellion that would lead to the collapse of our democracy.
says the generation that allows their every transaction to be monitored and recorded electronically.

pardon my skepticism.

also fyi, a significant number of seashells are outlawed for trade by western governments.

>> No.1680725
File: 70 KB, 1024x466, 1465615656542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm totally not Federal law enforcement of any sort and I'd love to hear about your discords and such.
plz do not report me senpai

>> No.1680731
File: 181 KB, 1024x768, IMG_0765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


watch this youtube series


here are some more links i compiled, good luck on your endeavors anon!

Where to buy bitcoin




Youtube channels
World crypto network

alt coin Exchanges

list of hundreds of cryptos here

>> No.1680750

To make real profits you need get into the altcoin market. Bitcoin pumps with 2% gains are nothing in comparison with what you can make there

>> No.1680762
File: 14 KB, 500x500, opengraph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invest a few million into bitcoin
>it is up about 80% on the year for 2016
>some guy on 4chan tells you to day trade on poloniex using tradingview and organizing pumps with low volume shitcoins (when u could literally just hold bitcoin and make 80% gains in one year)
ok yes

>> No.1680770

>invest a few million into bitcoin
Hardly relevant for anyone posting here.

Poloniex volumes for many altcoins are thousands of BTC a day.

>> No.1680772

>what is leverage you stupid shit?

>> No.1680779

>asspained noalter

>> No.1680788

Alts will die

>> No.1680796

All crypto, except maybe some of the PoS ones, will eventually die when they figure out how to make proper quantum computers. Alts are a way for an investor with a small to mid sized portfolio to make a lot of money fast.

>> No.1680815

If you had millions to invest in crypto at the beginning of 2016 you would have done much better investing it in Ethereum.

>> No.1680871

>circle stopped selling bitcoin


>> No.1680896

I bought eth at IPO, and rode the zec pump/dump.

I don't bag hold alts, especially if it takes days of microbuying to get a decent position in. BTC market is much more attractive right now especially when we're in the middle of the pump.

>> No.1680900

Secondly, people are exiting alts to get back into the btc game and I'm not going to "long" a shitcoin when I get in cheaper when bitcoin hits 1k.

>> No.1680921
File: 59 KB, 620x465, 1481998862001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I obviously wasn't talking about bagholding but active trading.

If you have thousands of BTC in your portfolio then alts mights seem less attractive (though still worth it) but if you only have tens of BTC to play with then they are the only way to get rich at this point.

>> No.1680996

holy shit defluyt i hope you're not being unironic

>> No.1681008

Of course I am, everything I said is objectively true. Your post is just nocoiner tier denial.

>> No.1681015

kek, this is sad defluyt, i expected more from a /pol/tard

>> No.1681017

>posting random nonsense

>> No.1681025

What risk model do you have? None. Do you know what amount of risk over ROE you take when you get into a shitcoin?

You don't have to be a quant to "invest" in shitcoins but the take away is this: no-name shitcoins (anything that's not eth/zec/etc et cetra) have low market cap, low liquidity, hard to enter/exit, impossible to short and a shitty exchange to deal with.

It's impossible to manage risk on Poloniex, (what's a stop loss, what's a trailing stop).

The only reason you'd buy into an alt is if you know pump is imminent, or has already started. Which is a fair and profitable strategy. I'm not against entering alts when appropriate, but when I do it I do it on an exchange that let's me properly manage my risk, which for 90% of the alts is impossible.

>> No.1681031

I accept that there is a greater risk involved in dealing with coins with greater volatility, still worth it.

>> No.1681071

$810 holy shit,the brakes aren't working!

>> No.1681105

There are no brakes on this train.

>> No.1681214


>> No.1681485

Kek, brakes are fucked

>> No.1681775

Bitcoin can do anything Ethereum does as a sidechain (look up Rootstock)

It would help if segwit gets activated. We have some idiots trying to block it since they are scared of Bitcoin taking over the entire game. We'll get there sooner or later tho.

>> No.1681776

Bitcoin is already quamtum proof. In any case it can adapt overtime by changing hashing algorithm etc. Not a problem.

>> No.1681810

>Bitcoin is already quamtum proof.
your ass is quantum proof

>> No.1681814

>check again tomorrow
looks like it's back at first glance but doesn't actually work at all.