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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 12 KB, 300x168, kava.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16782174 No.16782174 [Reply] [Original]

This is the floor, and if this gains even 5% of MKR's market-share, a very golden opportunity.

The time for flipping Kava is over. Buy it.

>> No.16782241

comfy gains incoming.

>> No.16782302
File: 10 KB, 245x206, greenwojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a bunch at $1.15 and more today. Considering staking gains, OKex listing / Huobi partnership, and a slew of announcement coming, it's pretty comfy.

Send it.


>> No.16782405

These whales should make the supression less obvious. I agree that flipping time is over. Made like different 10% spike runs, but sooner or later, this will not go back down.

>> No.16782441

Oh look another bounce coming.

Make a floor at $1.75 you brainlets.

>> No.16782464
File: 10 KB, 192x262, pepesuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally hit 25K Kava. The buys down here confirm my comfort level. Push it to $2.75 and don't let them in under it.

>> No.16782475

*breathes in*

>> No.16782535

A quiet exhale and a big market buy would be a good way to end this, otherwise, you're probably going to be bummed. Flip it if you must, but that window is closing very soon.

>> No.16782660

What the fuck was THAT.

>> No.16782740

The surpression walls *will* be eaten or removed. Don't fall for their lies.

>> No.16782762

Here it comes.

>> No.16782768
File: 58 KB, 500x375, Xsa0Drz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Push it to $2.75 and don't let them in under it.

>> No.16782817

Kek, these fools think I'm going to sell under $5. The wall play is pure lunacy. Not falling for it.

I'd LOVE more under $1, but it's not going to happen unless BTC correct to $4-5K, and even then, this has held up amazing. Kava is my most bullish hold.

>> No.16782851

How do I even use this shit?

Can someone link me to their platform? Give me some stats

>> No.16782853

The talk of supply drying up to pay stakers is what brought me into this. It's been spot on.

Biz, if you're new, don't fuck up. Buy some KAVA, hold it, and help lock up this very minuscule circulating supply.

>> No.16782856

You have to wait until the CDP goes live on Cosmos. Test net soon.

>> No.16782891

Goddamn this is a flippers dream. Holding 10K with iron hands. Flipping 20K.

>> No.16782897

This is a better buy than Cosmos at this point, but I do hold 2,000 ATOM just in case. Send it.

>> No.16782986

Only the most pure of jewish trickery will keep this from hitting $3-4 by Q2.

>> No.16783044
File: 11 KB, 194x259, GreenMeanUP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The green candles will be never-ending this time. Bottom sellers BTFO.

>> No.16783069

Only have 3k , target for Feb anon ?

>> No.16783249


>> No.16783258
File: 13 KB, 613x255, Tellor-Investors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get it on IDEX before the Binance listing. Smart money is NOT shilling this but I am trying to help you!

>> No.16783264

Yes sir, vry low supply sir $6 soon for a 2x.


>> No.16783293

$3.50 fren.

>> No.16783338

BTC moons - this stablizes
BTC dumps - this moons
BTC goes sideways - this moons.

>> No.16783402

Looking good. $1.30 floor and i'll be comfy.

>> No.16783419

WOW. okay, yeah, this might be the time it doesn't come back down.

>> No.16783480

$1.75 by the weekend. It's time.

>> No.16783744

This little fucker is diamond hardness. Good God. I will never get filled under $1 again. $4 plz.

>> No.16784074

Buying more at $1.05 if I can get it.

>> No.16784082

Such shilling itt, lmao fags

>> No.16784134

The charts don't lie, anon. Kava is an amazing flipper and holder, based on the last few months.

>> No.16784211

true. i love this piece of shit.

>> No.16784313

hope you got filled bro

>> No.16785187

....aaaaand we bounced again. Let's do this shit. Stop fucking around and hit $1.50 already.

>> No.16785558

soon my friend, soon.