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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16741665 No.16741665 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16741675
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BSV is BitCoin

>> No.16741731

Considered going all-in at sub-$200, guess it's not happening.
40% BCH would do though, I've already poured most of my chainlink gains there.
/biz/ does not deserve this, the 2 useless bitcoins get a ton of shill threads, the good one is barely noticed. I don't mind that at all.

>> No.16741932

Biz used to be cool in 2017. the place degenerated hard.

>> No.16741948
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The real Bitcoin is breaking out.

Loving the bitbox developer kit, let's do commerce!

>> No.16741952

I wanted to finish my 100. Got to 93.
I still will but.it will cost me more.

>> No.16741961

BCH actually makes me think about developing something on it.

>> No.16742123

BCH supporters appear to be more much more tech-savvy than regular "cryptocurrency enthusiasts". Very bullish! Follow the nerds.

>> No.16742132

true. I remember when I still had facebook and subscribed to a few HUGE cryptocurrency groups. Most these people were technically retarded. They also all supported BTC.

>> No.16742184

How many BCH to make it? How many for a suicide stack?

>> No.16742200
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Anons, check out the chart on the BCH/BTC pair.

>> No.16742230
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3 is the suicide stack
21 is the make it stack

>> No.16742261

And I thought I was a peasant with my 105 BCH stack. We’re gonna make it bros

>> No.16742302

>neverending bullshit from BSV
>literally nothing from BTC
>BCH just quietly plodding on in the background developing neat stuff
I still don't own much of it though. I strongly believe it on a technical level but it could take a long time before your average normie sees it as anything other than a scam.

>> No.16742329

A blessing in disguise for those that were on the "late" for buying into the original BTC.

BCH forking off was the chance to get in at good prices. Bless the happening.

>> No.16742350

I don't believe in BCH, but I have not sold any since I got them from the fork.

>> No.16742373

bought 17.3 is enough to make it?

>> No.16742387
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bought a 100 just because I like the very og vibe of this thread

>> No.16742412

it's interesting to see /biz/ is now pro BCH.
I understand why tho. All the people who know zero shit about tech quit crypto with heavy losses. The tardjeetz all left /biz/ and the ones with atleast some knowledge remained. The people that remained are smart and understand BCH is a good project. Hence no one shits on it anymore.


>> No.16742508

>it's interesting to see /biz/ is now pro BCH.
Its just the weekend. We've seen it before. Everything changes back on Monday.

>> No.16742557

The vitriol that BCH got for increasing block sizes always puzzled me. They just cater to the existing ecosystem of users/businesses that built on Bitcoin. I don't even seem them as competing with each other, there's ample enough space for them to grow their separate and complementary ways.

>> No.16742633

that is true but the shill are the same cloth as sv shills. operate with imbecilic memes and outright lies.

>> No.16742635

zoom out...

>> No.16742644

the vitrol it got was not for increasing the block size it was for the non consensus fork larping as bitcoin and dividing the community as well as market cap

>> No.16742703
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I really, really miss when Craig and Roger was on the same team. Wish BCH had just stuck with the whitepaper. Centralized checkpoints, that's not how bitcoin was supposed to work.

>> No.16742768

>Centralized checkpoints
actually that's bullshit just like wormhole but keep on being retarded. bch simply introduced a setting that makes clients ignore a reorg deeper than 10 it's very distributed every client decides for himself which makes chain-splits highly probable.

>> No.16742883

so checkpoints are not hard encoded into the client at all?
protip: don't call people retarded if your goal is to actually change people's opinion. i almost dismissed your post completely but i'll give you a second chance.

>> No.16743148

Say whatever you want, but this thing is going to be big among NEETs in 2020

>> No.16743161
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>> No.16743252

BSV is bitcoin

>> No.16743265

bch is the only crypto I use regularly to buy things

>> No.16743433

i like bch, and roger ver but why in the fuck did they shill $HEX last month, i'm so confused

>> No.16743558

Name something neat on BCH, and I’ll name something neater on BSV

>> No.16743578
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>it's interesting to see /biz/ is now pro BCH.
its because they broke the protocol and forked off BitCoin and away from Satoshi, now they are accepted by all the fraudulent exchanges and blockstream shills, it is now controlled opposition and thus accepted

doesn't matter, BSV is Bitcoin

>> No.16743640

Wow, that actually makes sense.

>> No.16744339

how did you know I have a beard :thinking:.

>> No.16744390
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>> No.16744523

checkpoints are like satoshi did a few times and how chains fork also but no the bch ""checkpoints"" are decentralized. thus highly dangerous.

>> No.16744543

no fork of bch can be bitcoin sorry. please try to grow a few braincells!

>> No.16745388

Yeah, I'd wait.
This is worth at least 0.15 BTC but I still don't feel like buying now, given that it's heavily in the green already.
The price spike was not based on news.

>> No.16745407

it was based on bottoming out after a 2.5 year trend broke. buy now, its gonna moon for 2 years.

>> No.16745431

I have 100. Could make it 210 as my end goal was but I dunno. If it really moons then 100 would probably make me very happy anyway, I feel uneasy diversifying and buying on green.
Then again I'm a 2013 crypto oldfag who still hasn't made it ...

>> No.16745454

not diversifying*

>> No.16745615

I've been slowly moving my BTC from 2013 into BCH.
I didn't partake in the hash wars because noone wins in war. I started partaking with the airdropped bch as a base after the war mostly subsided, at the BSV split.

>> No.16745632

Did bitmain already sell their 1 million bch?

>> No.16745703

ive been thinking about trading my last BTC for BCH too. I don't use BTC anyway. it just sits on the same centralized exchange. I dont even move it to a seperate wallet cause i can't sell it if SHTF and its stuck in a wallet. lmao

>> No.16745764

> it just sits on the same centralized exchange
I know they're employing literal girlsdoporn whores straight out of a porn shoot but I keep mine on Celsius and convert my payouts to BCH.

>> No.16745773

Thats the chart of BCH usd price including before the split.
It was on an exponential growth trajectory until the ticker was stolen and the community fractured.
I think it will recover it's trajectory, but only if we nerds build on it, use it and show others the way forward. For instance, I've started placing all my orders through purse.io / bch.
IMO now is a good time to start DCAing. Don't do it all at once and cold store!
The only time I've actually been stolen from was exit scams from exchanges.

>> No.16745776

This information is not public but the price was definitely driven down by some massive whale selling.
And BCH whales do not want to sell - so being legally obliged to do so seems to be the only explanation. Hence Bitmain sold a decent chunk.
Jihan's personal stack is still pretty sizeable though...

>> No.16745806

if you send btc and bch to the same bitcoin paper wallet they are completely different utxos entirely unrelated coins and no transaction can be replayed to fuck you in the ass.
i have been thinking about getting a few bch in case it reaches 0.05 again but can't be assed to install anything bch related right now.

>> No.16745832

make a memo account and send it there?

or get elecrton cash. easy af wallets man wtf

>> No.16745838

i already have my secure redundancy scheme set up for btc. i thought about taking advantage of that. like minimal effort dude or below minimal.

>> No.16745857

Yes, it's totally fine, dude. Exchanges usually provide the same deposit address for BTC and BCH, have you noticed?

>> No.16745871

mostly correct but you need to be 100% sure that the address is not SegWit (or cashaddress).
SegWit is top tier faggotry as it's indistinguishable from standard addresses, at least with cashaddr most non-braindead BTC wallets will give you an error.

>> No.16745882

never used bch i traded it a bit on coinbase then i stopped trading alts and went bitcoin futures instead. it's a much cleaner and more fundamentally sound world. i know don't laugh!

>> No.16745888

tldr; just use an address that starts with 1

>> No.16745894

>indistinguishable from standard addresses
come now... if you can't distinguish a segwit address from a legacy address you need to get institutionalized.

>> No.16745903

nice gets.
obviously i use legacy for my paper wallets. and i encrypt my paper wallets obviously. and i have any copies. more than how many kinds of cylons you can count.

>> No.16745982

Like what?

>> No.16746003
File: 349 KB, 600x477, kek-of-greed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my case, just for December:
1. Ipad pro
2. A Weber Grill
3. Apple Pencil
4. Ipad stand
5. A Philips Diamondclean toothbrush
6. Four lego sets
7. A Crockpot
8. A Denon Envaya speaker
9. A Hydroflask
10. Two spare cables for my headphones

And I saved upwards of 500GBP because I used BCH

>> No.16746049

Check out the local marketplace. No KYC and tons of stuff at a discount.