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16723530 No.16723530 [Reply] [Original]

You should be loading up

>> No.16723668

This has a much higher probability of doing a 10x than bitcoin doing a 3x. Its arguably probably safer too.

>> No.16723693

True, BAT is really underrated imo its gonna pull a Link this year.

>> No.16723738

Sadly theres people on this board holding bags of holoshit and cripple, and they have zero BAT. They don't even have the BAT you get for using the browser. Sad.

>> No.16723769

there’s always smart money and dumb money
you’re supposed to not feel bad for them if you wanna make it

>> No.16723775

Brave is going to dump a ton whenever it gets close to $1, you're better off putting all your money in LINK

>> No.16723791

Every year since 2017 - BAT has hit '£0.3'

It is currently around '£0.15' and is certainly going to hit '£0.3' this year which means you 2x your investment at the least.

You then have to factor in the halving of 2020 which will boost BTC which will have an affect on altcoins also.

I could see us setting a new ATH of around '£0.8' to '£1.0'. Though it could easily do a Link and hit around '£2.0' to '£3.0' depending on adoption.

It's worth noting that the Brave browser has 10 million users and only 3% of them are earning BAT from Brave. This number could easily increase with better marketting from the Brave team to inform them about BAT so you could easily get.

In essence, Brave already has the users needed, they just need to give them an incentive and suddenly you have around 9 million users investing in BAT which would pump BAT a lot.

>> No.16723799

The project has a lot of releases for 2020 also. Ads on Brave was just the start. Wait for surveys and the SDK kit.

>> No.16723822

It's important to note that the team is also working on something physical that the development can be viewed - The Brave Browser.

So while you have other altcoins waiting on something to be useful for or announcing partnerships without anything to show of it - BAT has a physical attribute which we can see and determine the quality of.

>> No.16723871
File: 25 KB, 303x429, D57DD58D-3DA3-4DA4-ABBC-FED0662AF261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's worth noting that the Brave browser has 10 million users and only 3% of them are earning BAT from Brave.
only a small amount of countries have active ad campaigns.
also even 3% from all the users is a huge amount next to amount of people that use other cryptos, even more capitalized ones.
Bat has no chink scammers behind itself and no paid shillers, that’s why it has such a tiny marketcap compared to even absolute useless coins. unfortunately that’s how this joke market works. Bat price might keep on struggling for awhile but be sure once market gets more rational, Bat price will go to its fair number (which is way way higher than current one) quite fast.

>> No.16723945
File: 94 KB, 1467x794, batbreak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

breakout still getting closer. bat is going to be the most hated rally in crypto.

>> No.16724287

By mid February you think? What do you mean by hated?

>> No.16724495

Because retards are buying vaporwave chink shit while BAT is the most adopted crypto project out there. This is literally Amazon in front of you.

>> No.16724498
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just whenever the price breaks above the trend line. most likely before february.

heres what i mean by hated rally. look at the stock market, pic related is the s&p 500. people hate it and they keep calling for a crash and a recession because they missed the entire fucking thing. same thing with bat. over 10m+ users and almost nobody has bags except me, the one guy ive been watching on etherscan thats been sucking up the entire supply for 6 months, and like 2 other people on this board, so when it starts to move up they will call it a shitcoin and say that its going to crash. thats how you know for sure that its going to moon hard

>> No.16724507

So I should just buy now, sell at $0.75, and sell at 4x?

>> No.16724516

guess i should start using brave now lel

>> No.16724538

Based I always see you and brap poster discussing bat.

I have a 2k bag. How long is the horizon on this in your opinion?

>> No.16724555

Buy range is $0.15 - $0.5 and sell range is anything < $0.9
The market is going to get rational once ad campaigns go live globally and BAT browser starts advertising themselves. It’s ironic that a crypto related to advertising does 0 advertising.

>> No.16724566

>something physical
yes, outside of bitcoin no other crypto project has the real world use of bat/brave
I understand why they had to choose an eth token but its unfortunate timing. with the advances being made in lightning / liquid it a shame it wasn't issued there.
my biggest concern with the project is that firefox, chrome, edge etc come along and dup the idea but instead base the whole thing on a btc derivation thus getting the best of all worlds.

>> No.16724633

>sell range is anything < $0.9
anything below $0.9? nigga you are gonna miss something

>> No.16724640

Is it possible/feasible for BAT to be changed to something other than ERC-20 in the future?

>> No.16724645
File: 37 KB, 540x405, bat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time horizon? well braves userbase is growing at a rate of 10% per MONTH. the compound effect on that is fucking retarded. if that growth remains stable it would mean 35m users by the end of this year, and over 100m by the end of next. with that many people using the browser, theres only so much bat to go around. i wont even go into the SDK, self-serve ad system, in browser ads, bat store, etc etc because theres just too many features and too much shit on the horizon to touch on. also keep in mind that unlike link or xrp, the brave team doesnt hold 65% of the supply to dump on your fucking faces. the entire existence of bat has basically been a bunch of small up and down cycles of distribution as the ico whales sold their shit and the team gave away free bat. thats pretty much all gone now. ico whales (crypto techboi faggots that no nothing about trading) have finally all sold to smart money and the inflation from the team giving away free shit is just about done. the team has barely any bat left now. this is setting itself up to be the ultimate fucking ponzi and i think people are going to be very surprised when they see this shitcoin go MUCH further than $1

>> No.16724668

firefox is going to have a BAT add-on extension, chrome can't do it because their entire business model revolves around data mining, and edge is just gay. any btc related version of this wouldnt work either because the sheer amount of transactions would bog down the network if they were on-chain. thats why braves is done in the browser and nothing is reconciled onchain until you withdraw from your brave wallet. and besides, if someone tried to copy brave that would be bullish

>> No.16724673

Only have a measly 1K stack at the moment. We are in the early stages and I think this little token has potential to go up a lot more.

>> No.16724704

Rough idea of USD per BAT in 3 years?

Am I better off investing in BAT or in Bitcoin?

Will BAT see an increase in price like other tokens in the next bulk run?

>> No.16724736

On mobile. I meant > $0.9
Again, this. I read up on BAT about a month ago and was properly surprised about the developments and upcoming updates.

>> No.16725137

It's still too soon I need more, I'm just another anon with a 100k stack. Not selling until $5 at least

>> No.16725451

>bat vs bitcoin
hold both. pick a ratio that works for your holdings....i'm doing 90/10 btc-bat ratio

>transactions would bog down the network if they were on-chain
this is why i specifically mentioned liquid / lightning

>switch to btc
sadly i think their ico was gobbled up by too many hacker news fag bois who just luv luv luv luv world computer concepts, thus they've attracted a group of investors who want gay slav coin to finally find a usecase (this is why they were also pushed into mkr-bat defi agreements).
from what i understand tho, brenden originally thought of it as a btc play....but no lightning / liquid was available then so was bad timing.
i mention liquid because not only does it support tokens but 90% of the users are exchanges so it would be natural on/off ramp for bat holders. could've worked out so well......

>> No.16725580

You seem like a whale

>> No.16725593

The best thing is all I have to do is open a short, say something positive about BAT here, and the price goes down no matter what. Love how easy it is.

>> No.16725668

>whole market takes a shit including BAT
>BAT is poopoo token