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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16691079 No.16691079 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16691121

If you wait a year, you can get it for like 40% off.

>> No.16691124
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It's hot af

>> No.16691126


>> No.16691139

A quarter mil on a "unit A" address?
What is this like an apartment building?
How close are the neighbors, or do you share the building?
Parking, condo association fees, etc.
Looks like a shitty deal unless you work in El Paso and this is close to work.

>> No.16691155

Cause El Paso is a fucking shit hole

>> No.16691161
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>El Paso

>> No.16691165

If he wait for an year he will be able to get it even cheaper since USA will be engfuled in civil war 2

>> No.16691168

Its probably a townhome. But El Paso is a shithole, it borders Juarez which is literally one of the most dangerous cities in Mexico so the crime spills over. And it's full of Mexicans and burger white trash. You couldn't pay me to live there

>> No.16691198

Screencap it then, bitch. The "recession" is going to hit hard and fast. Then everything will be back to normal almost as quickly as it came on. It will be easy to find people who are scared and selling at the bottom.

>> No.16691224

Doesn't TX have really high property taxes?

>> No.16691430

>looks like a crematory
What do they mean with this?

>> No.16691440

>El Paso

Enjoy getting robbed and taken hostage in your house. Literally crime/gang infested shithole.

>> No.16691452

Wages are ass compared to the NE.

>> No.16691474


Let me out it this way. Don't buy that home if you have a wife or daughter.

There's a reason this townhome is 50% of what it should be.

>> No.16691571


>> No.16692212

Yeah that house would be almost 500 a month in just property taxes. Then mortgage, insurance, bills, food

>> No.16692249

I hate this fucking state and I am leaving at the first opportunity.

>> No.16692256


>> No.16692362

Electric bill would be bigger than food, it gets HOT there, you need AC.
I've been through El Paso. It's like a box store/prefab housing community in the middle of nowhere. It's west Texas, but it might as well be New Mexico, for climate. It seems like the only reason it exists is the army airbase, and the border crossing into Juarez.
I'd live along the coast in east Texas, Houston is nice, but fuck El Paso. I'm not into hiking the desert, which seems to be all there is to do there. The people seemed nice, but we were only there an hour, for lunch, while driving through.

I've driven across the country a couple of times. Anything New Mexico, Arizona, west Texas can go fuck itself.

>> No.16692402

El Paso can be nice depending on the area. A lot of it is ghetto but strangely I read they have the highest percent of women in the country at utep.

I’d be worried that they might run out of water in 15 years, and I think water availability should go into your decision making (for buying only)

>> No.16692407

Explain or fuck off

>> No.16692467

Yeah the whole Juarez thing is a dealbreaker. Texas has one of the safest and cheapest cities in US though which is plano. It's nice and quiet and it's a suburb

>> No.16692469

Spic infested shithole, not as bad as niggers but, not pleasant nonetheless

>> No.16692491

Nice blog faggot

>> No.16692533

Cry harder, crybaby.

>> No.16692585

El Paso is literally a Mexican shantytown, will only go down in value.

>> No.16692684

Frisco is better

>> No.16692761

True. I did say safe and cheap. Frisco is most definitely not cheap.

>> No.16692835

Hahaha poor dumb offended fuckhead fumpa having saggy ass bitch crying because his state got offended eat sand and die you pathetic shit.

>> No.16692953
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>el paso
el paso is a literal 3rd world shithole anon.

>> No.16693001

As a White Britbong engineer wanting to move to the US, where should I go?

>> No.16693041

Ice Poseidon lives in Texas and so does literally every single popular Twitch streamer. If they're doing it, it's probably a good idea hence the reason you see this trend.

>> No.16693239

The actual entertaining streamers are moving to Vegas.

>> No.16693248

so basically if you're a criminal, this is a really good trade

>> No.16693304


>> No.16693308


>> No.16693310

The floor is too glossy. Who wants a shiny fucking floor?

>> No.16693325

I've noticed that a lot of car youtubers either go to Cali, Texas or Georgia.

>> No.16693345

El Paso lol

>> No.16693669

The biggest reason is probably because Texas has no income tax, and when you make six figures streaming that's a large amount of savings.

>> No.16693957

1800 sqft is tiny for a house, my sf condo is 1400 sqft

>> No.16694809

>1800 is small
nice bait

>> No.16694863

>el paso
>1900 sq ft
>0.28 acre

not hard to figure out

>> No.16694873

Flyover cope

>> No.16694885
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And why would you want to buy a property in a place were potentially someone can rush in with GUNS and kill you /destroy property?

>> No.16694890

>shitting on NM
Northern NM is dope. Like Colorado but cheap

>> No.16694925

You can also not be a retard and arm yourself so you can protect your own property.

>> No.16694930

enjoy the highest property taxes in the US and the eventual destruction of your property by a tornado

>> No.16694949

>el paso

>> No.16695036
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>> No.16695154

It’s Mexican as fuck

>> No.16695933


The houses there are built like absolute shit. I worked out there for two summers and most of the newish houses have stuff constantly breaking and are finished like a six year old was in charge of construction.

>> No.16696419

>hot as fuck
>messicans literally everywhere
>beaners fucking everywhere
>illegal immigrants from south america everywhere
>did i mention spics for neighbors everywhere?

the reason property is cheap in texas is bc non-whites bring property values DOWN, not UP.

>> No.16696629
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