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File: 14 KB, 474x314, Yang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16686390 No.16686390 [Reply] [Original]

What do you say to this, biz?

>> No.16686406

china man bad. Being a slave for life gud.

>> No.16686420

>Implying automation won't lead to less people having to work

Oh no the industrial revolution is coming im gonna have to stop carrying buckets of water!!!

>> No.16686457

Id say vote for yang or bernie if you want your dollar to be worth toilet paper which is what unironically would cause a boogaloo so I might do it.

>> No.16686468

For me? It's Tulsi Gabbard, the Ron Paul of 2020.
Yang is cabinet tier but not fit for the presidency. He would 100% cave to (((them))) the moment he wins. Gabbard wouldn't, which is why she is being suppressed even though she is the only candidate with a chance at beating Trump.

>> No.16686490

imagine being on the buisness forum yet being ignorant enough to vote democrat 2020

>> No.16686494

Tulsi has integrity (so far as it seems) and is against foreign entanglements. That’s ALL she has in common with Ron Paul literally. She is not the Ron Paul of 2020. She’s a socialist sjw Anti gun anti freedom cunt. She endorsed Bernie in 2016 if you don’t remember. Douchebag.

>> No.16686529
File: 220 KB, 1248x842, yang2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16686623

>has integrity
>against foreign entanglements
Foreign policy is the most important and actionable role of a commander in chief. A president directly exposing and ordering an end to the trillion dollar wars fought at the behest of foreign governments who also form the most powerful lobbyist and special interest groups the the country would be a paradigm shift. Gabbard, like Paul, is the only candidate fanatical enough to follow through and root out this element at all costs. All other policy posturings are secondary to this and would be checked by the House and Senate as well.
Yang and Sanders don't have this character and would fall in line down to partisan lines.

>> No.16686681

Humans don't have intrinsic worth to me. Autonomy means a human can choose to never work. Freedom and lack of skills means a person is worthless to me.

>> No.16686708

yes. Yang does have intrinsic value in my heart

>> No.16686745

Congrats. You are a psychopath. Good thing is, no one cares what you think.

>> No.16686749

You need to be 18+ to post here.

>> No.16686757
File: 15 KB, 250x329, fiatpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing has intrinsic value. Not even bitcoin.

>> No.16686770

Does any candidate know how to end a war?

The USA's attempts to finish wars have often been catastrophic.
In the Vietnam war, instead of negotiating conditions for a peaceful reunification, they negotiated a total loss (delayed a bit for domestic political reasons).
In the '80s Afghanistan war, they quit as soon as the Soviets were out, and handed power over to the Islamist who were even worse.
In the first Gulf War they declared victory and quit too early, ensuring Ssddam stayed in power.
In the Afghanistan war in 2002 they declared victory before they'd actually won, then moved their soldiers to Iraq, allowing their enemies to retake Afghanistan.
In the second Gulf War they declared victory before they'd actually won, then set about turning the Iraqis against them!
And n Syria they failed to negotiate peace between Turkey and the Kurds, resulting in nearly all the gains being squandered.

I is utterly dismaying that the only choices available seem to be "stay at it, and maybe escalate" or "cut and run". Why is everyone too stupid to find a better solution?

>> No.16686804

>your dollar to be worth toilet paper
youre confusing ubi with the fed printing money. Ignorant

>> No.16686814

imagine voting for trumpty dumpty again despite him not changing shit (in fact more people live paycheck to paycheck now. 78% of fulltime workers live paycheck to paycheck. He also thinks stocks doing good = economy doing good. Lol).

>> No.16686822

dude, are you even an entrepreneur? Whats your job?
>inb4 edgy 16 yr old that thinks they will grab life by the balls

>> No.16686929
File: 51 KB, 536x1024, 1576718353237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah because the fed isn't known for printing money when the government has social programs
Fucking retard

>> No.16686933

Yeah but 10 pieces of paper with the number 100 don't either.

>> No.16686985

>because the fed isn't known for printing money when the government has social programs
name an example, dipshit. Secondly, that isnt how ubi would be funded in the first place, assclown

>> No.16686995

>name an example, dipshit
Literally all of them, nigger
>Secondly, that isnt how ubi would be funded in the first place, assclown
A value added tax is literally the definition of inflation you fucking retarded cunt. Get the fuck out of this board

>> No.16687000

I was gonna write in Brett Kavanaugh

Hes the liar this country NEEDS

>> No.16687002

like lmfao you are talking out of your ass and dont even know how ubi will be funded. You make up bullshit STRAWMAN arguments (you are making up a story that isnt real and attacking that story to make it seem like you are giving a counter argument).

That is pathetic. You sure youre not the fucking retard? Only retards use strawman arguments, retard.

>> No.16687018

>Literally all of them, nigger

HAHAHA what the fuck are you talking about? Thats not a counter argument. The fed doesnt just print money to fund welfare programs or whatever. Holy shit, imagine being this retarded. Again. Talking out of your ass. LOL! I can see through your shit arguments. Try again, dumbass.

> A value added tax is literally the definition of inflation you fucking retarded cunt.
How the fuck is vat inflation? ;)
I'll wait..
this fucker doesnt even know what inflation is.

Explain what vat taxes are :). I want to see if you even know how the fuck they work :). Dont copy and paste the definition. Tell me in your words. This should be good :)

>> No.16687101
File: 215 KB, 1440x778, 20191228_204308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fed doesnt just print money to fund welfare programs or whatever. Holy shit, imagine being this retarded
>He doesn't know
I know you're not from this board fuck off nigger.
>How the fuck is vat inflation? ;)
>this fucker doesnt even know what inflation is.
See pic related, a VAT is literally an inflation tax since the dollar is worth less because purchasing power isn't what it would be without it.
>Explain what vat taxes are :). I want to see if you even know how the fuck they work :). Dont copy and paste the definition. Tell me in your words. This should be good :)
If there is a 10% VAT on a good that is 100 dollars then it will be worth 110 dollars instead, meaning that the actual good is the same but the amount of money needed to buy it is more aka the dollar loses purchasing power.
If you're baiting atleast be smart about it

>> No.16687134
File: 395 KB, 1242x789, C6CD1A1A-BC56-4639-9203-7205153B692E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>See pic related, a VAT is literally an inflation tax since the dollar
All you did was google the word "inflation".

Holy shit....

> If there is a 10% VAT on a good that is 100 dollars then it will be worth 110 dollars instead, meaning that the actual good is the same but the amount of money needed to buy it is more aka the dollar loses purchasing power.
>If you're baiting atleast be smart about it
pic related, faggot

>> No.16687154

also, what you dont understand is ubi would make up for the price increases. In other words, more buying power, dumbass

>> No.16687187

Humans can have worth (potential), but they don't have intrinsic worth. Gold has intrinsic worth. A car has intrinsic worth.

But the actual intrinsic worth of someone is 0, because that person can make choices that makes them worthless. Even a slave has intrinsic worth since they don't have freedom - they have some nonzero value in the worst case scenario. Random people on the street, in the worst case scenario, have zero value to me (or worse). Not a psychopath

>> No.16687206

>All you did was google the word "inflation"
And you googled "VAT inflation", stop being a fucking faggot. This semantics bullshit is useless, at the end of the day if your only idea of inflation is "MORE MONEY PRINTED" you're a fucking moron.
Example: I live in California where gasoline is like 5 bucks a gallon and I have to drive to get my shit. Compare that in Tennessee where it's like 2.50 a gallon. Even though we have the same currency, the purchasing power in my state is less when I buy gasoline because of it's price. Normally that would mean I have a better product to compensate for the higher price, but we have a VAT on gasoline that makes the overall standard of living worse.
>pic related moron
Impeccable hypocrisy, nigger.

>> No.16687211

I'm a software developer, mostly reactjs and microservices type of work, recently doing cache design/research.

>> No.16687218

thats not nice =(
how would you like if everybody felt the same way about everyone else, especially you & your mother and treated you like a whore? God or whatever higher power that may be out there must laugh everytime when someone has taste of power and lack of regard for those at the receiving end, that literally makes you a nigger more than anything else.

>> No.16687230

>also, what you dont understand is ubi would make up for the price increases. In other words, more buying power, dumbass
Then what would be the point of the VAT for the middle class? I understand his reasoning that a VAT would be harder to avoid (which is bullshit considering corporations can produce goods where the VAT does not exist or is lower), but at some point paying a 10% VAT on shit for an entire month is easily more than the 1000 you'd get a month.
If he really gave a shit then he'd propose a 0% income tax on anyone making below 6 figures, but he doesn't have the balls to since he's already an anti establishment candidate.

>> No.16687308

>which is bullshit considering corporations can produce goods where the VAT does not exist or is lower
The fuck? You cant "dodge" business transactions.
> Then what would be the point of the VAT for the middle class?
What the fuck do you mean? More buying power??
> but at some point paying a 10% VAT on shit for an entire month is easily more than the 1000 you'd get a month.
He doesnt want to implement it on everything. For instance, he wont implement it when people buy diapers so some items are exempt.
> If he really gave a shit then he'd propose a 0% income tax on anyone making below 6 figures
and what candidate will? Also, chances are some things are easier to pass than others.

>> No.16687365

>And you googled "VAT inflation", stop being a fucking faggot.
ya because what I googled was actually on topic and wasnt some random ass thing like what you did.
> at the end of the day if your only idea of inflation is "MORE MONEY PRINTED" you're a fucking moron.
Down syndrome. Do you not comprehend what buying power is?
> Impeccable hypocrisy, nigger.
not hypocrisy as I wasnt judging you based on you googling. I was judging based on you simply googling "inflation" instead of actually tying it to vat because you knew it wasnt going to show the results you wanted, dumbass retard. I judged you based on how you were being disingenuous, faggot

>> No.16687377

we dont get to the other side of it without massive amounts of redistribution retard

>> No.16687384

I guess you're worthless too because there's always someone better.

>> No.16687420

>The fuck? You cant "dodge" business transactions.
If you're in another country you can, which I'm pretty sure I mentioned.
>What the fuck do you mean? More buying power?
VAT would not add more power to the dollar, what the fuck are you talking about?
>He doesnt want to implement it on everything. For instance, he wont implement it when people buy diapers so some items are exempt.
That wouldn't matter, that implies people would buy the same things in the same amounts on the things that do have a VAT (spoiler they wouldn't)
>and what candidate will? Also, chances are some things are easier to pass than others.
Probably no candidate, although they all should. I can also guarantee you in the event of a Yang presidency the even Democrats will never let Yang pass the UBI considering how much he's bitched about how they screwed him over.

>> No.16687438

PLA backed spy paid for and approved by PLA, working within the democrats on a bribe

Not really i think

>> No.16687443

Dude gtfo biz

>> No.16687450

>ya because what I googled was actually on topic and wasnt some random ass thing like what you did
Kill yourself, I don't give a shit about what the kikes at Avalara say about fucking inflation. It's like referencing a fucking dumbass nutritionist as to why veganism is good for you.
>Do you not comprehend what buying power is?
Yeah, but you didn't counter the point where I used an example of a VAT stifling buying power because you're just bullshitting and pushing a dead meme aka Andrew Yang.

>> No.16687462

>He also thinks stocks doing good = economy doing good
>He doesn't own stocks
Look at the fucking newfag who doesn't own stocks

>> No.16687463

> If you're in another country you can, which I'm pretty sure I mentioned.
most business transactions would be not be avoided
> VAT would not add more power to the dollar, what the fuck are you talking about?
>to the dollar
when the fuck did I say that? Im saying the individual would have more buying power, brainlet
> That wouldn't matter, that implies people would buy the same things in the same amounts on the things that do have a VAT (spoiler they wouldn't)
Reword that. I cant make sense out of that sentence. "buy same thing in the same amounts on the things that have vat" . Huh? I am saying common things probably wouldnt have a vat added to them. Yang is probably targeting things that are more common among profitable industries (i.e. when companies buy products usually tailored made for them such as software).
> Democrats will never let Yang pass the UBI considering how much he's bitched about how they screwed him over.
This is weird speculation. "Guaranteed" my ass.

>> No.16687472

Gonna cry because I don't like that incompetent dumbass?

>> No.16687484

Yang is a fucking idiot
If you don’t believe me go watch the latest h3h3 podcast with him on it.

>> No.16687485

>Kill yourself, I don't give a shit about what the kikes at Avalara say about fucking inflation. It's like referencing a fucking dumbass nutritionist as to why veganism is good for you.
In other words being disingenuous is a good thing. Shit the fuck up, retard. Kill yourself, pseudo intellect. Dunning kruger effect. Look it up. Its you.

>Yeah, but you didn't counter the point where I used an example of a VAT stifling buying power because you're just bullshitting and pushing a dead meme aka Andrew Yang.
I did counter it :). I said not everything will have a bat tax implemented to it such as diapers :). Kek imagine blatantly ignoring what I said.

enjoy your bubble. Stocks are overvalued

>> No.16687492

could you be more specific, dumbfuck? At least timestamp so you dont look retarded

>> No.16687493
File: 46 KB, 530x665, 1576729835731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Value is subjective. Tax parasites worth to me is negative.

>> No.16687507

this is why im all in bitcoin

>> No.16687518
File: 1003 KB, 218x228, 1563459995556.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>give 1 k back
>take it through taxes
Is this how it will go or am I retarded?

>> No.16687526

There literally wouldnt be a point to it if it resulted in breaking even or less buying power.

>> No.16687527

The point would be to get your vote.

>> No.16687552

Yes, mostly as slaves to keep the system running for fully actualized/conscious humans to enjoy.

>> No.16687555
File: 223 KB, 674x353, 1574629528916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if there was benefit to some, stealing would still be nigger tier behaviour.

>> No.16687571

Im saying the point to the ubi itself. The way I see it, this country is already fucked anyways and yet retarded ideas like QE and "trinkle down economics" are tried and fail.
Might as well try this one as it actually sounds promising considering it is basically extra income. The 1k itself also isnt taxed either fyi. It is counted for your overall yearly income however. I also doubt common goods will have a vat implemented as yang noted some things would be exempt. It also makes more sense than raising the minimum wage (unless only big corporations are targeted) due to how lost jobs come from small businesses and small businesses can barely stay afloat as is (meaning if a minimum wage was forced on them, less small businesses would form creating even more economic unrest).

>> No.16687575


>> No.16687588

>I also doubt common goods will have a vat implemented as yang noted some things would be exe

yeah i'm guessing you're not over 20 and if you are holy fuck

>> No.16687630

>yeah i'm guessing you're not over 20 and if you are holy fuck
do you always argue like a retard? What does what I said have to do with my age? Secondly, Im not guessing out of thin air. I make my assumption based on what yang has said which is some items would be exempt

Holy shit, imagine being this fucking stupid

>> No.16687645

t. seething 18 year old yangtard

presidents never follow through. you are not going to get over, you're going to get more taxes that YOU end up paying you fucking idiot

same as it ever was

>> No.16687665

>duuur Im making stuff up and stating them as a fact
>im right cuz I sai so! Lol stay mad, kid
>they never follow through! Everything is a loe unless I say otherwise
Holy crap, biz has been infested with down syndrome retards. Shut the fuck up, projecting faggot. Only kid I see here is you. You argue like a dumbass.

>> No.16687984

You literally have no idea how economics works. Congrats. Speaking to you any further will achieve nothing since you are already committed to your low iq msnbc and Stephen Colbert opinions. You’re wrong so just do some research to find out why.

>> No.16687994

its already toilet paper, but only the central bank knows that

>> No.16688001

arguably correct. only people and land have intrinsic value.

>> No.16688005

>Pseudo intellect

You’re the pseudo intellect here. Just because you read buzzfeed and huffpo doesn’t make you smarter than every else. Get it through your head you are WRONG on economics. If $1000 would work why not make it $10,000 or $100,000. That chink picked an arbitrary number to low intelligent poor individuals like yourself who can only see things face value so you’ll vote for him. Stop name calling you’re in no position to do so.

>> No.16688009

Gonna vote for this guy, Yang 2020.

>> No.16688018

Your argument is shit.
>you dont know nuffin!
>i aint sayin!
shut the fuck up with your childish arguments

> If $1000 would work why not make it $10,000 or $100,000.
ya it was arbitrary and I dont believe it should be some "set number" either as even alaska has it vary based on variables. With that said, how does him picking a random number mean ubi cant work at all?

Again, pseudo intellect. Youre an idiot

>> No.16688024

It’s not full blown toilet paper yet because like the other fuck face doesn’t understand is the reason the Fed was able to print trillions and not cause massive inflation was because earnings was low while taxes were high aka the money was not circulated into the population causing rising prices. It just stayed on corporate/bank balance sheets and bank accounts. Once that fiat gets circulated into the GP via massive welfare programs it will cause all that inflation to come to fruition. Even the retarded kikes at the Fed didn’t know exactly what would happen from doing this. I suggest the yellow faggot pick up a book and read up on those who foresaw the financial crisis’s of 2000 and 2008 and can thoroughly explain everything in accurate and comprehension-able detail. Preferably from a coloring book so it’s easier for him to understand.

>> No.16688025

>it can work in alaska but it cant work in the u.s. cuz I sai so!!!!! U dont know economics! Ignore alaska!!!
Seriously. Retardation incarnate

>> No.16688038
File: 535 KB, 1242x1499, E606652E-4120-4D5C-B25C-E51E92942785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Once that fiat gets circulated into the GP via massive welfare programs it will cause all that inflation to come to fruition
that money isnt going to be circulated into welfare programs, economic illiterate dumb bitch. It has already gone into stocks. Stop talking out of your ass. Graph in pic related, pseudo intellect

>> No.16688043

Also, you talk out of your ass a lot. "da trillions printed will just go to welfare programs". Holy shitZ What a mother fucking dumbass

>> No.16688053

Cmon, faggot. Respond with more bullshit pseudo intellect logic and assumptions out of your ass again.
> pick up a book and read up on those who foresaw the financial crisis’s of 2000 and 2008
have YOU ever even read a book in your life :)?

>> No.16688067

Alaska uses a different model and it’s much different and easier to handle on a state level then on a federal level. If you haven’t noticed already the United States is already running trillion dollar a year deficits. I’m assuming Alaska is in decent fiscal shape. Yang talks about taxing big tech companies which together the top 5 Apple amazon google Facebook and Microsoft earned $800 billion in 2018. Thats EARNINGS. That’s after they’ve paid almost 0 in taxes so imagine taxing them 100% there’s still $2.4 trillion left to pay a year from yangs $3.2 trillion a year ubi idea. Now let’s talk about what I mentioned which is the problem of inflation. Read a book, read Fed statements and research yourself from
Non liberal owned sites like buzzfeed huffpo Vox and all the other socialist propaganda sites.

>> No.16688072

I guess UBI is not a welfare program infant...

>> No.16688082

based response

>> No.16688083

What caused the 08 housing crisis

>> No.16688092

Are you implying organ harvesting OP?

>> No.16688102
File: 37 KB, 640x480, CC07E036-E690-4A87-9E89-8501D1CE7DBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16688104

Well obviously. What kind of definition of the word value from a human perspective would not include humans themselves?

>> No.16688116

>That’s after they’ve paid almost 0 in taxes so imagine taxing them 100% there’s still $2.4 trillion left to pay a year from yangs $3.2 trillion a year ubi idea.

1. Vat tax isnt the only way he plans to fund it 2. you just mentioned the top 5.

Its not and even if it were, the fed printing money has nothing to do with ubi. That money never even fucking circulates into the economy. It just goes into shit like stocks.

The crash was caused by people defaulting on payments. Central banks were too lenient with their lending. Whats your point?

>> No.16688121

Nice selfie, faggot

>> No.16688494

Since value is something a person gives to something, it can never be intrinsic. It would be a contradiction in terms.
Anyway, keep dancing for that "free" $1000 per month little monkey. Ngmi.