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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16686154 No.16686154 [Reply] [Original]

Itugen - Luxembourg based anonymous voting mainnet

2 South African banks with central bank backing.

SARB central bank digital currency project

Banks in eastern europe and the Middle East

Afghan government medical supply chain

Seed group UAE

Binance interoperability partnership

Xar Network defi platform

Collaboration with Open Market and MyConstant

ChekkitApp, Lightency, and HouseAfrica

Workchain launching on OPERA




Stay poor biz. Don’t buy. The /biz/ way.

>> No.16686165
File: 201 KB, 1299x856, TRTAYH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*ring ring*

sir, gains are calling

>> No.16686175

mainnet is a fork of ethereum lol

>> No.16686189

Denny Daggins is a pajeet scumbag working for Satsgang. He pumps and dumps all Satsgang projects and is part of their online spam group.
He has admitted to this on multiple occasions. He does the same thing for Satsgang in all their scam threads.

He blames all FUD on one-two people. He uses this Raphael sandnigger because as an indian (a very dirty stinky indian) so he hates pakis.
This piece of shit scammed the DAG community and help Satsgang manipulate their token to the point nobody can sell. All the volume is fake and buy/sell walls are fully owned by Satsgang.
He is trash, he is personal friends of the piece of shit scumbag DAG CEO. He is paid to be here, he does not give a fuck about facts or logic, he has only one job. Troll the fuck out of anyone exposing the Satsgang scam. He defends them to the death and will do anything to switch the subject. He is by all means the worst poster on biz and a complete lunatic.
If Karma is a real thing, Denny Da Rocket will be eaten alive by rats while getting fucked up his ass with a baseball bat made of glass shards while watching Pakistan win the world cup of cricket or whatever stupid fucking game they play in dirtbagistan.

>> No.16686204

how many to actually make it?
t. 150k
>buying into the shitty fud
this is why is /biz/ trash now

>> No.16686283

It will be $10 by eoy 2020. Do the math

>> No.16686314

I have a 20k bag that I just bought with all leftovers I had. I wont stake it because I think I'll make more. Think about it, after the 6month period of stake tokens locked people are going to want to dump their bags so I'll dump a month earlier and buy back after the dump. Logical?
Laughing out loud!

>> No.16686328

what is satsgang?

>> No.16686428

Congrats you’re a retard

>> No.16686438

Fuck off sanjeev

>> No.16686453
File: 1.54 MB, 3024x4032, 67FEE2B9-A88B-46AA-8DB6-324D72B85742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except I’m white

>> No.16686489

No one believes you Rajkumarjeet

>> No.16686546

No your mom is

>> No.16686607

>shows fapping hand with skin rubbed off. Holykek!

>> No.16686759

that's the hand of a man who lifts heavy weights you skinny fat virgin.

>> No.16686961

based and /fit/pilled

>> No.16686996

Report this mentally insane garbage, this moron is spamming this utter nonsense in every thread. Try to substantiate your claims pajeet. Go on. Let's see how unbelievable retarded you are.

>> No.16687145
File: 106 KB, 600x492, FTM scammers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone "investing" in Fantom deserves to lose his money. This is an OBVIOUS scam and Ponzi scheme. Fantom chink team exit scammed long time ago. Scammer Andy replaced them with Russian temp devs so the scammers would still have some kind of "product" and "devolopment" in order to dump on low IQ investors. Fantom promised a 300K dag with smart contracts. Everyone with tech insight knew that was impossible due to the rubbish tech solutions in the white paper.

So when Fantom scammers delivered their utter garbage product, a fork of Ethereum Virtual Machine with some dag like garbage on top of it, even the most deluded Fantom bagholders would normally have seen something was wrong and start to dump. What the Fantom scammer team did to prolong the scam was to introduce a classic Ponzi scheme with absurd ROI that is unsustainable.
But they don't care about that, as it all is designed to attract short term money so they can dump for a couple of months and then complete the exit scam. There is no working product, the "partnerships" are either paid for, mostly in corrupt third world countries or just fabrications. Bitconnect also faked a partnership with Visa, paid for partnership and positive editorials. Fantom is doing the same thing. Their tech is utter shit and there will be no magical "packaging" of transactions, insane claim, so Fantom suddenly and magickaly can get high TPS. This is the sad reality:

Michael Chen did a similar scam earlier on, as a warning for everyone to see. This Fantom scam is just as obvious as Bitconnect were. Here:

More about why Fantom is a scam here:

>> No.16688033

Satsgang shill detected

>> No.16688055

It's all in your head, you are raving delusional. Satsgang is a small group of amateur investors. Are you the gay pedo-paki or nuts that-martini-guy from YT?

>> No.16688069

Have sex Danny

>> No.16688089

not a single point addressing the tech, gtfo

>> No.16688094
File: 32 KB, 640x640, 1561378575411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abusing your vpn again? I am not Denny and you know it. You have no clue who I am, so you have to call me Denny. Back to your gay inter-racial porn pedo-paki Raphael.

>> No.16688196

Denny Daggins the Satsgang shill wants us all to know its just a small group not a big one so dont worry. KeK this is sad.

>> No.16688205

it's way different PoS w/staking is fucking lucrative. try it or don't.

>> No.16688254

Take out your dildo and start to think Raphael. You paranoid paki-pedo psycho believe that "satsgang" is in every thread and that they are behind every crypto market and they are the reason why you lost all your money when you panic sold DAG, however, when fact is that they are just a very small group, then your absurd notion becomes insane. That's the point, but you are clearly too stupid/low IQ to understand it.

>> No.16688702

read your blog post. honestly FRM looks better in every way.

I'll be at your marketcap after a 20x. Enjoy buying late.