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16677099 No.16677099 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone on here thought about suicide? I always couldnt imagine how people could even consider it and fast forward 24 years old, i can completely understand it. Im tired and just anxious of my depression getting worse. What a brutal cruel world this is.

>> No.16677126

Every morning and evening.

>> No.16677135

shut the fuck up

>> No.16677172

25 here. Last summer I was literally hours away from putting a .45 through my brainstem before my sister found the gun in my desk. I had taken a hiatus from school to work and when I went back to finish school I wasn’t able to thrive like I did before and started failing classes. My parents were fairly unaware of how bad my downward spiral had gotten and I ended up in a position where there was no path forward I felt I could bear to take. I’m not suicidal anymore but I can still understand the allure of suicide when you feel cornered or when it all feels hopeless.

>> No.16677179
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i have but i realized the result of it could be worse. if reincarnation is real which is extremely likely due to the fact that the particles that make up your body don't really die, you could end up being reborn in a shittier life. due to this realization, i have decided to live as long as possible because our understanding of physics could change someday and im betting on the possibility that i might be able to just go ars nova this shit and never have to see any of you wage cucks ever again

>> No.16677185

Shouldnt she have a sandwich

>> No.16677250

This. But I keep going for my mother. You need a reason to live otherwise life is going to be very miserable.

>> No.16677352


>> No.16677443

First time I thought about death was when I was 7 or 8. I'd often imagine a plane crushing into my house or me stepping onto a mine and blowing up. Just something that brings close to instant and painless death. Life wasn't that shit back then so Idk why I dreamed of this. Then at age 13 a lot of shit has happened and I also started considering suicide. Since then it was on and off (mostly on), I'm kinda getting more mature and tolerable to pain but life's always a step forward and keeps inventing new shit to throw at me. Currently I'm doing worst in my life, but much better than few months ago. At least now I've learned to look forward for something. The dreams of me dead barely visit me in the last few months. Please OP, just push yourself through it and fix whatever needs to be fixed in your life. Wishing you all the best

>> No.16677504

At one point you just stop caring about the fact that you're alive and you either go into a low-power state or you decide to throw yourself against the wall until it breaks because there's zero downsides
I wish I could dip into my old self for just a minute to see why I felt so sad all the time, but the reality is that it is no longer possible and I simply, cue up the LP music, don't feel anything anymore. I just "exist" and there's nothing in it to be sad or happy about, just a neutral passive existence. Hopefully this makes some sense but it probably won't until you reach this point yourself.

>> No.16677509


>> No.16677557

Imoto Ayako

>> No.16677565


>> No.16677608
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>You will never be stabbed or shot to death so you won't have to deal with the pressure of killing yourself

>> No.16677642
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>> No.16677650
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I have after seeing this slant eyed insectoid.

>> No.16677715

Shit OP want the truth ? This is why i CC, like no shit. The comfort of knowing at any moment anytime i want i can reach into my waist and off myself is a great fucking feeling... literally opens your mind knowing you could potentially be seconds from death everyday..like: yeah i defenitly CC to protect my shit from feral packs of niggers in the wilds of chicago. But also incase i just snap.. some dude cuts me off and flips me off(as happens daily) id just walk up to him at a red light and shoot him multiple times in the gut while asking him if he feels smart now for cutting off a random person. Then id just off myself on the spot. Hopefully with a BUNCH of bystanders and moms with their kids watching.. because fuck it man.. this worlds a joke and your the punchline for assholes like me.

I upgraded my carry ammo recently toom. Using 230gr hotloaded buffalo bore JHP rounds.. literally designed to kill a buffalo. Fat fucking americans or starving niggers alike have no chance vs this shit.

Its comforting. HONK HONK

>> No.16677807
File: 38 KB, 500x610, 104AABB8-354D-47AE-B7A7-66D6D9386D5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don’t you go out there into the cruel world and do something gracious and help another individual, it’ll make them feel better and make you feel better too.

>> No.16677823

Are you retarded? How do you expect someone who wants to kill himself to be able to help anyone? God you fucking normgroids are so stupid.

>> No.16677826
File: 31 KB, 500x485, 3924088B-D4AF-485D-8DA9-2F04DC9BF4D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t be a pussy

>> No.16677830

our brains aren't designed to live in the world we've created for ourselves. We aren't meant to be stimulated 24/7 via the internet, we aren't meant to be sedentary, we aren't meant to be around so many other humans each day or have so many conversations and/or arguments.

Think of your "life force" as a pie cut into 8 equal slices. You need the pie to live, but you know that one of those slices is infected with something that will kill you given enough time. You're not sure which slice it is, but it must be removed before it's too late.

Start making changes to your life, remove those slices.
>get more exercise
>spend less time on social media, 4chan, reddit, youtube, internet in general
>this includes your smart phone, put it down
>make stark changes in your day-to-day; essentially flip the table upside down. If you don't spend much time outside, start going outside now. If you don't socialize much, start socializing a little more.
>Find some routine in your life. Even if it's something small, start making promises to yourself. "I will go outside for at least 5 whole minutes today", or "I will clean up the dirty laundry on my bedroom floor each week", or "I will make my bed every day", stuff like that, it might sound retarded, but it really helps to do this stuff so you get a sense of success and completion in some small way each day.

If you need help there are people to talk to. Just realize that this isn't a problem with you, but a problem with our society. There's a reason suicide rates are going through the roof especially for young men. Don't become a statistic, you can find a way to beat this.

>> No.16677838

Havent coomed since Halloween. Man is she hot. I miss being in Japan. All I have now is Midwest EatBeasts

>> No.16677840

Are you retarded kike?

>> No.16677849

Answer the question.

>> No.16677862

Just because some blind starving nigger baby in congo is being eaten alive by worms wont make my situatuon any better or make me feel better. faggot.

>> No.16677932

ya I've never been a fan of this take...
>"someone has it worse than you do so you have no reason to feel bad"

We're all slaves to our own subjectivity. We only see the world through our own eyes, for better or worse, and suffer in our own ways regardless of how others may or may not be suffering.

There's plenty of people living in dirt poor countries making $5/day and who are as happy as could be in their own subjective way. And then there are millionaire television stars who are miserable and depressed.

>> No.16677965

It is statistically proven that rich people are happier than poorfags. Shove your cliches about depressed rich people up your ass.

>> No.16677975


>> No.16677976

Yeah as a meme I guess

Never seriously. This reality is just too funny and there's too much to do.

Even if I had to quit my job, move in with parents and day dream all day. I don't give a fuck

Just lol at people who suicide when there's so much anime to watch

>> No.16677991

>anime to watch
wish i was a brainless npc to enjoy this

>> No.16678001

Wow such edgy. Watch out we got a neckbeard over here.

Do some press ups fatty maybe you won't have so much negative energy :^)

>> No.16678005
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Only to a point, and only within the same economic region. If you're living in Los Angeles, California making $25,000/year you're going to have a bad time compared to someone making $120,000/year. Of course it's going to have an impact on your mental health because you have more financial stress — worrying how you're going to pay rent this month is a serious problem.

That's not what I was saying though — someone in a dirt poor country who has a place to live and food to eat might still be subjectively happy, whereas we know of plenty of cases where famous celebrities have suicided because they were miserable despite being rich and famous.

>> No.16678012

/biz/ doesnt contemplate suicide... /biz/ just commits suicide after the crypto steak ends and the bills pile up

fun fact thats why it was better in 2016 and even 2017. after about 3 years you ran out of tards to exploit... soon it will be your turn for dirty talks behind abandoned applebees dumpsters so you can pay the rent...muhuauhahahahahahahahaha. i have a wad of 1s i will use and it will not be sufficient to pay for the anal sex

>> No.16678021

Back in 2008 I tried killing myself not once but twice...if I had access to a gun I definitely would've done the Supreme Gentleman but instead I just took many pills..ALOT...100 vicodin and 50 xanax then the second time 100 soma and about fifty vicodin...my body was so opioid addicted I didn't die, just spent some time in the ICU shitting my brains out for days, followed by commitment to the psych ward, first time for a week then the second time for 2 months. But I legit wanted to end it for sure...
Things are better now but I actually had a talk with God and I agreed to die naturally (for the sake of the children).

>> No.16678027

If you are to full of yourself and what normalfag NPCs think about you then you won't enjoy anything

>> No.16678147

Like this.. straight up, if you ever said that phrase shit irl- it would be beta cringe as fuck. But no lie: id break your kneecaps just to prove a point. I fucking wish oneday some sperg from the chans would say this shit unironically. One day maybe youll realize the worlds not filled with nice people. Ive come to become one of them.

>> No.16678185


>But I keep going for my mother. You need a reason to live otherwise life is going to be very miserable.

but you have a reason to live, and you still have a miserable life. your reason to live is really just a trap, right?

>> No.16678188

(((statistically proven)))

>> No.16678196


>> No.16678350

That is a fine gap.

>> No.16678363

I always said that I would kill myself if I ended up poor. But now, things are looking worse and worse for me, and the trajectory I'm on does not look good. And I'm thinking about suicide, but now that it's actually coming time to do it, I don't think I'll be able to do it without wussing out.

>> No.16678384

I've always considered suicide from as young as I can remember, like when I was a kid. I thought it was normal and everyone had suicidal ideation. Until I was about 30 and was speaking to someone I would consider being at high risk of killing themselves. They said they'd never considered it ever. Mind was blown. I realised I had a problem.