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File: 14 KB, 300x188, 300px-Wagecuck2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16645613 No.16645613 [Reply] [Original]

dont understand you biz
>I fucking hate being a wage cuck I, how do I cope? I go to work and come home ever day to my miserable life
Also biz
>I fucking hate socialism, why would I want a social safety net that protects me for when my employer fires me without warning after I've been loyal for 5 yrs

You retards know only 10% of the US population makes over 100K? You do realize you're not going to be a millionaire right Anon?

>> No.16645649

Fuck you im gonna become a billionaire

>> No.16645669

Kek, let me know when you make above 100K anon

By the time you'll make a billion you'll be old and crusty just like the rest of them. Or clinically insane zuckburg

>> No.16645689
File: 125 KB, 1024x1024, 1570343734112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Socialism doesn't work with mass immigration and open borders. You'll just end up with hordes of the laziest and poorest third worlders coming and sucking the welfare system dry

>> No.16645702

Then you set restrictions on how they can join the welfare system. If you have 5 yrs work experience and live full time in the US you should qualify.

You act like these issues can't be solved, lol. And sure nothing is perfect, but the current system is beginning to create an oligarchy.

>> No.16645798

Idk how it works in the states, but here the rich already pay upwards of like 50% income tax, middle class pay high taxes too. Immigrants just come here have 5 kids and then live off welfare and child benefits. Only people truly incapable of working should be given assistance. I agree with socialized medicine though

>> No.16645839

I'm pretty sure you have to be a citizen and have actual citizenship before you get benefits from the US Gov't. But as I mentioned I think these things can be solved with better legislation. Also in the states we currently have the strictest immigration rules.

Billionaires pay 40% here, so do billion dollar companies. But of course there are tax loop holes: off shore accounts, tax write offs, ect.

>> No.16645856

>set restrictions
>still let tens of millions enter country to steal resources
>letting them stay
are you pretending?

>> No.16645887

What resources dumb fuck? They come in, get a job, spend money from that job on US companies and overall increase the economy. Fuck you are dumb as fuck

>> No.16646005

>I'm pretty sure you have to be a citizen and have actual citizenship before you get benefits from the US Gov't

Illegals are being given driver's licenses in some states like New York. They absolutely get benefits for just being lazy niggers.

>> No.16646019
File: 224 KB, 640x1106, Watts_–_Mammon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh you do realize immigration only benefits the wealthy business owners and corporations right? Immigrants work for smaller salaries and create so much competition in the job market. It gives all the power to the businesses and allows them to offer such shit wages. Even Bernie Sanders talks about this, he called open borders a Koch brothers policy

>> No.16646062

> I'm pretty sure you have to be a citizen and have actual citizenship before you get benefits from the US Gov't
Get a load of this guy lmao.

>> No.16646095

You turbo moron. Do you know what relates to "resources*"?
Not your green goy paper. They consume food, water, energy, infrastructure etc. Just call in more and more and your country turns into arid desert, without electricity, with only water being full of shit and rotting corpses like ganges

>> No.16646097

Based neet

>> No.16646103

Hahahaha does he actually believe this

>> No.16646110
File: 57 KB, 620x670, 1461676860928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Socialism=Social Safety Nets

>> No.16646129
File: 765 KB, 350x249, 1568393965827.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You do realize you're not going to be a millionaire right Anon?

>> No.16646145

we already have socialism, zoomer. what you want is going to end with us eating bugs and living in cuck sheds

>> No.16646148

Socialism means EVERYONE is a wagecuck with no escape

>> No.16646193
File: 150 KB, 880x836, 395-3954929_12275762-ahem-fuck-niggers-and-fuck-jannies-clipart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bruh you do realize immigration only benefits the wealthy business owners and corporations right?
Bullshit, politicians love immigrants because they're new votes for the Democrats and they can virtue signal as hard as they can.
>Immigrants work for smaller salaries and create so much competition in the job market.
Also bullshit, every spic I have worked with, and I lived in California, made similar levels of money that I did. They earn less because they're not white collar workers and have lower IQs. Do they start off with less of a pay? Absolutely, but it's raised because the migrants I've seen manage to get a higher pay, as in a regular wage. They're not working 80 hours a week for pennies, it's bullshit for most of them.
>Even Bernie Sanders talks about this, he called open borders a Koch brothers policy
Not anymore, kek. Every politician agreed on immigration because they wanted to look good for the working class, but it changed because it was easier to appeal to the migrants themselves.

>> No.16646212

This, unironically.

>> No.16646691

You a top 20 PNK wallet too?