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16632228 No.16632228 [Reply] [Original]

Remind me again why we dont eat the rich?

>> No.16632239

Because I'd rather eat McDonald's. Thanks capitalism!

>> No.16632241

Because if you did, you would then starve,

>> No.16632243

because the original satire was "eat the poor" and in defense of the poor, so by saying "eat the rich" you are by implication defending the rich

>> No.16632263

get a job faggot

>> No.16632266

>buy the dip
Time to buy some MCD!

>> No.16632275
File: 589 KB, 576x768, Wagie Pledge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That headline's a lie. How can McDonald's kill McDonald's?

>> No.16632280

Because that's just a term liberals say to fit in and find someone to blame for their problems, without actually doing anything. It's a nothing statement.

>> No.16632283

>an accident happens
is this seriously how your brain works?

>> No.16632310

Yes.. Op probably orders on Amazon 20 times a year, has an iPhone, and s a rebel here... but it isn't even worth teaching him.. they are all plebs.

>> No.16632352

From the pic it seems that the soda machine has failed, not capitalism

>> No.16632359

Lol OP just think of how mad the system makes you and how long you'll live under it, then remember it will remain eternal never to be reppaced by whatever semen based economy you would prefer instead.

>> No.16632364

Based & nice id

>> No.16632420

Bootlickers >>16632359

>> No.16632437


Oh? You included me too? How funny.
Le me tell you this.... I love licking my own boots

>> No.16632441
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There is no cope for you, only the seethe.

>> No.16632459

You can try but someone will always rise to the top while others sink to the bottom. The bottom dwellers envy and loathe the rich and the rich have to keep the poor under control, if they fail to do so they will be overthrown and the cycle repeats. There is no morality at play, just dynamics of power.

>> No.16632466

LMAO how can people die to a soda machine


Your ancestors fought mammoths, conquistadors, and christians. You died to a soda machine.

>> No.16632467

i licked boots and then retired early, feels good man

>> No.16632481

capitalism is a force of nature. communist kikes claim they can centrally plan and tame it just like they claim to be able to centrally plan the climate. they are lying bolsheviks telling you lies that you desperately want to hear so you feel a swell of cuckolded pride as you surrender mind, body and spirit into eternal slavery

>> No.16632491

Let me guess, your favourite band is full of anarchists?

>> No.16632517
File: 14 KB, 183x177, 20191208_161353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather lick boots than suck dick.

>> No.16632533

No, anon, I wear the boots that get licked.

>> No.16632544

Why is it that people who unironically use the term "bootlickers" tend to be the most pathetic and subservient class of society, usually having jobs on par with actually licking boots?

>> No.16632562

Conquistadors pumped inhuman amounts of semen into the prettiest girls of the new world to the point that today so much of their DNA is made of white semen that they are legally white and living in Europe or North America as whites, leaving only the subhuman trash in Peru. This happens in any society when outside invaders come in. After some hundreds of years, the people who did not get pumped with invader semen were only the ugly, inferior ones, left to rot as the whites go back to Europe and now instead of conquering via semen, they do via holding companies based in Seychelles that just manage their plantations in Peru.

>> No.16632673
File: 1.88 MB, 1536x2048, Screenshot_20191222-115353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peruvianchad here, the 2 retards cleaned the machine without unplugging the cable.

>> No.16632702


No you don't.

>> No.16632766

no one hear can read taco

>> No.16632778


>> No.16632807

perhaps your mutt cousin can read it for you

>> No.16632879

>only speaks one language
low iq

>> No.16632887

Kek based

>> No.16632921
File: 58 KB, 720x523, CDgZs2m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16632978

as with most accusations of poor moral character, the answer is projection.

>> No.16632989


This meme actually is really good. And true. All these rebels. Plus GRETA and so on.. all bullshit. We need it. we need it all. As human beings, as working western societies, as people. We could survive a different way. But who really wants to?

>> No.16632995


>> No.16633019

"if you hate murderers you must be a murderer"

>> No.16633123

You're missing the point. The point is that retards criticize "capitalism" without understanding what it is that they are criticizing. They don't actually want anything to change, they just think they do.

>> No.16633168


>> No.16633200

The rich will eat you before you eating the rich.

>> No.16633578
File: 26 KB, 960x640, 1_-BwLn23hKYfdzBxHs_YYug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cause arguing for actively murdering all people who own stuff, indifferent of how they got or used that wealth under capitalism, including those that used it to further leftist causes, instead of - idk - just taking it away and equally sharing it, is what turns most people away from leftist ideas. Most people aren't into murder & torture, inckuding most of the working class.

Yo tankies are what destroys leftism. Peoples wrong conception of socialism already is that it would lead to ultra violence, murder, torture, and for all intents and purposes concentration camps, and your answer is "haha, let's eat people and gulag the rest" dreaming of an utopist revolution that never will ever happen with current rates of support for far left ideas, while condeming all actual betterments in workers life with your stupid "all Reform(ism) is bad and voting is being a class traitor" BS.

Get fucked.

>> No.16633582

because you miss and eat your comrades every time,

the rich have you deluded so you can’t see what wealth actually looks like.


join Minecraft server,

figure out who is rich... good luck

>> No.16633605

its funny because you can’t know

>> No.16633620


if only you knew ;D

>> No.16633625

2iq schizo

>> No.16633793


Listen to me faggot. Listen good. >>16633605
is not me. Plus, he should be grateful I even answer. No Schizo bullshit.

>> No.16634047
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>> No.16634073

No, the point is if you go around accusing everyone and their mother of something and saying how awful it is, maybe it's because you're covering for yourself. Think of that televangelist that got caught with a gay prostitute, despite constantly rambling about gays.

>> No.16634096

I think if college was free, the standards would be lowered and a BS (or maybe just AS) would become the new High School Diploma, and graduate degrees would be the new undergrad degrees.

>> No.16634107
File: 137 KB, 807x404, varg-vikernes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the end we are forced to work under a system that doesn't give a shit about you and work to gain profits for people who are bringing in more immigrants who hate white culture for more labour.
Sooner people stop paying taxes and everything collapses the better.

>> No.16634118

it's more like "free college for on-whites coupled with extremely low standards for graduation due to giving free college to retarded non-whites" is a bad thing.

>> No.16634128

>Sooner people stop paying taxes and everything collapses the better.
I agree, but I don't think it would ever happen. It would have to be organized on such a massive scale, I don't think the logistics would be possible. Given that the "system" would fight it in every way it can.

>> No.16634151

Because we aren't cannibals and this isn't 1930s Soviet Union.

>> No.16634205
File: 71 KB, 792x960, 95bhhodn8m921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren't on top just because others are still below you

>> No.16634206

At least we can be chads and say we didn't pay our taxes to kikes.

>> No.16634240

>asylum seeker


>> No.16634249

cope wagie. time to go back to the cagie

>> No.16634301

>Watch out, the asylum seeker is gonna rape you
>seriously, keep an eye on him

>> No.16634331
File: 100 KB, 1080x1080, io6hpayy4q121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wording is cringe desu but the comparison is still valid

>> No.16634336
File: 133 KB, 675x534, 1574535040898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that filename
>that image
go back

>> No.16634349

>why we dont eat the rich?
They don't bathe very often, they just immerse themselves in Axe and pussy juice and call it a day.

>> No.16634351
File: 40 KB, 640x466, 4yapdo37tml31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back where? i just found the pic online

>> No.16634364

>we should improve society somewhat
ironically this vague statement begging for approval is about as much of a contribution as the "end capitalism" losers are capable of. they know that if they actually propose their solutions to things they don't like they get BTFO, so they never fucking do it

>> No.16634395

Because you can't even spell?

>> No.16634465
File: 376 KB, 1500x1000, 1532614645708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you've entered this thread for a reason. perhaps you "really want to make us think" by posting these embarrassing images. now you've got the floor, do you have anything more specific in mind? an actual proposal to deal with the jewish menace and their monopoly over central banking? or is your soul contribution to be these nuggets of reddit shit

>> No.16634594
File: 68 KB, 708x960, 6zh66dsmcb331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just put a whole paragraph into my mouth, dont project stuff on to me so you can more easily argue against me

>> No.16634600

this is why I became the banker
enjoy your cookie :^)

>> No.16634664

A banker, worker, and an asylum seeker are at a table with 20 cookies.

The asylum seeker detonates his semtex vest, killing the banker, worker, 14 other patrons, and pulverizing the cookies into dusty crumbs.

>> No.16634673

you don't have an argument. you "someone must do something" types are all the same. your strategy is to passive aggressively post pictures that might appeal to a 5 year old girl, or vaguely imply that "capitalism" is bad expecting a bunch of nods and smiles, while desperately hoping that no one ever asks you what your proposed solution is, because you don't even understand what you're arguing for or against.

>> No.16634674

Ask any "communist" what their job will be after the revolution, and absolutely none of them will say to you "I will work in the fields".
This is because communists do not desire a workers paradise. They simple desire a chance to re-order society and place themselves closer to the top.
Communists envision themselves as decision makers, managers, party members. They do not see themselves as a communist who will work in the fields, man a garbage truck, or unclog sewer pipes. They want to be the ones to direct others peoples children into lifetime servitude to a society which they sit at the top of. Because they know best (they promise).
No communist wants to be the one doing backbreaking physical labor for years, but they do want to be the one who decides who shoulders that burden.

>> No.16634698

and what, pray tell, the fuck are McDs doing with serf-murdering soda machines? On or off, shouldn't be frying anyone by cleaning, never mind two of them. Lawyer time

>> No.16634700

most people that see themselves as "communists revolutionaries" would be LUCKY to work the fields after their revolution is over.

>> No.16634786

My guess is electrocution.


>Police had said on Monday the two were electrocuted.
It was probably malfunctioning and they tried to take it apart while it was still plugged in or without discharging the capacitor.

>> No.16635110

How am i a "someone must do something" type when ive never claimed to be?
What makes you think id post here to appeal to 5 year old girls?
What am i posting that is vague?
Why cant i recognize when something is wrong if i dont know a solution, in your eyes?

>> No.16635165


take care of this shit

>> No.16635318
