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16613808 No.16613808 [Reply] [Original]

Take a close look, thats all you can do right now. It could be so simple. We know that for sure. XRP

>> No.16613825

What day? How do you know that?

>> No.16613829 [DELETED] 

Free $50.



1. A peer to peer privacy wallet
2. Orchid’s Ethereum token, OXT, as well as the Orchid app and a Web3 wallet
3. Multihop configurations between bandwidth providers

Get in this bitch

>> No.16613834

For the next fifty years, 0.75 ath.


>> No.16614524

:D we will see...

>> No.16614549

Can you give us some targets or dates. I'm tired of saving these owl photos. But they are cool

>> No.16614553

Whenever making an XRP related prophecy or prediction it is imperative to be as vague as possible, better still totally incomprehensible. That way you could argue that when nothing of substance happens it was precisely what your prophecy predicted.

It has worked very well so far, it would be stupid to change it now.

>> No.16614589
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>> No.16614655
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>> No.16614725
File: 1.25 MB, 888x670, 13 декабря.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is one thing I would like to say: In the whole crypto-universe (it doesn't matter what coin we are talking about) there is no SINGLE insider or any "predictions" initiated by a person. Sure, there are wallets (Satoshis for example) that could have a big impact on the market, but that won't happen. What you will continue to experience are
- Bots or Trading Bots
- mining crews
- People who get even richer
- shady Exchanges and their CEOs
- tether and freeloaders

To what extent one puts these puzzle pieces together is up to each individual. I would like to point out one thing, however: The bots must be programmed and maintained. I am not talking about bots that you can download from darknet or file sharing platforms. I'm talking about SaaS-like platforms and other structures that will remain hidden to normal people.

To make a long story short: nobody can give you a precise answer to the "when" question, even if they claim to. The "when" depends on a lot of data that is influenced by a few. Based on pure mathematics and a sum of information, the next steps are planned. And these steps are complicated. Complicated but very profitable.

>> No.16614732
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>> No.16614840

so to sum it all up - you don't know shit yourself, and anybody who claims they do know are full of shit. It can all go down or up or stay exactly the same, unless something really earth shattering happens. It's all too complex, yet very simple, it can take a day or a decade and there should be opportunities to make money along the way.

You sir deserve a NO SHIT SHERLOCK award of the year

>> No.16614874

Actually I just shared some facts while I was waiting for a code and spent my breakfast-time here.
End of Nov. & beginning of Dec. I told you the next XRP dump will be on Dec 13 or 14. In the end I was wrong (2 days). So now I can tell you first week of January. The rest is up to you.

>> No.16614927

a pump? Where did you see a pump happening? On some Mongolian shaggy horse trading exchange? XPR is down 23% over the last 30 days and 12% over the last 7.

Fuck me, I take my no shit Sherlock award back

>> No.16615000

Ok so first week in january

>> No.16615016

i wouldn't hold my breath

>> No.16615025


pump or dump?

>> No.16615049
File: 102 KB, 560x432, 1575552135424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16615269


Lol no you didn't.
You didn't say shit.
You just kept posting an image with an owl with a moon for its eyes that said December 13.
Never said shit about a dump.
Nothing happened the 13th and xrp dumped AFTER bitcoin crashed along with the ENTIRE market.

You know precisely jack shit and are a monster OP fag.