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16593050 No.16593050 [Reply] [Original]

and it leads the growth of economy
and ease the income gap

>> No.16593224

>promote consumption

okay satan. neoliberal politics are a cancer upon this earth and need to die before the entire planet does

>> No.16593446

Based and demand-side-pilled.

>> No.16593653

That’s the way it’s supposed to work, but boomer retail and fast food employers are refusing to raise wages to keep up with demand, and in the same breath they bitch about not being able to find and keep good workers. It’s like... no fucking shit you dumb boomer faggot, of course you can’t find any workers because no one really wants to slave away for tiny scraps that aren’t even enough to pay rent.
Of course, boomers are still finding people willing to work for low wages, so they don’t have to raise wages to keep up with demand... but they have to keep reaching lower and lower to the bottom dregs of society to find such workers. Me personally, I won’t even go out to eat anymore because I know there’s some tattooed meth addict in the kitchen.
Eventually, boomers are going to fucking die and the people who take over the economy are going to have some fucking sense to actually allow wages to keep up with demand. But not before boomers crash absolutely everything with their stubborn boomer retardation.

>> No.16593685


> boomer retail and fast food employers are refusing to raise wages

lmao why would they raise wages when there is a constant stream of 3rd world cheap labor being added to the job seeker pool

>> No.16593691

By the way, when I say demand, I mean demand for the actual jobs. Nobody wants those fucking jobs because they don’t pay enough to justify how shit they are. Those wages need to be raised to incentivize and attract good workers.

>> No.16593733

Economic growth comes from investment. Income gaps are not a problem.

>> No.16593745


What is fordism you overbite giant forehead monkey

>> No.16593754
File: 429 KB, 1440x1175, 1574639092515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magic doesnt exist. Sorry.

>> No.16593764


>> No.16593791
File: 5 KB, 480x386, How-to-create-a-bell-curve-in-Excel-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Bro, just keep cutting wages to the propensity that drives foundational civilization thus triggering a decrease in consumer confidence, purchasing power and demand while ensuring the capital is being driven towards nepotistic neo-fedual serf lords that ensure that capital locked up and out of the hands of the consuming classes. Then to cut costs ship those jobs overseas and create a massive-glut in actual manufacturing and create a surplus in labor by driving women into the workload and demand a degree for the most banal jobs to ensure student-debt lingers over every employee to ensure they continually march to the plantation willingly.

STFU you stupid wanna-be dipshit economic bootlicking boomer cocksucking faggot

>> No.16593830
File: 284 KB, 1067x792, 1576568940523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you dont get paid much because you are not actually that valuable.

>> No.16594571

>>shifting goal posts
>>changing subjects

fuck off and die boomer

>> No.16594596

Totally worked in California, faggot.

>> No.16595037


>> No.16595045

At least I grew up, zoomer.

>> No.16595185

By your reasoning Kim Kardashian is more valuable than both you and paramedics. Congratulations anon, you've told me you're less valuable than a whore.