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16568403 No.16568403 [Reply] [Original]

>Spent the past five years overcoming all of my insecurities
>Lost weight, got /fit/, got my finances in order, my career, got over my social anxiety
>Finally got a gf, we're probably going to have sex tomorrow
>Just remembered that I have a small penis
What the fuck do I do bros.

>> No.16568432

you will come instantly and she wont have felt anything at all. if she doesnt laugh and leave instantly it's a win

>> No.16568464


>> No.16568479


>> No.16568494

How small we talking here? You’ll probably be fine, size is a bit overrated. My dick is average and I’ve done pretty well romantically.

>> No.16568579

just tell her you're gay. You can do an artificial insemination

>> No.16568717
File: 134 KB, 681x1024, C8F13B64-8A18-4B82-837C-DF2FDBC7769B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take care of it for u whiteboy

>> No.16568727

how small can it be
3 inches is enough

>> No.16568770

this, girls like to suck on it no matter the size, look at lesbians they have great sex and dont even have a penis.

>> No.16568791

continue to date her but let someone else with a normal size pleasure her. dont be selfish she deserves pleasure in her life.

>> No.16569343

Penis size is a meme
Most girls can legit cum from grinding on your shaft without it even inside.

Also, I’m 6 inches and most girls scream too deep when you’re pelvis to pelvis.

Yeah, every girl may not be the same, but the average penis has evolved alongside the average woman. You’re fine.

>> No.16569411

this. worry more about not ejaculating too early than size. ideally, she cums first, then you fuck her real nice from behind.

>> No.16569429

you mean you didn't spend those five years jelqing and stretching?

>> No.16569508

This, you’ll be fine

>> No.16569587

Just go for it and see what happens

>> No.16569668

make her cum by eating her out then stick your dick in while she's still in la la land

>> No.16570101

Make her come before you even enter her. Then start real slow and passionate grabbing her ass, breasts whatever you can reach. Then you gradually increase beastfuck lvl until you can hear full grown lions cower in fear. Then you come. Make manly noises, say "mmmMMMFUCKKK" etc.

Afterwards, dont hurry to wash yourself. Lie down, real close to her face, caress her hair (like take it behind her ear), and kiss her gently. No tongue now, just lips. Look her in the eyes like she is safe with you.

Another one for all of you sexless bois;
> do not talk about how good the sex was afterwards unless she brings it up
It should be pretty clear from you during sex how much you enjoyed it. The more you show you enjoy it (genuine, do not fake), the more she will, and the sex will grow exponentially better.

> t. Not a virgin

>> No.16570113

The absolute state

>> No.16570135

Do you know any BBC bulls that can satisfy her while you watch

>> No.16570163

Nah, I've fucked with semi and had no complaints so it probably was around 3 inches. anyway who cares as long as you nut

Fuck women

>> No.16570177

not a deal breaker as long as you are at least 6 in. i could see things being awkward if you pull up with a 4 inch pecker though.
using toys will probably help too

>> No.16570182


>> No.16570183

based and chadpilled
be sure to be masculine and primal in bed, tell her what to do, grab her and push her into the positions you want

>> No.16570188

If you have a big dick the girl tells all her friends and then you get to fuck them too because they want to experience it

>> No.16570212

Probably true, mine is average or below but it does the job

>> No.16570242

knock her out and rape her while she is unconscious. after you cum in her, wake her with some smelling salts and ask her 'how was it for you?'

>> No.16570243


he said it's small, retard. 6 is above average

>> No.16570248

>small penis isn't a deal breaker as long as you're above average

>> No.16570268
File: 288 KB, 366x438, 1518288202768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too much porn i guess lel.

>> No.16570314

You are ABSOLUTELY FUCKED Anon! ... *No pun intended. All your hard work over the past five years is going to be washed away tomorrow. I'd be absolutely scared shitless if i was you. Think about it -> She is going to LAUGH at YOU! and then tell all her friends, "Everyone" is going to know your not a man, that you have a little CHILD's DICK! I cant even imagine how embarrassed this will be, Honestly, call it off. You got make an excuse for tomorrow. I think i'd die if i knew that EVERYONE knew my penis was so small. Have no doubt that she will TELL EVERYONE! They will all anon! You wont be able to go out anywhere without people knowing . She will probably post it all over Social Media as well. FUCK.... do you drink or do drugs Anon? Cause i'd be high as shit right now worrying about what's gonna happen tomorrow! You have a SMALL DICK! You have a BABY PENIS! Ha HA.... Ha HA HA HA!

>> No.16570469

10 Women Tell Us How They Really Feel About Tiny Penises


“I make fun of them. Who doesn’t? Small penises are hilarious! They’re a punchline all their own: Just say ‘small penis’ in front of a group of women, and they’ll all burst out laughing, because they’ve all known that one guy with a dick the size of a finger.”

>> No.16570477

2. If I had a vagina the size of a parking garage, I’d be uptight, too

“I had a boyfriend who was less than blessed in the genitalia department. He was very uptight about it, and I tried to reassure him not to be uptight about it, but in all honesty, he should have been uptight about it. If I had a vagina the size of a parking garage, I’d be uptight, too. People can talk all they want about body acceptance or whatever, but unless you have bad eyesight or are some kind of Goddess or Adonis, everyone has issues with their appearance. I did make fun of it, but only behind his back. So I guess that only makes me half a bitch.”

>> No.16570513

No worries, big dicks are only in porn.

>> No.16570525


“Did you ever hear this joke about this woman and a man with a tiny penis were having sex for the first time and when he whipped it out the woman said, ‘Who are you going to satisfy with that thing?’ And the guy replies, ‘Me!’ I would fuck that guy, no joke. He has a good attitude. I can forgive a small dick, but to please me, a man has to have balls!”

>> No.16570531


“I guess I don’t really care. They can call me ugly, but that’s just a matter of opinion, you know? But tape measures don’t lie. You can prove someone has a small dick.”


“I’ve been with I think three guys who were severely undersized. I mean, we’re talking Tom Thumb if you know what I’m saying. Not only was it pitiful, but it was really gross. I tried explaining this to a guy with a rather large penis—about how small dicks are absolutely disgusting—and he thought that was funny. He said he could see how someone could laugh at it and think it’s funny, but he didn’t understand they’re revolting to even think about. Small weenies—ew!”

6. Making fun of a man’s small penis is the easiest way to destroy him forever

“What’s that saying about tits—‘Anything more than a mouthful is wasted’? Well, the opposite applies to cocks. Anything smaller than a mouthful is not going into any of my holes. Making fun of a man’s small penis is the easiest way in the world to destroy a man forever, and what girl doesn’t love doing that?”

>> No.16570541


“I feel like throwing up, that’s how I feel. I don’t care—it’s their turn for body shaming! I guess it’s mean, but mean girls rule! Hit him where it hurts! I mean, you have to aim very carefully to hit him where it hurts because it’s so tiny, but hit him there anyway…lol!”


“A long time ago I was with a man and let’s just say that in the chess game of life, this guy was a mere pawn—not a knight or a rook, and definitely not a king. Not only wasn’t he packing a suitcase, he hardly had an overnight bag, if you catch my drift. And I think he accidentally caught the look of disappointment/surprise on my face when I first saw him naked, and I could tell it cut him to the bone. I’m sure this was a lifelong pain for him. We wound up just kissing. I mean, I can’t imagine being with a man if he has a child-sized penis. But neither can I imagine being cruel to a guy just because Mother Nature already played a cruel trick on him.”

9. It’s like fart jokeS for immature adult women

“I absolutely mock the living fuck out of guys with small dicks, no apologies, no questions asked, period. You know how immature kids think fart jokes are funny? Well, small-dick jokes are like fart jokes for immature adult women. They may be gross, they may be insensitive, but for a certain group of people, they will always be funny.”

10. Social media empowers women

“I fuck a guy with a tiny cock who turns out doing me wrong in some way or another, I will fucking mega-blast my iPhone cache of pictures of his pathetic baby unicorn dick all across the Internet until he moves to a new country under a new identity.”

>> No.16570554

good advice, do this OP

>> No.16570603

this conforms to my predetermined views about women so I will take it as the average experience for a man with a small penis. Thanks!