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File: 211 KB, 1242x1242, BC988E13-E808-4D51-B1F2-C317D6350EBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16563415 No.16563415 [Reply] [Original]

Tfw you create the ethereum killer

>> No.16564350
File: 305 KB, 395x371, Screenshot 2019-12-15 at 13.51.51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw you know you just funded the ultimate basedboi to go on his fantasy travel expedition.

>> No.16564689

They're contracted do program their crap until 2020 then they will exit scam. Watch Chico Crypto video about how scammy Cardano is any how much they underdelivered

>> No.16564693

Pegnet is the true Ethereum / MKR killer.

>> No.16564695

ADA adoption in Mongolia by eagle hunters

>> No.16564698

How the fuck is this still in the top 15?

>> No.16564724

>tfw you create a shitcoin to dump on noobs so you can travel the world smoking stogies while a trained African monkey sits on your shoulder.

I feel terribly sorry for anybody who bough this ADA shitcoin.

>> No.16565054

Tfw you create another shitcoin

>> No.16565171

First thing he did after his coin mooned was go on a world trip. Top kek, imagine buying into this shitcoin then checking his social media seeing him taking a year long vacation.

>> No.16565175

hu fucking mongous supply. if anybody is paying a single morsel for this scam it will be "valued" at a high mc.

>> No.16565454

Kek, I discussed in Berlin with one former cardano dev, they have done jackshit but jacking off for 2 whole years. The way they are organized results in things going at snail pace and Hoskinson is a narcissistic manchild who is LARPing as Steve Jobs (with a 35% BF index kek).

>> No.16565510

>imagine unironically ignoring all of the peer review papers and github commits

>> No.16565511

>Tfw you create the ethereum killer

ADA doesn't even have smart contracts.

>> No.16565515

>>imagine unironically ignoring all of the peer review papers and github commits

Imagine ignoring it doesnt even have a mainnet.

>> No.16565528

nice that you ignored my objective statement. now, imagine not know what the word speculation means.

>> No.16565548

Premined shitcoin

>> No.16565553
File: 108 KB, 1074x1394, Soy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck this kills eth?

I had big 500k ada bags but browsing basedboyz plebit made me dump all on staking testnet pump level of delusion is vechain tire its just bunch of bagholders watching AMAs and dreming moon 0 understanding of space. They have24 tps testnet, 0 industry leaders intrested (suprise everyone is in eth), shady jap ico with huge whales, 0 devs besides ihok building on it, they youtube "ambasadors" make Ian Balina look like guy who understand tech deeply and only way they offer something new is by peer rewieved and formal verification narrative wich while nice is nothing to write home about

Market is giving 1/16 odds this flips eth and I think market is irrational it should be 1/50.

>> No.16565567

nice that you ignored my objective statement.

>> No.16565590

I didn't. You know just as well as I do that Ethereum 2.0 relies on speculation just as much as Cardano. You'll be saying the same thing once the mainnet is live. POS is happening soon hold on to your booty.

>> No.16565679

tfw when you bought a coin that hasn't released anything 2 years after it's release date

>> No.16565763

fuck I watched it should I all in on UPT?

>> No.16565803

they're contracted to deliver the finished project regardless of timeline dumbass. that means staking, smart contracts, sidechains, sharding, cronos, etc

>> No.16565813
File: 427 KB, 2000x1335, all-alts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine some balls on that cigar

>> No.16565820

he has been traveling all over the world exploring and creating business relationships... meeting with companies, govt officials, prime ministers etc

>> No.16565832

100% LARP and absurd cope. it's right there on github you fearful pearl clutching bagholder

>> No.16565838
File: 65 KB, 1200x514, 3CEB5BF4-F0A0-41BE-8973-E649A9D91DDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mainnet live since 2017 dumbfuck

>> No.16565847
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>> No.16566049
File: 4 KB, 128x128, citations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pushing 10 papers a year doesn't do jackshit to build a usecase and a network effect.
It doesn't require hundreds of millions either, the guy pic related is publishing 4 papers a year on blockchain and there is a dozen like him in the space.

What is Cardano in 2019? It's a centralized pseudo testnet with 0 use which pretends to be important while noone gives a shit about it.
Stop trying to act like it's some big deal, it's absolutely not.

>> No.16566714

the face when you scammed 1.000.000 ppl and still show them daily what you do with their money and they still fans of your scammy project.

>> No.16566716
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>> No.16566761

>mainnet live since 2017 dumbfuck

wow, a 'mainnet' that doesn't have staking, smart contracts, or sharding. all it can do is send shitty tokens back and forth. very useful indeed sir i shall now do buye.