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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3.29 MB, 3000x2400, Saturation Divers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16549060 No.16549060 [Reply] [Original]

I know that Saturation Divers on average make about $400K working 6 months annually.
Are there any other occupations/professions quite like this?

>> No.16549075

If astronaut welding becomes a thing, probably that

>> No.16549083

Sauces, if anyone asks:




>> No.16549110

> Divers
Physically demanding job where you are completely and utterly fucked if anything goes wrong. You have a higher chance of illness and you are constantly exposed to the elements.

Also, you risk exposing yourself to Delta P situations;

>> No.16549129

Okay but you get paid almost half a million dollars every year

>> No.16549166

You are in an industry being reliant on the fact that nobody dislikes you enough to murder you with little evidence and no chance of investigation (especially seeing as you get 400k a year) OR Is a similar or higher level of incompetance to yourself.

You could be doing everything right and some idiot at an oil rig could push a button a milisecond too soon and you'd be human paste.

>> No.16549208

A friend of mine works in a company that extracts oil on deep sea, and he said guys retire around the 40s but their bone structure has turned to glass and they look like they have 60.

>> No.16549219

>Are there any other occupations/professions quite like this?

>> No.16549221

Getting sucked through a 5cm diameter hole is part of the fun, pleb

>> No.16549237

Try being a corpse washer or cleaning suicide scenes. I bet they pay a lot and don't require education because nobody wants to to them. Also less chances of getting sucky sucky through a pipe.

>> No.16549336

> Getting sucked through a 5cm diameter hole
If you are offering anon...

>> No.16549350

this nigger knows. how do you know? are you a former industrial diver or just really autistic?

>> No.16549391


>> No.16549405

that delta p vid is great

>> No.16549597

Being Jewish, you mean?

>> No.16549607
File: 52 KB, 640x791, FT_16.09.29_wealthReligiousGroups-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16549682

Atheists and agnostics make a shitload for being completely unorganized. Imagine is they were Jew level organized.

We need to start a church for maybe-believers

>> No.16550022


>> No.16550322


Oil workers. Guys out in West Texas will make at least $80k servicing rigs. Refinery workers also make bank and its a steadier job but stupid hazardous. Neither require more than a GED, if they care at all.

>> No.16550337

First to give a proper response

>> No.16550422

Blocks your low iq job

>> No.16550425
File: 30 KB, 666x460, images (70).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16550480


>> No.16550490

space freight broker

>> No.16550743


>> No.16550744

What kind of jobs in sales?

>> No.16550797

>least amount of prior education
>Saturation diver

lmao you need years of dive training to get to that point

>> No.16550961

I want to do this so bad, but I just dont have the cash to go in on classes yet.

Fuck fuck fuck. If my cryptos blow up, this is the plan.

Ide drop 20-30k on classes without batting an eye, and Im a great swimmer and scuba diver already.

Fuck fuck fuck....

Just keep accumulating, just keep accumulating just keep cumu cumu cumulating

>> No.16550990

>actual underwater welding
>the least amount of prior education needed?
what you're looking for is called "sales" you dumb roodypoo