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16535705 No.16535705 [Reply] [Original]

Satoshi thread

>> No.16535710
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>> No.16535718
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>> No.16535792
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>> No.16535794
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>> No.16535799
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>> No.16535805
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>> No.16535811
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>> No.16535814
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>> No.16535818
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>> No.16535823
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>> No.16535831
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>> No.16535835
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>> No.16535850
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>> No.16535863
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>> No.16535874
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>> No.16535897
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>> No.16535922
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>> No.16535935
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>> No.16535949
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>> No.16535965
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>> No.16535973
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>> No.16536094
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>> No.16536100
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>> No.16536147

I have a feeling he's describing "private blockchains". Is he?

>> No.16536258
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Yes, Hyperledger

>> No.16536273

Thought so. He's Wright of course. The whole entire concept is pants on head retarded. Literally just a database with extra steps.

>> No.16536282


when $1,200?

>> No.16536353


>> No.16536738
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>> No.16536748



>> No.16536930

How can anyone read this shit and not just cringe into oblivion. Holy fuck. Beyond sad.

>> No.16536990
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Found the Samson cuck.
Literally everything he says makes sense, he's got more knowledge about Bitcoin than anyone else alive. Do yourself a favour and read what he says until it sinks in, then act accordingly. Your future self will thank you.

>> No.16537004

this only works with link in that the retards thing it's genuinely innovative the normies know it's shit and the high iq's know it's shit but it's the incumbent systems choice and they have to pump it

dumb people don't understand bsv because they can't look past craigs personality, the price, the ticker or the technical specifications

>> No.16537482
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>> No.16537524
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>> No.16537532
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>> No.16537533

So... what ETH contracts are doing with BAT, basically?

>> No.16537568
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>> No.16537588


BSV is much more efficient for micro scale transactions, BAT only pays out once a month

>> No.16537694

This so for anyone who can't read between the lines on this one and for those who don't what happened last year - CSW is literally talking about AI 'lifeforms'. Which ever country has the strongest AI, will essentially rule the world. BitCoin is the financial nuclear weapon. If a country can freely manage BitCoin on their terms, as in setting the rules with the AI running the show - you are unbeatable in everything. Don't get this twisted with hashing power - essentially it was true a couple years ago that whoever had the most hash power 'controlled' BitCoin. We have come to a point in time where that is now irrelevant. Miners of the future will only exist for profit, not profit plus chain control as it has been. Before Trump was elected, China had all the cards set in their hand to simutalenlousy take control of BitCoin and the world economy - that would be the only way to beat the US. If they challenged us by military - it would be almost kind of funny on how quick we could absolutely destroy China (and Russia at the time time if we wanted to). You can go do your own research, but some Americans deeply involved in BitCoin saw what China was doing - and they knew it was a huge threat, but they didn't have the resources to counter China. That changed and an AI was secretly injected into BitCoin BEFORE China did the same with theirs.

So, TO SUM THIS UP: The US's AI defeated China's Ai in a massive battle of game theory (China was aligned with other countries against the US too). These AI lifeforms will be talked about more in the future, but as the world spins in AI land, the Chinese AI now has to do what the American AI on the BitCoin chain tells it to do. Things get even crazier, but this is enough for now. There are a group of young American men who pretty much saved the world from the Chinks. And the best part is, the Chinks are our bitch now.

>> No.16537733


>> No.16537743

god its literally like ayn rand's hatred brought her back to life as a man

>> No.16538336

Doing Craig's shilling pajeet. Craigspeed

>> No.16539164

Blockstream cope.

>> No.16539209

How does that make sense when blockstream killed the Bitcoin AI with high fees on the BTC chain?

Or are you talking about China controlling Bitcoin cash?