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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1649721 No.1649721 [Reply] [Original]

Is getting just a Bachelor's in Mathematics good/better than studying Econ/Finance? If not, would getting a Bachelor's in Matheatics and getting an MBA good?

>> No.1650195


>> No.1650452

Hell no nigga, you can't get shit with a Bachelors in anything, especially STEM degrees

Math and Econ both requires Ph.Ds to get good jobs, but you'll need a 130+ IQ to ever amount to anything with math

>> No.1651059
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i majored in math and got a job in banking shortly after graduation. banks love STEM majors. accounting major would be my second choice. don't major in finance or econ unless top tier school.

>> No.1651064

This is really backwards thinking. Why ask us what you should study? Don't you know what kind of job you want? If not, don't study anything. Why spend money on a degree if you don't want the jobs it will bring?

You're going to be really unhappy and burn out quickly if you stick with this attitude. Instead ask yourself what your enjoy doing and what you are good at. These are the important questions, and we can't answer them for you.

>> No.1651066

Minor in econ w/ math major or math degree.

Undergrad business degrees are garbage, only for insurance salesmen and corporate beancounters.

Get a masters in econ or quantitative finance/financial engineering if you want to be a quant.

>> No.1651109

What's a good bachelor before getting an MBA? I'm planning to study at the University of Melbourne.

>> No.1651126

Anything, really. MBAs are for people who need some management/business knowledge but didn't get a trash undergrad business degree.

>> No.1651135

Butthurt stem autist detected

>> No.1651141


Bachelor in Business Administration w/Accounting and Finance majors. I'm smart enough to know I should've done a STEM bachelors w/MBA.

>> No.1651160

Oh yeah my other guess was a self loathing biz major just like me lol

I feel you. luckily in my country senators and weather girls are paid more than engineers so I don't really care. I wish I could have chosen a law or economics major instead though

>> No.1651216

Is an MBA even worth it?

>> No.1651316

What is wrong with economics? It's better than business administration and many people don't want pure math majors.

If you can afford it, yes. Most people have a better career afterwards or it allows them to change fields from engineering to finance for example.