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16490997 No.16490997 [Reply] [Original]

Is success in buisness just luck? Is their anyway you could just brute force yourself in an industry? From music to politics, it seems like it is all controlled and if they reject you then you are done for.

>> No.16491004

yes, it is all rigged and you are fucked from the get go

now get it over with and KYS

>> No.16491035

everything in life is a dice roll
how many sides, and what you have to roll, are up to your individual circumstance

even making a coffee is a dice roll, there's always a chance you'll spill it or fuck something up. Point is, it's luck, but if you keep rolling you'll win eventually. If you're qualified for what you're trying to accomplish, you'll probably need less attempts.

>> No.16491041

Thanks for the thumbnail, nigger.

>> No.16491058

you're not missing out on anything anon, she's only hot in a thumbnail

>> No.16491088

you can brute force. You’re just a pussy

>> No.16491104
File: 85 KB, 1080x1080, smoking thot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16491117

She's cute.

>> No.16491136

is there anything hotter than watching a beautiful female willingly destroy her god given body?

>> No.16491149

Thanks, time to coom.

>> No.16491166

god damn i love raves

>> No.16491167

And seeing them hit the wall in their 20's and become a roasted psychotic mess because of it? Makes my dick hard like no other

>> No.16491184

truly an anon of culture

>> No.16491190

>tfw no drug addict gook gf ;_;

>> No.16491360


desu- no. it has long been established that sex and death and intrinsically connected in the human unconscious mind.

Eros v's Thanatos

>> No.16491458


Wow your mom must have treated you horribly

>> No.16491605


>> No.16491640

>not getting hard at womens 'suffering'

Beta orbiters incel cringe

>> No.16491657

How does one condition oneself to get boners at women suffering?

I've been trying to protect them my whole life and recently it dawned at me that they don't fucking want it. They want the opposite.

Can't make myself to be mean to them.

>> No.16491699

>it dawned at me that they don't fucking want it. They want the opposite.

Im just joking about but not completely. Basically this is the blackpill that made me realise Id been lied to my whole life and now I dont know what to fucking do. I keep being hit with them that makes me realise the truth even more, a big one for me was the bullshit Neck gains, this shit literally matters and makes women treat you completely different, fuck them, short women long Ana de Armas Jois

>> No.16491759


>> No.16491848

you need to desensitize yourself. easy as that. the mainstream programming a typical male gets growing up in a family with a cucked father, feminised education system, and beeing bombared with all kinds of escapism tools will lead to that. >>1649199 is right you are beeing lied to.
girls nowadays are broken but portray, carry this more low key way than men

>> No.16491921
File: 415 KB, 1105x521, Selection_354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even Lana Del Ray sings about liking to be abused. I assume that some special conditions have to be met for them to like this - but where the fuck do people learn this?


>> No.16492133

youve lived in the feminine frame your whole life. no shit its hard to disconnect

>> No.16492153

>feminine frame
explain. Given you consider terms you make up on the spot to be common knowledge I assume you are just saying words in a topic you'd like to be consider knowledgeable in.

>> No.16492186


>> No.16492223


>> No.16492230

This isn't "the feminine frame". That's a much broader, if not entirely different topic.

>> No.16492263

you were raised to always respect women, hold the door for them, help them when they are in distress even if it negatively affects you, wait for them to show interest, fooled into thinking they are mysterious and hard to figure out, take them to nice dinners and places, buy them things, wait for them to make decisions, the list goes on. get a fucking grip idiot

>> No.16492272


>> No.16492282

If they reject u, just shoot up their HQ.

Take them all to hell with you, what's the point of living if you fail, just don't fuck up and get killed by the pigs before taking down at least 40 corporate elites

>> No.16492310

Those things are still alright, but lodged within a frame where you make the woman work for the niceties you provide for her.

Calling it "the feminine frame" is retarded because women don't really want for men to do those things unconditionally.

>> No.16492323

There's nothing about "the feminine frame" there. Just about "framing" which is a NLP term as far as I know.

>> No.16492342

you are overcomplicating it. even >>16492223 is worth shit, without acting out on it. its just a compilation of scientific discoveries. if you have some kind of problem in regards to women and them beeing with you, its all about getting as much exposure as possible to them and do learning by doing. this requires to get lost of your skewed thought and value patterns you aquired and getting a open mind attitude in that specific regard. this is mandatory requirement so many incels in denial fail to achieve bc they rather take pride in their self perpuatating beliefs they aquired in echochambers rather than making themselves vulnerable and admitting they have no personal real world experiences to back it up with

>> No.16492351

It seems that you are projecting since you don't really answer my concrete query. Don't assume that I'm not doing the things you mention because I do.

You just can't figure out how to "abuse" women correctly on your own without exposing yourself to real risk of doing something incredibly stupid.

>> No.16492377

yes, chivalry is the biggest scam there is. its a redundant thing back when monogamy was still enforced and you as a man had to show the females family that you are willing to put her on a pedestal and treat her as a princess, in order for them to accept you. the female itself was supressed in her self determination and probably neither had a opinion about it negative or positive

>> No.16492424

Your upper-middle class is showing. Women demonstrably appreciate chivalry when it is done correctly.

>> No.16492441

An example of chivalry that women like is when you can navigate her through crowded places while protecting her from the onslaught of the unthinking crowd crashing into her.

>> No.16492450

abusing is not meant in a literal or physical fashion, ie laying hands on her, locking her in a room, sexually assault her etc. anything else by legal definition you cant not being held accountable for because she as an indivdual can step away from you in any case

>> No.16492476
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thank you for telling me what it isn't. Now I'd appreciate telling me what Lana Del Ray means.


>> No.16492495


>> No.16492519

>Your upper-middle class is showing
whatever you say, as if this has to do with anything
good for you if this worked out for you
girls my age have in certain aspects yeah rather masculine traits in them. showing any kind of chivalry ended up revealing my unexperienceness and non adjustment because this is obselete priced in concept

>> No.16492521

Phonefags are the cancer destroying this board

>> No.16492524


>> No.16492544

>brute force your way into an industry
Yes. You just need to learn the jargon, never ever stfu, and always be present for every opportunity. Eventually someone will bite.

>> No.16492599

its a pop song, you really cant be taking any of this literal.
beeing depressed and harming yourself, voluntarily beeing treated like shit became fashionable this decade, it started with tumblr removing the taboo big time in 2011 or something and will end this decade with billie eilish and beeing proud, embracing it - beeing woke as it is called. its a degenerate frame pushing by who knows. dont give a fuck either desu

>> No.16492603

You have no clue, understood

>> No.16492895

yeah whatever dude i was the only one still replying to your posts while everyone else told you to sage already. i dont have something personally against you. but you probably should reconsider your incomprehensible thinking patterns, i dont know where they are stemming from, but they will definetly scare away any healthy adjusted average joe you find on the street