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16430831 No.16430831 [Reply] [Original]

Are wagies even real conscious human beings?

>> No.16430861

They are but the level of trauma is off the charts. Swallowing hard truths would increase that trauma that's why they'll rather worship false gods and be a "good" citizen

>> No.16430862

nope thats why alcohol is legal and dmt is strictly regulated
a conscious self aware human being would not work

>> No.16430864

yes, everyone is a real conscious human being
stop looking for arbitrary reasons to dehumanize people that's what (((they))) do

>> No.16430891

Yes, they've just been beaten into submission and convinced their life is the proper way to live.

t. wagie who is fighting for financial freedom before being beaten into submission

>> No.16430918

Not really. To be truly conscious, you have to be aware of how much of your daily actions are done solely for the sake of survival.
Ignorance is the default state, it is just like sleepwalking.

>> No.16430970

Ive been a NEET and a wageslave

People work because they want to live in nice areas away from crime and subhumans

They also want to have sex and procreate and die happy

Neets just sit around being poor, no relationships, no sex (fucking a dry used up vagina who spreads her legs for money is not the same as conquering an innocent female normally) and burn their dopamine receptors masturbating hourly

Let me guess, OP still plays bing bing wahoo

If youre not in a LTR with a qt virgin /low bodycount girl who watches anime with you and cooks you dinner you're not going to make it I'm afraid

Inb4 depressed NEETs cope with meme pictures, one liners and accusations of le reddit spacing

TL;Dr NEET is incel

>> No.16430975

So what am I supposed to do?
I'm saving money, paying off debt.
I don't want to be a wagie, but I don't see any other option right now.

>> No.16430989
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Does it even matter that you have a consciousness and free will if you don’t use them?

>> No.16431040 [DELETED] 

> Neets just sit around being poor, no relationships, no sex (fucking a dry used up vagina who spreads her legs for money is not the same as conquering an innocent female normally) and burn their dopamine receptors masturbating hourly Let me guess, OP still plays bing bing wahoo
But this is just projecting, wagie. This is what you think your life would be like if you didn’t do exactly like everyone else around you. This is what you were programmed to think.
I’m a rich NEET and nothing you said is true? What now? Malfunction.exe?

>> No.16431061

> Neets just sit around being poor, no relationships, no sex (fucking a dry used up vagina who spreads her legs for money is not the same as conquering an innocent female normally) and burn their dopamine receptors masturbating hourly Let me guess, OP still plays bing bing wahoo
But this is just you projecting, wagie. This is what you think your life would be like if you didn’t do exactly like everyone else around you. This is what you were programmed to think.
I’m a rich NEET and nothing you said is true. What now? Malfunction.exe?

>> No.16431087
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>> No.16431102

This. Top neets such as myself live in their parents Beach house rent free while they wageslave in the cold in the north east. We do whatever we want.

>> No.16431131

If you don't use it you'll eventually forget you had it in the first place and go from a wagie to literally a bot. Even your biology will eventually dissappear and your mind will go deeper into the matrix

>> No.16431145

I knew the cope would be strong.
If you're rich from gambling or inheritance gg... most NEETs aren't, and with their infinite free time they get sucked into vidya and porn all day. This isn't a projection, it's common fact

>> No.16431168

Yes, because that means not using it is a choice.

>> No.16431201

you work and exchange you life to have vidya and porn

>> No.16431218

What are you implying here? People are brainwashed into wanting sex?

Keep coping incel

>> No.16431229

NPC wagie cope incoming

>> No.16431245

Nah, I don't do either of those subhuman activities

Keep projecting

>> No.16431258

Being a wageslave is Pavlovian conditioning

>> No.16431264

I got my first job at 27 and no. wagies are souless robots. I need to find a way out so as to not become like them

>> No.16431282

Letzmensch arent above wageslaves.

>> No.16431296

No, because I am abstinent. I work for meaning and a higher purpose, to leave my mark upon the universe as a middle-finger to God:
"And upon the pedestal these words appear: 'I am Ozymandias, King of Kings! Look upon my works Ye Mighty, and despair'"

>> No.16431304

>how many people do you see in a day that you never see again?
>try to talk with wagies about something that doesn't have to do with their job or the weather and listen to what they say

it's all a simulation. i know i'm not a robot because i selected all the traffic lights and got a green check mark.

>> No.16431307

Not while you are on auto-pilot

>> No.16431309
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No, they are animals in human form. Read talmud my fellow investor.

>> No.16431319

human resourse

>> No.16431361

>hunting for food is Pavlovian conditioning

This is how dumb you sound

>> No.16431462

serious question: What do NEETS do and how old are you? how the fuck do you survive?

>> No.16431495

im wagie making 80k and wife makes more than me its cool simple life posting from my bathrobe

>> No.16431524

They're persons, not human beings

>> No.16431535

You mean hunting for food when you’re already full. Like a dog the wagie keeps eating because that’s what he’s programmed to do. He won’t stop until he’s dead.

>> No.16431543

they're mostly disabled in some way and living with their parents. that's the joke

>> No.16431594

Wake up at 5 am go running, skip rope, lift weights. Go inside leg my dogs out and feed them. Sweep and mop my tile floors and clean around the house

I complete everything by 8 am EVERYDAY and have the rest of the day to bullshit.

Bills are paid on the 1st of each month every month. I might do bing bing wahoo, smoke weed watch netflix, read my novel.

I want to learn how to code HTML>CSS>JS. Thats whats been taking most of my time as NEET

>> No.16431601

21-35 year old, mostly inheritance and/or drug dealing

>> No.16431604

>The last man is tired of life, takes no risks, and seeks only comfort and security
Implying I don't go all into scams on a. Regular basis. Kek

>> No.16431618

Join the military if you wanna be a turbo NEET

Ima have to use this GI eventually but dont feel like it right now

Kys wagie pay taxes so I can continue living like this

>> No.16431650

the answer lies within yourself. Close your eyes and think about what you would do if you didn't have to go to work, if you had unlimited free time. Now imagine that's your life.

>> No.16431966

Invest in assets that produce positive cash flow, minimize liabilities that produce negative cash flow.

>> No.16431978

> didn't understand the poem