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1643004 No.1643004 [Reply] [Original]

I hope this thread inspires people to do something with their life. I'm going to briefly explain how I live and what it took to achieve it.

Roughly $200k per year

Software Dev (at a fortune 500 company)

Age: 33

What it took?
Had to work hard for four years in undergrad. Above 3.5 GPA computer science at a state school. After school I kept working hard..switching jobs every 2-3 years to get a pay raise.

Typical week..
Go to work...leave late. Stop by a high end sushi joint on the way home and eat about $50 of nigiri sushi. Come home, play Vidya until sleep.

Go to work. Come home..leave late again. Get home. Cook the next 3 day's dinner for 8/10 wife and myself (she does all other house chores). I cook with organic food that is delivered directly to our house. Open a $20 bottle of wine.Watch TV in house with wife or play Vidya till sleep.

Similar to Tuesday, minus the cooking. Some days I will stop by a cocktail bar and drink about $30 in high end cocktails solo or with coworkers.

Leave work a bit early. Get home and eat. Go to gym. My wife is low libido but a solid 8/10 and very loyal to me, so Thurs is blowjob day. She sucks me for about 30 min until I finish. Play Vidya or watch TV after..maybe have a small amount of $50 bottle of whisky.

Same as Thursday, but I fuck wife in the ass. Also, we'll order some Thai food.

Hang out with friends, play Vidya, eat at a nice restaurant. Sometimes wife is out and I will pay some hot but unstable early 20's girls online up to $100 to take a shit for me on cam.

Visit family. Eat at a salad joint. Errands and groceries. Have a nice craft beer or two. Fuck wife before bed.

Some other notes: I have enough budget to get a healthy carryout every day for lunch. I still manage to save at least $50k-$75k a year.

>> No.1643021
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>>Sometimes wife is out and I will pay some hot but unstable early 20's girls online up to $100 to take a shit for me on cam.

but why tho

>> No.1643026

Once you get bored of porn the only digital media that turns you on is to see live - preferably American - girls degenerate themselves in front of you.

>> No.1643055

60k a year at entry level AML compliance position at bulge bracket bank

age: 26

What it took?:
graduating from a flagship state school with honors in history and psychology, working at a law firm for a year, goin to a state law school on fully scholly, dropping out bc my families finances disappeared, cried for 6 months unemployed - spent 1 month knocking on doors selling solar panels - then got a temp jon with the bank doing AML compliance, got hired full time
Now i go to law school part time

Typical Week:
class 3 times a week to 9:30PM, work late the other two days till 8pm, go back to live in moms basement, save money and help family with finance while paying some undergrad student loans

study on weekend

dont date bc no car and everyone in nyc is rich but me and moved outta mommys house

Life isn't the most comfortable but im kinda happy in a depressed, sad way.

>> No.1643068



>> No.1643096

How do you know if your wife is loyal ?

A 8/10 alone all day sounds dangerous to me

>> No.1643097

>implying that's inspiring
being a corporate cubicle dwelling wageslave sucks dick dude don't kid yourself.
if you work for someone else you're a failure

>> No.1643119

She does various hobbies and a part time job. Otherwise very anti-social and anxiety. Her only friends are my friends, I know everyone she talks to. Married 6 years.

>> No.1643122

>Married 6 years.
that's the magic number

>> No.1643126

fucking fuck, i know this is NEETbait™®, but fuck. you're on here bragging about buying your own lunch and having a "low libido but a solid 8/10" wife. you even fucking described her as 8/10 TWICE in the same POST. uumm, autism much?

also, just so you know, $200k in manhatten = like $60k in ohio.

and if you can tell the difference between an $8 wine and a $20 wine, then you a complete faggot.

>> No.1643127

Income: idk probably 30k+ if things keep going my way

Waiter/Bartender in training

Age: 20

What it Took: Applying for the job and being a people person who loves working with customers

Typical Week: You guys probably arent interested

Other notes: I wanna become a wine importer some day but idk where to start. Gonna apply to some vineyards nearby as FOH and see where that goes.

>> No.1643128

You're the one that watches them. You realize you're the one that's degenerating the self, right?

>> No.1643139

Income. Minimum wage
Age 18
What it took to get here: litteraly nothing just got offered the job
Typical week: exactly the same as OP but with 9/10 high libido gf
Hope you guys were inspired by this

>> No.1643145
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Profession: NEET

Income: $1000/month

Age: 29

What it took? I drank too much throughout most of my 20's and had an undiagnosed/untreated anxiety disorder. Couldn't hold a job, dropped out of university.

My Daily Schedule:
>Wake up 6am, coffee and instant oatmeal for breakfast
>Lift for 1 hour
>Cardio for 2 hours
>Spend rest of morning looking online for jobs
>Lunch around 12. Can of pork and beans, an apple for dessert.
>Shitpost, watch tv, and/or read for the rest of the day and evening
>Dinner around 7. Usually something nice. Meat, rice, vegetable. Maybe some pasta or curry.
>Bed around 10.

On Friday evenings I will have a few drinks and watch a game. This is my night off.

>> No.1643152

all these /10 ratings are subjective. a 9/10 in ohio is a 3/10 in manhattan. keep on fuckin', anon!

>> No.1643389

Top kek

>> No.1643407

>my night off

>> No.1643433
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alcohol is shit.

vidya is shit.

inb4 stop liking what I don't like

hope you decide at a point to do something interesting with your life

>> No.1643450

>Cyber security
>Work hard, sometimes long hours
>Underappreciated and under paid

Love my job but 60k isn't worth the amount of work I put in and what I dedicate to my career/projects/duties

>> No.1643469
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>junior dev
>i didn't like my warehouse job so I taught myself to program after work and applied to a shit ton of jobs on angellist until someone picked me up
>wake up around 9, work until 3 or so, two meetings a week. Me and my gf like going /out/. We don't do much though..

Working from home is nice. My boss likes my work and clients are trickling in. Can't really complain too much I guess.

>> No.1643507

>go to gym 1 day per week
You're never gonna make it. What a shit rolemodel.

>> No.1643510


Hey man, I thought that cyber sec jobs were pretty high paying?

>> No.1643515
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>>Married 6 years.
>that's the magic number

>> No.1643532

How did you even get a job at compliance lmao

>> No.1644374

Even a NEET deserves one night a week to get drunk and forget about his problems.

>> No.1644397

Income: 86k
Profession: DevOps & Landlord

What it Took: Bs in high school, Bs at a mid-tier university, always applied to jobs in the field. Started at 9/hour in IT, graduated and got 40k, jumped ship through networking for 70k, got a promotion to 81k 18 months later, and bought a condo with a room rented out for 5k/year. I'm 27 in MA.

>Mon-Friday: Work from 10-4 with a couple extra hours or more tossed somewhere, play Titanfall 2, shitpost online, see friends for trivia or games or bars.
>Saturday & Sunday: Parties, stranglebang sluts, apply to other jobs, work on coding skills, develop shitty D&D knockoff.

Seems comfy but your wife is cheating on you. "Low libido" means she's with you for money and emotionally cares about you at this point, but you don't turn her on.

Definitely apply to any job at vineyards. Anything at all in the field is how you get to the right job in 5 years.

That's the saddest shit I've heard in a while, in the sense that you put in all the effort and are doing alright but it's not enough for your environment. Keep at the law school, anon.

Is NEET money tax free? Your food sounds depressing but staying in shape is good. Try applying for apprenticeships or military? I know 29 is late but 35 will be even later, might as well have 6 years of progress by then.

What are the main things to learn for cyber security? I thought about getting into it on the side for private contracting.

You're well on your way anon. Once you have 2 years of work at that company (might already) I'd recommend applying to other jobs, 5-10 every Sunday so you're in HR's inbox on Monday, the day they're guilted to actually work. 95% won't get back to you, that's the same for any field, but I'd bet you could nab 60-70k on a single job hop within 3-6 months of constantly applying.

>> No.1644435


> I fuck wife in the ass. Also, we'll order some Thai food.

In that order, I hope.

>> No.1644444

b t f o

>> No.1644449

>Is NEET money tax free? Your food sounds depressing but staying in shape is good. Try applying for apprenticeships or military? I know 29 is late but 35 will be even later, might as well have 6 years of progress by then.

We get tax rebates throughout the year, just like other poorfags. Right now I am applying for minimum wage jobs, but I am enrolled in trade school for the spring. The economy here sucks right now but my parents have agreed to help me with relocation costs if I can secure an apprenticeship somewhere else once I finish trade school. My goal is to be a licensed tradesman by 35.

>> No.1644463

That's definitely doable. Apply like it's a full time job, you just need your foot in the door but sometimes you have to fucking slam it in there. What's the worst that happens? You push too hard and ruin your reputation with someone that wasn't going to hire you anyways if you ddn't?

>> No.1644465

> Seems comfy but your wife is cheating on you. "Low libido" means she's with you for money and emotionally cares about you at this point, but you don't turn her on.

Wont any attractive women cheat on you at some point though ? It seems to me the only solution would be to go for a shy average looking girl

>> No.1644484

This is true. The only real solution is a prenup WITH lawyers present. Consult your lawyer on how to properly pay for her lawyer without giving you control over their lawyer. That way in the courts when they try to toss out your penup you can prove that it's not a manipulation tactic as you each had qualified legal council review your own terms independently when signing.

It could still get tossed out, but such is life. Not being married in your 40s is bad for reputation.

>> No.1644516

>~$400 a month from parents
>Full time Math Major at top5, lots of studying/classes in finance physics and programming
What it took:
>Literal ass to the grindstone to finish high school and get 30 credits from a state uni all in three years. A level of motivation and discipline I can't even come close to now.
Typical Week (day, they're the same):
>I spend all my time writing short stories and poetry, reading short stories and poetry, procrastinating my problem sets, lifting, eating, playing Overwatch, and skipping all but the two mandatory classes I have a week. I've applied for a bunch of campus jobs so I can start saving money and more importantly get some fucking discipline back in my life instead of waking up at 2 in the afternoon and going to bed at 5 am or sometimes just staying awake all night

Yeah I need to get my fucking life together. I'm really hot on my latest short story so I think I'll try mass submitting it to fiction journals etc but I know the chances of acceptance are quite low and even if I did get accepted you get paid like $200. More of a hobby than anything I guess but it's the main thing that makes me happy.

>> No.1644782


Hold on baby eat this Thai food before I ass fuck you.

>> No.1644975
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Sounds like my dream minus the cuck office and

>paying chick's to shit for me...


30 years old.
Heavy equipment operator
Make like 60k?

M-F. 7am-5pm. Work. 5:15pm- 2am dick off and tinker on shit. Listen to wife bitch. Drink. Sat-sun drink. Get into some shit with friends. Try not to spend to much at the bar or liquor store.

>Mfw there is no blow job day
>Mfw there is no fuck my wife in the ass day
>Mfw libido? What labido.??....

>> No.1644993
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It is... used to deliver fur inure to a military base.

>Mfw you are a taken 6/10 on a good day. Fat and sweaty from lift heavy shit all day.

>Mfw 8-10/10 are alone in a new town for months on end in their teens and 20's.

Legit anon's

Start moving high end furniture and you will have to turn down beer and pussy like you are Chad Krueger.


>> No.1644999
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>this is my night off.
>profession: NEET.

>> No.1645007

They are when u like my childhood bro. Head security tech for the best tech store on earth. Didn't even go to school. He is possibly using the knee pads. There is no other explanation I can see

>> No.1645038


i'm working on buying a car so I can do this when I move down farther into the wine area in my state, I love wine and it seems like a lucrative field if I play my cards right.

wine taste gud and it makes me look cultured

>> No.1645056

Office drone

Fuck wife in ass after Thai food

>> No.1645061

nice quints bro. i wish you all the best.

>> No.1645087

Job: Digital marketing coordinator/analyst
Income: 30k/year

Typical week:
Monday/wednesday/friday: go to work 830-415. lift at 6 with roomate. come home, do yoga/stretch and watch tv till bed. (1030)

Teusday/Thursday. Just work. thrsdays i may go out for dinner with gf sometimes
Saturday: Lift, shoot the shit with friends, have some weed infused food or whatever to mellow out. go out downtown once every now and then with friends
Sunday: Clean around the house, do groceries.

>> No.1645122

If you want to be wine guy, you would have better luck working for a distributor than an actual winery. There is no money to be made at a winery, it's a labor of love. Get your foot in the door at a distributor and you may have more opportunities for advancement.

Another good job is being a beverage director at a restaurant or retailer, but these are competitive jobs to get.

>> No.1645124

I study Banking and Finance in Austria. Live at mommy house. Gonna be done with my BS in 3 years after that I will leave this shithole to a comfy city in Asia or US.

>> No.1645214
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What trade. If u wanna work hard and in some shitty climates I can hook you up with the train I missed. Welding school. 9 months school in Kansas and guaranteed 120k+ per year. Takes money management as you use your own welder and truck and such but that is more than paid for. U just can't be a lazy cuck or bad with money management. Not something you will want to retire at. But you can do that till 30 or 40 and pay cash for another trade school or biz or invest till 35 and retire. Just keep away from the whores and bars on a Tuesday and u be good. Go out one night a week for 200 or less. Is what my bros do. Like 8 good buddies. They work 6-8 months 50-84 hours a week and then drag up and come home for 3 or 4 months. Money saved to live and odd jobs for dick off money. Then pack the 5th wheel down and ship off 3 states away. It's great if u are young or have few attatchments. I got buddies in electric and shit too. I run equipment.


>> No.1645216
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Pretty much if u ain't afraid to work "the trades" are a happy medium between flipping burgers or cucks school and debt for 10 years till u make a wage taxed at 30% but still worth it.

If I could go back I would take the shit jobs bucking hay bails at 14 and pulling wells like I did so I learn that no... I don't want to work on a rig like my dad. But school is for fags.

I would work hard young. Trade school at 18. Kill it and party till about 22. Buckle down and get a lifelong career I can work till I die and mildly enjoy. And start investing in my free time. Casually work a side biz and investments till I retire young. Die at 95 in my shop waiting on wood glue to dry or a weld to cool while thumbing through pics of good times with friends and family. When they find me ideally my thermos is half full of hot coffee and a keystone light is still cold in my hand.

I lead a simple life for someone with my level of undiagnosed adult adhd, autism, and diagnosed off the charts depression and anxiety.

I just wanna hang out and make everyone happy. And if I can keep one childhood friend from eating a shotgun I will gladly do it myself. 2016 has been worse than Mr. Bones ride. Keep praying 2017 will be better but keep seeing my wife or folks die on new years. The exit is the entrance and I swear to God I will jump off at the highest point in the 2nd trip... sorry 4 blogpost. Alcohol and loneliness fueled posts are why I avoid this place at night. But any other friends do I want to see are racking a slide or cycling dummy and real roundsoon playing Russian Roulette right now. And I can't be someone's rock when I am fucking crumbling myself some days...


>> No.1645223


says the NEET

>> No.1645228

This 100%. My current job is the best I will ever have. The office cunt thinks I am insane. And I won't lie. I did some strange shit to get this job. I regret nothing. By random chance she is a cunt and about to be the only fired cunt in 10 years from my company of 70 fucking employees. 2 dudes own it. Brothers. They got a lot of kids and grandkids. Essentially I have like 50 bosses then. Everyone is cool. Super fucking clique place. They pay enough u can't afford to leave and treat u like a fucking rock star. All I have to do is try and fit in and make sure I hold the fort down. These mutherfuckers love me and I got a $2hr raise my 4th day on the job because they used a spy drone to see wtf I was doing and promised never to do it again. I busted ass because that's what I do.

By random chance I have a bro who is super paranoid. He said he wants a place next to my office because he trusts me and has been on every square inch of my workplace recently and detected no infrared. So no cameras I assume.

>> No.1645239

I watched a previous faggot boss who deserved every inch of that fuckin' lose half of a 50 million dollar empire. After refusing to take 12 mill cash he had squirrel led away she posted on fb a 9 million dollar buyout of his biggest competitor. Bitch took a pic of the paperwork and on Facebook blatantly said and I quote. I took half of his shit and gave 3 million dollars to a stranger as one final fuck you to the biggest piece of shit I have ever met. My boss showed me that and I couldn't even laugh. I was so dumbfounded that I walked over and sprayed that air duster with bitter ant in my throat. Not huff but risk hospital or death just to puke in front of the boss. Called in sick the next day and partied with his ex. If there is one thing I love more than a fuckers getting fucked it's a rich cheap fuckers getting fucked with his own money.

>> No.1645247

Nice. Try capitalising in other ways? A cult following online or brand or fb? Possibly hit up mildly successful writers and sell out for a percentage? Other ways to use your writings besides sell the writings.

Look at Calvin and hobbs. Nobody knows the fuck who he is but he pisses all over everyone's back window.

>> No.1645258

City my ass anon. Come to southeast kansas if you aren't a faggot. Half of my friends own American muscle cars or race dirt mud or drag cars. We know how to have fun cheap. As long as you never get offended by shit or us making you say "i'llc be back" 50 times a day u good. Plenty of tail and after being November understudy of the biggest pimp I ever met I found a wife. They call my super wingman. Or hitch after that will Smith show. He's a faggot and I refuse to watch his shot but I read the movie. Sounds similar.

>> No.1645304

pitched the law school thing, a temp agency was like jpmorgan wants you for a temp project, beasted at it and was top producer, got hired
That's the saddest shit I've heard in a while, in the sense that you put in all the effort and are doing alright but it's not enough for your environment. Keep at the law school, anon.

i just deal with the cards given me

>> No.1645314

Holy shit pissed myself laughing

>> No.1645733

distribution would be ideal

i'd do vineyard work to learn more about it.

>> No.1645794
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Age: 22
Income: $41,150
Profession: Forklift Operator at Target Distribution

What it took?:
I got hired through a temp agency when I was 19. I kept bugging them every day that I want to ride a fork lift. After I got hired on directly they trained me and been driving ever since.

Work 6pm to 6am. And sleep.

Go fishing on mini road trips usually along the east coast from New Jersey to Florida. I live in Virginia.

Some other notes:
Im completely comfortable where I'm at. I've been bugging about management now and have had the supervisor delegate a lot of his duties to me this past year. Plant manager loves me. Just waiting for a supervisor position to open up then I will be making $52,400 starting with 4 day weekends every week for fishing.

Enjoy the college loans and stuff I guess. Still considering getting a degree in business management if I don't move up here without it.

>> No.1645805


You sound like your from southern kansas

>> No.1647121

I'm jealous

You should be happy anon

>> No.1647137

>Lying on the internet: The Thread

>> No.1647140

besides your gpa what else did you need to be qualified enough for the job?

>> No.1647146

Stick at it! Demand for AML isn't going to go away any time soon. You've landed on your feet with that, don't chuck it away

>> No.1647151

>lift for 1 hour
>Cardio for 2 hours
>lunch is a can of pork and beans


>> No.1647156

What do you do at work that actually makes your employers money?

>> No.1647161

This. OP proof or it's all neetbux and ramen for you. If this is your dream journal for "2017 goals" then at least you have a dream. Until you stop pretending though you will never get out of the basement.

>> No.1647169


Depends, about $900k (5 year avg.)

Family Construction Business


>What it took?
Entrepreneurial parents, multiple degrees, self reflection and criticism, soaking up all the experiences I could

>Typical week..
Work you butt off and take one day off with complete radio silence.

>> No.1647181

> high end sushi joint
>eat about $50 of nigiri sushi.
like 2 pieces?
> a cocktail bar and drink about $30 in high end cocktails
like one martini or something?
>$20 bottle of wine
cheap wine woohoo?
>maybe have a small amount of $50 bottle of whisky.
what is the point of mentioning prices of stuff if you are spending nothing?

>> No.1647195
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0 (I don't take salary lol taxes are way lower on corporate profit here and taking out dividend is also better if i needed the money)

Co-founded and run a startup in tech


>what it took
Intelligence, the right people to partner with, drive. Parents willing to pay my living costs for 5 months. Great public speaking skills, communication skills, mathematical and computer science skills.
I could really go on forever but I'm sure someone else can explain to you better than I can what is needed. (but partners and team is key)

>Typical week.
Get up at 8am, meetings (investors, clients, outsourced devs, partners etc) + program all day until around 8pm. Also travel to meet investors and other larger potential partners
I have no life and no luxuries but I love what I do...

>> No.1647218

I'm not really trying to be funny, this is actually my life.

Pork and beans, and an apple. I also have a piece of fruit and a granola bar when I get home from running.

>> No.1647709



>> No.1647775


What do you guys build bro?

>> No.1647818

I agree except for the sushi part. That's just false unless it's literally the top five most expensive in the world.

Plenty of one/two michelin star sushi restaurants with Omakase (fixe prix) meals in the hundreds of $$$ range, so definitely considered high end, still sell nigiri for a lot less than 25 a piece.

But yeah at the fucking whisky, like lmao dude a $50 bottle of scotch is shit, the only thing drinkable in that range is JW Black and that's the lowest of the low when it comes to actual stuff

>> No.1647999
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>He's a faggot and I refuse to watch his shot but I read the movie. Sounds similar.
>but I read the movie.

>> No.1648042


>Eat about $50 of nigiri sushi

Do you weigh like 400 lbs?

>> No.1648047


Finished reading the rest of your dumb post. Sounds like a boring manchild life.

>> No.1648059

27, $86k, mechanical engineer.

Every weekday is the same. Clock watching wage cuck, fighting off existential angst within a corporate hellscape.

Weekends I go skydiving (blow all my money on this), golfing, and cycling and do a lot of reading (which allows more philosophically damaging mental self-flagellations throughout the soul draining work week)

>> No.1648065

> work hard to become engineer
>Achieve difficult goal and hate life even more
>Feel for you

>> No.1648207

cladding and metal works.

>> No.1648531

1. Write software to automate manual/clerical labor (or some variant thereof). I figure over my last 10+ years of development across various firms I've legit killed 80+ full-time w/ benefit jobs.
2. Be practical and deliver. Do a good job at (1). Don't waste time..just write good software without bugs and tested well. Sometimes the solution may be to write no software at all.

>> No.1649299

>It's a roleplay as a modestly successful CS graduate episode

>> No.1649332

How to tell two people live in very different socioeconomic bubbles from how much they think sushi costs