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1640730 No.1640730 [Reply] [Original]

How do I become YouTube famous? I want to get one million subscribers. Nothing is off limits.

>> No.1640735

Do what people want to see. For example, Cards against humanity just raised 95k+ for themselves, by diggin a hole in the earth. Go off that concept

>> No.1640746

Can you afford to pay for advertising?

>> No.1640799

You don't need 1 million to be famous. It all depends on your content. There are niches where the top YouTubers have 30K subs and make $30K a month from product sponsorships and shilling.

>> No.1640825

Two words: Chip warmer

>> No.1640844

Riley is ded

>> No.1640861

Subscribers are useless. Im going to reach 1 million next years at this rate. Doesn't matter since the traffic pays like shit. It's all about how much traffic you get but most importantly what's the CPM for your traffic.

Example of those Youtubers?

Also isn't affiliate marketing banned in youtube?

>> No.1640903


Best advice you can possibly get on that:

There was once a youtuber called vegangains. He was a cunt, not likeable, not creative, smart or particularly interesting. Didn't really have anything interesting to say, or views to share either. His target niche was fitness and lifting. But since he was such an impossible to like cunt, nobody would give his videos any attention. Until one day he started a series called 'worst of the fitness industry' or something like that. In these videos he would regularly pick one popular youtuber within his niche, and just slander him, and shit on him generously. This would always attract both that persons fans, who would be all up in arms, and it would attract that persons haters, he would then be likely to subscribe.

Rinse, repeat, 50 vids of shitting on popular fitness youtubers later, the guy is a big youtube star. Who everyone seems to hate, but who cares, he's still a star.

That's how you do it.

>> No.1642067

So roasting on other youtubers is the way to do it, but then you are putting a huge target on your back in the process.

>> No.1642080

i keep saying this, and I'll say it again
>Get really good at VFX
>Shoot elements on a go-pro
>fake "mobile phone footage" of getting caught in a tornado/shark attack/falling off a cliff... >choose your "OMG YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS" stunt

Seed it. Goes viral.
Goes even more viral once people start debating if it's real or not.

That's it.
Should take you a week if you're good at compositing.

This is also good
> but then you are putting a huge target on your back in the process.
Yous said nothing off limits. Besides what can they REALLY do to you?
Especially if you're smart enough to hide and mask all your social media presences and do a preliminary google search of your name and contacts.

>> No.1642083

Destroy expensive hardware in hilarious ways.
Do a gimmicky thing which you can easily repeat "X with/in Y".
Review hardware (bonus points if you get the attention of /g/).
Review games (bonus points if you get the attention of /v/).
Make weird meme videos.
Debunk idiots.
Talk about alt-right/anti-sjw/anti-pc conspiracy shit.
Play with hardware while high.
Become a girl and talk about fashion / beauty / tech stuff while doing cute poses.
Be wrong but somehow good enough people will want to keep watching.
Pretend to be rich.

Basically just look at people with 500k+ subscribers and copy what weird shit they are doing but do it better.

>> No.1642090
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Also if I see another "Top 10 <something>" video with 2+ million views, i'm going to scream.

>> No.1642382

>Be a girl
That's what I've noticed, there are a ton of them whose only value is they are a chick

>> No.1642910

This.. If you're a girl and not a "social media influencer" you're missing out

>> No.1643806

if you show your face on your internet you are already a target specially if you are making money let alone doing it shittign on others

>> No.1643839


So I get 10+ Million Views for my video if there is a girl in it?

Why not just rape one and upload it?

>> No.1643845

I find that the actual money lies in getting a small but dedicated niche on youtube. Having a million subs is good on paper, but unless your a vlog channel that shits out 1 video a day, that's not going to give good returns.

>> No.1643850

I think that's against YouTube guidelines

>> No.1643854


You sure?

>> No.1643946

If you want a lot of subscribers, animation is a good way to go. The only problem being animation takes a while and quite a bit of practice.

If you want something quicker to produce, you could always make instructional videos. Make sure to make it somewhat specific (such as 18th century cooking or investing for low income families.) Growth will be a little slower, but production will be a little faster.

It also helps to have a nice sounding voice to go with your product; lousy voice acting or recording software can really hamper the quality of your product.

>> No.1643953

Be really edgy and call out other youtubers.

>> No.1644175

>call out other youtubers
iDubbbz really nailed that one

>> No.1644565

>Also isn't affiliate marketing banned in youtube?
You're kidding right? Just about every single product/service review on YouTube has an affiliate link to the product in the description. And there are tons of accounts created solely for the purpose of affiliate marketing.

>> No.1644668

yeah but i mean getting ad revenue + promoting affiliate link inside the actual video i have my doubts its legal

that's the problem.. youtube is about churning out garbage, daily garbage. animations take too much time to create...

it's sad how it all comes down to mass produced crap instead of putting actual effort into a single piece

>> No.1644722


Riley Lives!

>> No.1644765

people like lists. The only good list channel is Dark5 tho

>> No.1644800

>Subscribers are useless. Im going to reach 1 million next years at this rate
Shut up Mexico nobody wants your nachos.

But seriously why don't you just start producing English content? Or make a new channel with English content.

>> No.1644827

That is the out of box thinking my generation needs more of

>> No.1644844
File: 229 KB, 1200x807, shoot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't do it man.
Youtube will sap your fucking soul and make you realise how much you are worth.

>Be desperate for attention and cash
>Decide to start a youtube channel
>My passion has always been food
>I am a 300lb man so I love junk and candy and take away food
>Decide to start a youtube channel, not about food review (the market is oversaturated, I am German and there are a few German food tasters)
>The channel instead is about satire
>Basically a comedy channel
>it starts with me reading the nutrition label on some junk food item
>then I get to the sugar and fat content
>every episode I make an excuse as to why I think the label says 0g fat and 0g sugar
>for example first episode I read a Marzipan box on the toilet
>My glasses fall into the toilet so I can't read
>I review the Marzipan on the toilet
>Second episode I am jogging next to a river reading a bag of chips
>glasses fall in the river
>eat the chips after misreading they are healthy
>third episode I am stroking my dog whilst reading a coke can
>the dog eats my glasses because he mistakes the tape used to repair them from previous episodes for a bone
>can't read, think coke is healthy, review it

I got a total of 18 views for 3 episodes and one comment that said 'what the fuck is this?

Spent 80 hours preparing those videos.

>> No.1644876

please link it so the mods can ban your sorry ass for self promoting

>> No.1644905
File: 1.25 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20161129-160224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They wut?

>> No.1644913


This is why I have 5k fb friends. I have several fake accounts and will troll myself sometimes just to stir up hate and discontent.

Never even thought of this.

Thank u anon.

>> No.1644932

Link videos. Please no stroking dog video unless you mean "pet."

Your translation makes it seem like you master bate your dog. Lol.

Sometimes maybe u need honest reviews. Throw them up and get honest answers from autists.

>> No.1644956

>self promting

fuck off, that shit is long gone.

>> No.1645132

Did you put keywords and stuff?

>> No.1645189

You know the kind of people who succeed on youtube, are fucked in the head, it seems scary, imagine being trapped in your channel for life. there's no end.

>> No.1645282

is that you Noah?

>> No.1645466

i really want to do reaction videos, but i don't want to make myself a target. Fuck me.

>> No.1645485

>Be female
>Wear little clothing
>Stream vidya and twerk every time you win a match
>Say you'll release nudes when you hit 1 million subscribers
And if you want to really hit it big
>Get boob job
Some slut is well on her way to hitting 1 million by doing this.

>> No.1645500

Channels tend to snowball.
First views are the hardest.
Don't expect to get any views unless you're hardcore shilling.
Like, make yourself a tripfag on /ck/ and mention your YouTube channel every chance you get.

>> No.1645502


(((Zoie Burgher)))

>> No.1645987

The most successful way I've seen is producing something that would be end up as clickbait on reddit front-page. See: Hydraulic Press youtube channel. They started very slow until they posted on the front page of reddit and gained a following there. Now every video they make ends up on the front page and gain 100k+ subscribers every time.

>> No.1646028

>Hydraulic Press youtube channel
I don't know why people like this shit.
I watched one video and it bored me to tears

>> No.1646056

Not sure either, but it falls in the same realm as the "Will it blend?" videos. People like a familiar formula with different outcomes.

>> No.1646101
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As a multitrillion bussnies man I could give you many tips and tricks to asure you make.

But as an artist who cares about artistic intent and gets buttmad at seeing shit content constantly produced.

*JoJo stance*

I refuse.

>> No.1646222


I may have access to one of the largest shovels made. Can pick up give or take 20 tons of screenings. (Fine rock dust)

Would "will is smash" be a worthwhile try?

I can drag anything that will fit on a low boy out there and just bury it when we done.

Of course the cucks will want a percentage but still.

Maybe a car for the first vid?

>> No.1646228
File: 38 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick related. Similar.

And I know the car will smash a foot thick because I have done it. Rip Toyota pickup.

>> No.1646347

I have the same problem. I get tons of views per video in my niche, problem is, it takes me up to a month to make a single video. Meanwhile mr famous generic personality makes 3 gameplay videos per day and ends up racking up 50 million views a month.

Capitalism as always rewarding mass produced trash over few and quality content.

>> No.1646362

Well, it's worse being trapped wagecucking and commuting to no end.

>> No.1647179

What the fuck are you talking about, my videos are in english.

>> No.1647183

Link to channel.
I want to see what videos a youtube famous 4channer makes

>> No.1647185

buy kneepads and go to town on camera

>> No.1648224
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I started a YouTube channel based on chink shit reviews back in May, people who visit /csg/ can probably guess who I am.

I've got 400+ subs which isn't too bad in a few months, I can attest to >>1644844 in some ways though in that a failed video or series can seriously fuck with you.

I sold all my gaming shit and invested in some really nice video gear, started scripting, learning Premiere and really caring about the quality of my content yet the only video people watch or care about is some video I shat out in 10 minutes in the first week of my channel.

Not to make this too bloggy but I feel a constant temptation to just pump out low quality clickbait garbage every single day instead of striving to be better. The only way to mentally cope is to give up on making money and use YouTube as a hobby because that's the best way to distance yourself from the rest of the cancer.

>> No.1648338

Alright here's a great idea you can thank me for later, mass upload all the webms and shit on /wsg/ with click bait tags and titles

>> No.1648614

I also have a tech channel and post on /g/ (im the one with the leg...)

I just aim for hobbyist editing and posting.
if you make it great but no need to push it.
There's no brand loyatly anymore in anything. Stay true to your beliefs and MO and keep producing.

>> No.1648827

i'm interested in masking yourself online, any tips for that?

>> No.1649235

Pretty good idea but what can you smash aside from cars? Bookshelves

>> No.1649457

Quality bros, capitalism tells us to make absolute trash in order to make money. What do?

>> No.1649490

What kind of animation do you mean?

>> No.1649505

Helps to be a pretty girl. Otherwise, you're gonna have to work your ass off and get creative.

>> No.1649559

I don't quite understand how those channel create remix music don't get copyright strike?

>> No.1649562

Haven't tried it but I would:
Use a pseudonym on all social media accounts.
Delete any email accounts that include your real name
Set up dummy email accounts.
Avoid geographical signifiers in your videos or profile pictures: street signs, franchises in your neighborhood which exist only in certain territories.
Use misleading geographical signifies: self explanatory... one thing about the internet is that Occums Razor never applies, people will believe the wildest, stupidest shit, so take advantage of that.

Of course you can't avoid it entirely, but you can minimize it by using some common sense.

>> No.1649568

How do people even make money on youtube adsense? My video has almost 1000 views and I have 0.00 in revenue ;/ It's monetized too.

>> No.1649634

Eyyyyy comfy

>> No.1649640


There's your problem.
Also it's probably not on a valuable topic. Like "Best Dentist in Beverly Hills"

>> No.1649656


Well, it's a song I made a few months ago & my first and only upload.

>> No.1649670

Make a video of the best of charlie and frank from its always sunny: guaranteed 100,000 views for maybe 3 hours of work

>> No.1649688

- Make good titles and thumbnails.
- Deliver decent content that anyone can relate to. (Fuck no advanced maths Fuck yes morning breakfast)
- be both a brand and a spiritual guru

>> No.1649751

Gonna be brutal here:
Original music will never pay out through adsense. You need to do one hell of a job of marketing your band/artist persona to get enough scale to generate revenue. You've got a way better chance of monetizing through Bandcamp, letting your fans pay you directly for music rather than letting Google skim a few PPCs and give you a percentage on Youtube.

Youtube is simply a promotional tool for your revenue stream when you lack scale.

>> No.1649808


Someone already took my persona name on bandcamp ;-;

>> No.1649815

Kill them, gain their powers

>> No.1649847

become pewdiepie

>> No.1649941

Go make a video insulting one of the big youtubers. Drama reins supreme on that circle jerk site.

>> No.1650134

Use Vaporwave style rendition of the name?

>> No.1650204

1. Be extremely good looking.
2. Be completely and utterly shameless.
3. Create quality content serving a large market.

>> No.1650212

Make fan made relationship videos like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HL1_BFcb7pE&t=2s

We need more riarkle videos.

>> No.1650473


How's that supposed to look?

>> No.1651128

So my video about a guy who wants to fuck his sister is a good idea?

>> No.1651264

>How's that supposed to look?

モード ~_~ Δ e s t h é t i č ~_~

Jesus titty fucking Christ can't you work anything out for yourself?

>> No.1651267

>3. Create quality content serving a large market.

you should reword that to juts, "create popular content for retards"
its doesnt have to be good, theres plenty of examples of this

>> No.1651307

I'm a good guitar player and uploaded two cover songs once and they both have over 5000 views. Is that a good start? Should I keep going? Any way of making money that way?