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16400321 No.16400321 [Reply] [Original]

Let it all out.

>> No.16400326

I just want my inheritance OP.. So I can play vidya, surf, chill, and pickup roasties.

>> No.16400330
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I’m applying to PhD programs and stressed as fuck. Bout to smoke a bowl. TYBG

>> No.16400338

This board is weird as fuck, and that's saying something by this site's standards, yet I feel an odd sort of comfiness from it that makes me keep sticking around.

>> No.16400358

turned 29 the other day. No GF. Broke. Jobless. Havent finished uni yet. Living in shithole argentina. What hope is there left for me, i dont even hold crypto anymore so im missing on gains, life sucks lately

>> No.16400369

Got a promotion for a 205k salary yesterday. At this rate I'll be a millionaire by 31. I'd trade it all for my dad back though. I am lost without him.

>> No.16400393

your dad did a good job if no larp, you should be proud of him. Mine was too busy waging and solving other people problems to raise a family properly

>> No.16400397

Buy Tezos anon, just stack as many as possible. Will pay off big time soon

>> No.16400406

Hang in there bro. There's always something out there.

>> No.16400469

Very sad.

Favorite uncle/ one of my best friends died in 2017, not over it.
Due to debt, I let a buddy and his wife move into my apartment at the expense of my privacy. They're cool and all, but my gf is very jealous of my buddy's wife (shes 9/10 and my gf is a 7 in good light at the right angle) and feels like his wife is going to seduce me LOL (if only)
They have sex like 8 times a day and it's annoying as fuck, and the dude doesn't clean anything.
My gf of 2 years is about to go to Korea for a year and I am not at all optimistic about long distance.

Car died and I bought a newish one which threw me into debt

Kinda wanna sell all my guns and move to Japan, but I don't speak the language or know the customs, I jsut want to restart

>> No.16400483

I am very proud of him. He was my best friend though. We did everything together.

The part that hurts the most is I look just like him. Everyday I stare at a reflection of a man who I would trade anything for.

>> No.16400485

constantly have anxiety and depression. redpill: life is hell

>> No.16400560

Tfw 22

Metalcore drummer to a band that's almost made it

Almost done degree -$3.8k debt

Tfw .86 BTC

Tfw 10 Tesla shares

Tfw $5k cash

I think I'm gonna make it by 25, if I don't I rope or join military

>> No.16400608




Other than that I'm fine.

>> No.16400610
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>> No.16400627
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Honestly at this point I don't even know what the point of prayer is, except for placebo

>> No.16400683

Got a qt to cuddle and fuck
She likes anime too :3

>> No.16400697

Based and how

>> No.16400712

I learned that the secret to success is just evolving yourself. I have done this for the last 2 years and can't believe how my life has changed. This world is just a mirror of our inner world. I'm finalizing my success by buying Fantom.

>> No.16400736
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there's a hot asian girl i know through work who's interested in me and i in her but im a virgin and she doesn't know, im gonna be spending some time with her on friday an i really dont want to fuck it up, im gonna unironically just b myself and see how it goes, wish me luck bros

other than that, gym is going well and im still abstaining from alcohol in 99% of cases

>> No.16400747
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nobodys posting in my seele thread

>> No.16400902

Asian girls can be shy about sex from my experience. As you said just be yourself. If you are worrying about the virgin thing, she might pick up on it. It's not a big deal to be a virgin. Everyone was at some point.

>> No.16400926
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I lost a dollar on a call today. Its ok though, I have one left.

>> No.16400945
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I miss him bros

>> No.16400961

Sleep tight shqreli

>> No.16400980

Dude kick your friend out. Sounds like no one (you or your wife) are happy about it.Honestly wouldn't be suprised if your friend is banging your wife.

>> No.16400987
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I just got a link to Anton Kriel's courses and i'm hyped asf to start.
Anyone wanna redpill me on him? The fact that he's the only professional institutional trader selling courses gets me going.

>> No.16400999

name the band you asswipe

>> No.16401159

I'm taking care of my 90-year-old grandpa's shopping once a week and getting paid for it. He's a tough bastard, but he can't drive anymore. I'm using most of the cash to get the basics and invest for my future "projects".

>> No.16401477

Recently got up to 50 ETH, overall folio is looking decent for GBR. Work has been going fairly well and will be starting a complementary business in Q1 2020. Meanwhile have been 'dating' girls off apps but has been very underwhelming except for 1-2 prospects. Going to Taiwan next week for 3 weeks so will hopefully be a great time and easymode with local girls.

>> No.16401513

Finally got to 3k link and 0.2lp (need to get to 0.3 before getting more link) Just want to make it, i really only ever wanted a cutie virgin wife . .

>> No.16401554

fuck you anon (i am jealous)
damn fren we siblings or something?
my parents waging their souls to mr. shekelstein 24/7/365. They dont take any vacation/sick days/off days so they can make more money while we are already rich (we have too much houses and cars).

Now they are rushing me and my brother to get a job, so they can make us to take loans on some more houses and cars. Needless to say, our family did not talk among each other at all. If we do talk, it is when we are fighting.

I just want my parents to die so I can get a hold of their houses and cars. :)

>> No.16401609

I am frustrated. I lost my job, and they told me I was doing an excellent job but they were letting me go. What the fuck does that even mean.

I am burying myself in crypto because fuck it, slave 5 days a week for chump change and get treated like shit. I want to be king, not a bottom feeder.

Now I am sitting watching XRP just... chunk away percentages, slowly gain then dump again and getting fucked off. Just let it grow ya cunts.

Thanks for listening.

>> No.16401636

Maybe your boss found out you are an xrp bagholder and correctly deduced that you are a total moron?

>> No.16401716

I would want to feel and empathize with you but >>16401636 is probably right, don't sit on bags of xrp. Keep some, but sell most for any other crypto you believe in

>> No.16401728

Work sucks and I am contemplating calling in sick for the stress / burnout. It would actually be for the best and in everyone's benefit, but can't help to feel guilty about it because the job used to be incredibly enjoyable not too long ago. Calling in sick for a burnout would set of a chain reaction of me not going to work until April, while still being paid. I'll lose my job in April, will be hooked up through my governments job reintegration program and potentially have another six months of welfare lined up (thanks yurope)

I have 30 minutes before should be leaving for work.
It's storming outside too and I don't want to commute.

If I go to work, there's literally nothing there for me.
I'll be sitting on a chair for 8 hours doing nothing until something breaks (not what my job used to be).

>> No.16401849


DO it man. I did it in May this year, just fucking walked out in the middle of my shift after 6 years.
Subsequently claimed stress brought on by the job, on neetbux at the moment that I have to see a doctor every couple months for.

Haven't regretted it once. I have gotten more done this past 6 months than in the last 6 years, I've grown so much. Now I am here investing some of my savings, not to mention the many other hobbies I'm doing.

Work destroys you, take any out you can.

>> No.16401860

I kinda am finding my feet in crypto world without the advantage of experience. I do like what Ripple is doing, and they are pushing XRP as its liquidity factor. I don't expect to see big returns in the short term... but you might be wrong and I hope you are. I wanna walk forward but if I fall, then I get up and try again. Life is suffering, so why hold back.

>> No.16401900

I’m 33 and haven’t aged mentally since 2002 or so. All I do is jerk off and play Morrowind or heroes of night and magic iii. Someone help

>> No.16401906

My RSR and MITX took a dive recently and I was too lazy to sell the top and missed out on doubling my stacks like a fucking retard. Still pissed about it.

>> No.16401911

Sounds like me. And I have no money.

>> No.16401918

Burned out in my first professional job despite doing a good job. Just placed so much pressure on myself which ate me away. Make sure you talk to people, if you isolate yourself and don't talk things out, things can get bad. People are looking after me now though.

20k LINK, 0.2LP

>> No.16401925

sleep tight shqreli

>> No.16402097


I am doing it, fuck it, should have clocked a few minutes ago and I am still at home.
Gonna get dressed into something comfy, make some hot chocolate with some eggnog and put on some chill tunes.

Still feeling bad about it, will have that call with my employer in the next hour. Literally can't go to work or even think about work without stressing out. The thought of going back on track with my life where I was a few months ago makes me feel quite good though. I wonder where I will end up in April though. Was in the process of setting up a side business from a hobby which should keep me busy a bit though.

>> No.16402129


Good luck anon, I'm happy for you. We were meant to be free. You will still have to expend effort to survive and prosper, but its totally different and more rewarding than slaving for an employer. When working for yourself and making your daily bread any way you can, it is soul enriching, rather than destroying.

>> No.16402162

>not holding the most talked about investment on this board and the only thing that can set you free

>> No.16402179
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TFW just turned 18, 500k in the bank, own my own business and have 2 bisexual GFs that clean my penthouse all day while I daytrade crypto (shorts all day) while I post my lavish awesome life on Instagram making faggots like you jealous. Haha. Sucks 2 suck. Prepare for the zoomer takeover

>> No.16402197


>> No.16402217

31 year old boomer here, just bought a 55 inch OLED and have a new gf for 3 years now, trying to make babys now

80k year job, i will go offshore for a few days next week, flying helicopter for work is pretty cash.

>> No.16402479

How do you “try” for 3 years?

>> No.16402497


Thanks anon. I'll be okay. Ran my own business's for over a decade, thought I should put my skills on test in the job market... And now I'm here. Self employment is a struggle, but that's what I'm cut out for.

Just called in. Things got hostile pretty quick over the phone. Had to press my boss on writing me up sick rather than taking a vacation day. Expects me back tomorrow, already has a solution for me.....Fuck that. I won't be coming.