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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16390463 No.16390463 [Reply] [Original]

>quit job to trade these markets in may
>Have absolutely decimated my stack by 60% since

I mean compared to current prices I have done nothing but sell the top but fuck it would be nice to be able to buy at these levels

>> No.16390481

Buy fantom and hold. Don't quit your job. Stop larping as the wolf of wall street cuz you'll just get burned

>> No.16390495

I already quit you stupid fucking pajeet shill your dumpster fire elsewhere before I curb stomp you

>> No.16390546

Kek. You're gonna keep losing money and finally go back to the wagie cagey where you belong

>> No.16390622

Buy Algo and FTM. Youll be back in no time

>> No.16390629

Why would anyone day trade this shit? Just buy and hold for two years faggot

>> No.16390691


Jesus, imagine being such a fucking loser that you still hold 2018-tier scams.

>> No.16390712

Fuck you bitch
Pajeets gonna pajeet man literally even what is fucking ftm been in for a while and never heard of it

>> No.16390730

>never heard of it

That's the problem. You don't read, you don't educate yourself, you don't do your research. You lack drive. This is why I will make it and you won't.

>> No.16390753

I don't care for ETH killer erc20#345678 when ETH is set to outperform everything next year pajeet

>> No.16390755

>t would be nice to be able to buy at these levels

buy CHAIN link and join the amazing boat party sir. they laugh now but we will see who laugh in the boat

>> No.16390762

Lul ive done this twice

>> No.16390771

Holy shit I'm the oldest fag here aren't I I fucking sold at $4 new fag fuck off

>> No.16390777

ETH is the betamax of smart contracts. It also keeps inflating endlessly, probably so devs can dump on the market more and more. Have it your way though I don't care.

>> No.16390790

Shut the fuck up pajeet i bet you don't even know what erc20 is holy how can pajeets be this brain dead

>> No.16390794

you did this on instinct? how much time did you spend crafting a strategy? just curious. what was your style of trading? what timeframe etc.
anyway, crypto is so easy to manipulate if you have a lot of money.. its a small market. this shit can fly like crazy and dump like a rock.

>> No.16390826

Fantom is interoperable. Keep embarrassing yourself

>> No.16390835

Study the Inner Circle Trader and then thank me if/when you finally figure it out.

>> No.16390854

Just stop dude I am way smarter than you and can smell pajeet shit coins a mile away fuck off

>> No.16390879
File: 75 KB, 1034x1200, EF4AB10F-F227-4B29-B4CD-0B51849616EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn forex, bruh. So easy to memorize patterns and max leverage for profits to spend on Asian cuties.

>> No.16390880


>> No.16390898

Congrats you are now the most retarded in this thread even more so than the pajeet braindead shill

>> No.16390906

Man /biz/ is so fucking dumb. Wonder why I even bother coming here anymore except for the occasional diamond in the rough

>> No.16390921

Don't come back because I will always out pajeet shit coins and hurt your brown feelings

>> No.16390931

scam fag