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File: 163 KB, 1500x700, trump-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1637642 No.1637642 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not paying back my student loans, Mr. Trump. Understand?
Let me be clear on that Mr. President Elect.

Here's why.

I never agreed to be forced to take social justice and 'multi-cultural' courses that intentionally and specifically attempted to force me to revoke my faith of Christianity.

That was never part of the loan deal.

THEY made the breach of contract.

Not I.



They aren't getting paid.

And you better throw the Department of Education back into the slimy abyss from whence it came.

They have ruined my life and my career.

Those loans are not going to be paid.


If they want to throw me in jail, then I will counter sue the university, and I will bring this all the way to U.S. Supreme Court and sue the Department of Education as being a complicate conspirator against 1st AMENDMENT OF THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION.

Therefore, the Department of Education needs to figure out how they are going to solve THEIR problems.

And I mean every word I write.

This pile of horseshit that is called the Federal Student Loan program is either going to get fixed, or it's going bust.

You're a smart money guy.

Now prove it.

>> No.1637667

You agreed by choosing to attend and take those classes.

>> No.1637672


OP if you are really hell bent on not repaying your loans, literally just flee the country. Once your credit takes a nosedive then you'll have a really hard time find a job or ever taking out personal, home, and auto loans.

>> No.1637824

>I never agreed to be forced to take social justice and 'multi-cultural' courses

Don't you see any benefit in knowing the enemy? Experiencing a lot of different viewpoints will serve you well throughout your life.

>> No.1637828

Have fun getting your wages garnished or dying of starvation.

>> No.1637832

WTF was the content of these courses?

Social Justice is something that every Christian should support, and if your university was using it as a trojan horse for an antichristian agenda then you should actively campaign for the sacking of whoever was responsible. But first be sure of your facts. Could you have misperceived their actions?

>> No.1637833

try r9k

>> No.1637843

calm ur tits they have loan forgiveness but you have to be willing to get a shit credit score

>> No.1637844
File: 148 KB, 1024x1024, trumpd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry but you're going to have to pay

>> No.1637931


I agree OP.

I wish I could go back in time and never attend college. The debt was 100% NOT worth it.

>> No.1637947

You should have picked a better university in the first place.

>> No.1637978

What? Do you mean PSLF

>> No.1638003

> I am 12 and I am not responsible for my own actions

>> No.1639069

>don't want to pay back student loans
Why the fuck did you take them then faggot

>> No.1639095

I know people who used parts of their student loans to go on vacations to fucking Europe, there's no way we are getting student loan debt forgiveness and you can stop paying if you want to, but all that's going to happen is that they are going to take you to court and garnish your wages.

>> No.1639117

If the rock of your faith is so weak that it crumbles under the words of a SJW professor, you are not worthy of Christ's love.

Make yourself stronger, and try to become acceptable to Him.

>> No.1639119

trump doesn't post here anymore, he's busy with his new job

>> No.1639122

You probably picked a shit major or got a shit GPA or are a sperg or all of the above.

>> No.1639125
File: 81 KB, 624x628, 590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1639130

>implying there aren't actually people like this

>> No.1639144

I would be very amused if he turned out to have majored in Religious Studies, operating under the assumption that they would only cover the One True Religion; his particular beliefs.

I imagine his crisis of faith occurring on the first day of a freshman survey course of world religions.

>> No.1639148

>take a loan
>don't want to pay it

You are what's wrong with the world

>> No.1639164

Didn't obama sign some shit that made even harder to discharge student loans?

>> No.1639165

I went to a state school in a blue state and I didn't have to take any liberal brainwashing classes because I'm not a tard and didn't get a liberal arts degree.
My most liberal professor was a philosophy teacher who said Hillary should win because it was "about time" we had a woman president.

>THEY made the breach of contract.
You got the loaner to sign a contract saying that if you took any unchristian classes you'd get a refund?

>> No.1639171

>reality doesn't agree with me
>I'll sue reality!!!

You should get a refund - college clearly didn't make you any smarter

>> No.1639187


1) You're a dumbass
2) The colleges already got their money
3) You're fighting a banking system that gave you the money to get your worthless degree

Fucking retard whiny-ass liberals.

>> No.1639189

Enjoy debtor's prison

>> No.1639199

>Christian Nazi anti-progressive
choose one, genious

>> No.1639200


>> No.1639202
File: 12 KB, 385x335, oberdehead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least you can spell
at most you can spell

>> No.1639204
File: 94 KB, 1280x696, 1458500920894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Drink bleach retard

>> No.1639205

Smart money guy? More like OP is a jew with a small dick and the IQ of a tyrone that's been sippin on dat lean since age 6

>> No.1639208

this thread is 24 hrs old and op never replied once. yet it is at the top of the page

does sah-gay work on this board?

>> No.1639210
File: 65 KB, 410x272, full retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was trying to use words you'd understand since you obviously don't read whole posts.

go ahead, read OP again and tell us what a liberal he is.

fucking moron.

>> No.1639213

t. triggered atheist faggot

>> No.1639216

Your stupidity is offensive. Bad retard. Bad.

>> No.1639267

To be fair, colleges are predatory.
>want to go into field that needs degree
>can't get degree without taking 900 bullshit courses
>have to pay for the bullshit courses I don't even want
>have to pay for housing and living expenses during time taking bs courses
>could have put all actual degree related courses into two years or even one year
>instead forced to spend 2x-4x as much money as was necessary
>literally no other alternative because every university is like this
>even community college does this

It's a god damned racket. You know I would pay for the courses that were actually necessary. I would. The rest? Galls me I had to pay for basket weaving because you can't be a [x] without basket weaving of course.

This should be abolished. If I want to read shakespeare on my own time I fucking will. it isn't relevant to the fucking degree... But you have to pay for it anyway. It would be like if in order to buy a home you had to spend x amount of money furnishing from ikea, crate & barrel, and whatever else on the side, otherwise no house for you, and you have no choice. You gotta buy their shit even if you don't want it. But the house costs 150k and you have to spend 300k at these stores, otherwise you are not allowed to buy any house at all.

It's criminal.

>> No.1639280

and someone else with your education+x will make it through the hr pile before you.

the only way to win is not to play. the diminishing returns are getting very apparent with post-sec and the costs are getting further and further out of hand

>> No.1639281

>colleges hear your plea
>you get to choose which courses YOU think matter
>colleges get sued because the curriculum you chose isn't useful to any employer
>you manage to get hired anyways
>can't get promotion because you don't understand your boss's Shakespeare analogies
>sue the college for not forcing you to read Shakespeare

they really can't win.

but afaik you're allowed to take whatever courses you want and skip the ones you don't like. No, you won't get a degree, but according to you it's just as good?

>> No.1639284

or perhaps it's not really the college that's the problem, it's the employer that demands you have their degree?

but just maybe there's a reason employers will pay extra for a person that has read Shakespeare and knows how to weave baskets? Maybe, just maybe, those are the people it pays to employ?

>> No.1639289

I think 1 semester of freshman English/literature and math up to precalc is a reasonable requirement for any degree.
I'm also fine with foreign language requirements but I wish our primary/secondary education system placed more emphasis on these so nobody would even need to study them in college.

There are technical schools you can go to if you only want to learn physics.

>> No.1639290

>someone else with your education+x will make it through the hr pile before you.

This. Feels bad man. I got passed over for everything...

>you won't get a degree

A degree is literally mandatory in many fields. And it isn't some wuu juu juu-ju magic to what is relevant and not. Say you're going to be a doctor, let's just say. Is anatomy+physiology useful? Yes. Is african dance useful? Is art appreciation useful? Is english literature useful? It isn't some feely subjective deal, it's common fucking sense.

>> No.1639297

>It isn't some feely subjective deal, it's common fucking sense.
yeah, I think the idea is that if you churn out grads with only the technical knowledge and no context or additional education to round them out you'll be producing small thinkers of limited scope and utility.

granted, millennials are doomed to be small thinkers of limited scope and utility anyways, so perhaps it doesn't matter. But historically the main reason western civilizations have competed so well against others is precisely because of the larger view taken by their leaders and innovators. Though again the odds of you personally becoming one of those leaders or innovators are nil. But we'll never know if we don't try, will we?

A college degree isn't just a trade certificate. Employers don't want college grads that are incapable of thinking outside their discipline.

>> No.1639305


Not taking the b8, but considering people make mistakes in business and that costs them, and people make mistakes in the investment they make in themselves by taking garbage classes. I have thousands that I owe in debt but I have a plan for my future besides "not muh fault!" I'll pay them off without complaint. I learned that just going to college is nothing but a waste of time, and my children will benefit from my experience. I'm glad all these "college should be free" crybabies are upset, holy shit.

I'm not paying for you fools to make the same mistakes I did.

>> No.1639310



At least with the housing bubble, you could live in a house.

You can't live under a degree, or eat it when you're hungry.

The system is fraudulent and predatory, and needs change.

>> No.1639311

>I didn't benefit from college so nobody can
>because I'm the height of human achievement, there are none smarter or better

The problem is only the smartest benefit from college, and all parents tell their kids they're the smartest.

c'est la vie. The failures pay for the winners

>> No.1639312


Listen you stupid nigger cuck. You think some mook forced to take english lit somehow gains an appreciation of shakespeare or beowulf? Or you think they forget it as soon as the class is over and go right back to listening to fiddy cent and watching miley cyrus slobbering all over her A cups? You're not gonna get some patrician gentleman with a mahogany scented apartment filled with leatherbound books just by forcing everyone to take two semesters of literature. As much as you would like to think otherwise. Hell today's college kids are outright revolting against the old arts for being too white and cis male. I know you'd like to think everyone who goes to college suddenly develops the taste of an old money from milan who plays violin and reads the greek classics in their spare time, but that is not and shall never be reality, no matter how many gen eds you force starving students to pay for.

I don't want to be a leader of anything, I just want enough money to eat food that tastes good and not have to worry about how I'm gonna make rent. That's it. and 99.995% of college students feel the damn same. They just want a job that pays the bills.

>> No.1639318


see >>1639311
you were never cut out for college.
you're not smart enough for it to help you.
it's fine.
blame your parents' generation for making college the only path you were encouraged on. When we were kids there was a shortage of college grads so we pushed our kids that way. Problem is most of you are... too average.

>> No.1639332

>Not getting all your generals done during high school for free
>Not getting them done in CC for a third of the cost

College really is a scam for 80% of the student body isn't it

>> No.1639348


My high school didn't offer that kind of stuff due to being a ghetto shithole, and what was 16 year old me gonna do, move out with no job to some rich area that had better schools? And I went to CC. Still costs money, shit ain't free.

>> No.1639686

By "social justice" they mean white-male guilt.

Anything from Trans/Gay rights to economic redistribution. Of course there are things that most would agree upon, like equal opportunity actions that are taught, but these are just skimmed over.

Most of it is fairly blatant communist propaganda wrapped up to look like love for your neighbors.

Also, class discussion always centered around racism, "toxic masculinity," and how wealthy people are inherently evil.

There isn't much to it that is Christian.