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1637315 No.1637315 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any value to this book or is it crappy or outdated?

>> No.1637323


>> No.1637324

It's useful. Read it and find out. It's under 300 pages. There's even sparknotes if that's too much for you.

>> No.1637327
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let me sum it up.

kiss ass, compromise, beta yourself out be a yes man, have no character and suck up to ppl.

or converseley be so centered in yourself and independant that every interaction with others is free from need or outcome and you just be your fuckin self and fuck them if they dont like you.

>> No.1637332
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See pic related it sums up most of the book.
This is a very poor summary. You're probably a loser, right?

>> No.1637345

>how to be a creep and act like a retard

Ithat book is a meme

>> No.1637346
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no im just a self sufficient independant godman who doesn't crave the approval or fickle praise of men lesser than I .

>> No.1637384

OP here, thanks for the responses. My interest comes from a few places:

1) This election. Trump clearly persuaded the fuck out of a lot of people when he clearly was a meme candidate. I'm not a supporter but it's unquestionably fascinating.

2) Work stuff. I'm a talented analyst and got through my actuarial exams quickly which are necessary but not sufficient conditions for moving up. I need to improve soft skills. I'm not an aspie or anything but I think I come off as withdrawn and cold at times. Chronic illness doesn't help.

3) I read William Gaddis's The Recognitions earlier this year. He makes fun of HTWFAIP throughout the book in hilarious fashion. But it made me interested. More generally, I'm kind of on a high horse and think business books and self-help books are shit. But I'm kind of in a rut professionally and from aforementioned illness and am willing to remove head from ass if any of this stuff actually has merit.

>> No.1637399

The book can be summed up.

1. Talk about yourself as little as possible.
2. Ask the other person questions about their interests.
3. If you're going to tell someone they're wrong do is self deprecatingly.

Basically. "I could be wrong but (insert actual opinion here)." the book.

It does work on most people as most people are retarded. You'll notice middle management doing it to you. It will get really annoying.

If I hear "To your point." one more time I'm going to fucking snappp office cunt cocksuckers!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

>> No.1637464


>> No.1637515

The way people work doesn't change, OP. The book is very useful to this day.

Read it.

>> No.1637522

Anyone have any knowledge about the newer editions, like "HTWFAIP in the Digital Age?"

Is it the same book with additional commentary or what?

>> No.1637537

You'll find that they do help, you need to have a level of introspection and mindfulness to help turn the useful parts into useful actions when you need it.

Scott Adams does some great writing on the subject, very funny and backed by real life research and examples. There are plenty of wankers selling seminars et al that are spammers but a lot of what's out there has some value - especially if it's focused around human level framing,biases and stuff.

>> No.1637552
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>mfw a manager falls for the "dude call people by their first name all the time" meme

>> No.1637886

>Is there any value to this book or is it crappy or outdated?
To be honest I would highly recommend this to anyone with autism, maybe narcissists too. but I think if you have average or above social stills already everything it will teach you is already fucking obvious.It's not going to turn you into a Steve Jobs level manipulator par excellence.

if you wanna understand Trump's electoral win, look up Max Webber, I forgot the exact essay but if google "Yale Charismatic Authority" lecture there's a pretty good overview of it. Always act with a sense of higher (unique) destiny: like "Make America Great Again".

But to be honest you can't really apply that to your personal or professional life because everything about what he does is tailored to working a huge crowd which means it's a one way communication. This >>1637537 anon suggested Scott Adams, but take that with a tablespoon of salt, there's something just not quite right about his analysis that I can't put my finger on. However he certainly does get you thinking about Framing which is something Trump is a master at.

> I'm not an aspie or anything but I think I come off as withdrawn and cold at times.
Hard to give advice without knowing exactly what the cause is, but generally try and be more enthusiastic when talking to co-workers and compliment the fuck out of people. Everybody loves compliments.

>> No.1637900

whats wrong with that?
do people like you really think you should be called by your last name?

>> No.1637903

The book doesn't give hard and fast rules for "do this, become successful" because there's no hard and fast rules, it's situational and a great deal of luck.
It DOES, however, give important tips on psychology and how to better yourself, and everyone would be better off by reading it. It gives timeless info about how to put yourself in situations that facilitate success.