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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 335 KB, 1200x900, beef-steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16355021 No.16355021 [Reply] [Original]

every 4chan poster should be forced to eat beef before posting here.
how many cows did you eat this year? do you spend a lot of money on quality food?

>> No.16355032

no sir i do not do eating of beef... very bad

>> No.16355053

It’s necessary to keep the poo in loos at bay

>> No.16355058


>> No.16355062

I've had about a cow this year. She was a genetic freak, 1.5x the size of all of other cows. Was hard to butcher her. Freezer was filled though

>> No.16355071


>> No.16355087
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>> No.16355101
File: 1.55 MB, 3024x3850, ribeye dinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see, I average 1.5 pounds of beef every day so given the ballpark yield of 500 lbs of meat per heifer I unironically consume 1 cow per year.

Pic related is a usual meal for me, 20oz ribeye sous vide @ 129F for 3 hours and a market salad from Chick-Fil-A that I grabbed on the way home from work

>> No.16355163

ok colon cancer boomers

>> No.16355174


>> No.16355203
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absolute burgerland cuckery..

>> No.16355216
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>eating animal products
It's like you just want to get a heart attack, stroke, alzheimers, diabetes, erectile disfunction and a plethora of cancers.

>> No.16355221


Beef very good, cow food not god fucking retarded pajeet.

>> No.16355315
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tfw EU has 60% import tariffs on beef. High quality stuff is incredibly expensive here.
I've never had wagyu, USDA prime is my upper limit. But I still eat rib eyes at least once per month.
At least I eat Iberico pork almost daily.

>> No.16355505

Please sirs cows are sacred

>> No.16355547

usda prime is overrated

>> No.16355886

fucker to your fuck shit bitch. cow is sacred.

>> No.16355934
File: 10 KB, 275x183, a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazing ID.
It's overrated for sure, but in my experience it's consistent.
The other stuff I'm buying is some black angus which ranges from "as good as USDA" to trash.

>> No.16355964

had a striploin last night after my long got liq'd. the twice baked potato was meh but the server referred to my gf and I as her "sweet bears" which was weird, but I liked it and tipped 25% in cash. 7/10

>> No.16355972

south american black angush ribeye is the best taste for the buck if you don't mind a bit of chewy.
i liked the argentine best but brazil and uruguay is also ok.

>> No.16355982

every week

>> No.16355989

come to alberta if you want real steak

>> No.16356071

i would if i couldn't buy half a cow of prime beef from the plane tickets.

>> No.16356190

isn't that a fatboy slim song

>> No.16356216

>eating animal products
>having arteriosclerosis
not gonna make it

>> No.16356284

I'm a vegan

>> No.16356306

beef causes cancer retard

>> No.16356340

That you, wagunon?

New iphone camera is nice.

>> No.16356343

oh yes baby. i really like beef steaks grilled hot as hell and bloody inside. gin tonic as drink. delicious.

>> No.16356352
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>> No.16356357

go fuck yourself. you payed shills should kys immediately but i guess you scumbags are that much full of shit you spread propaganda for free.

>> No.16356360
File: 652 KB, 2031x1084, dairy chads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16356367

nobody wants your onions beef which is engineered in genetic labs. we have our own cows. we don't need that usa shit meat you wouldn't eat yourself.

>> No.16356396


Lmao who tf puts a blanket on a skeleton it isn't going to be cold baka link 10k oey

>> No.16356790

Lmao at the butthurt pajeets ITT

>> No.16356800

I'm eating roast beef right now. It's pretty good

>> No.16356803

Half of this board can't eat beef because they're hindu

>> No.16356818 [DELETED] 
File: 2.45 MB, 4032x1960, 20190905_203515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not spending what Pajeet makes in a few years on dinner.

>> No.16356819
File: 116 KB, 1080x1201, Screenshot_20191123_233038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just 2 months.

>> No.16356880

I unironically spend about $2k a month eating out. I need help

>> No.16356962

This is unironically what you get on a vegan diet.

>> No.16357010

as long as it’s quality non-meme food and it’s within your budget then what’s the prob

>> No.16357026

just ate a medium rare ribeye, grilled to perfection over a mesquite fire. USDA choice because my nearest HEB ran out of prime. Therefore I rate it 8.8/10

>> No.16357073

Eating steak right now boys

>> No.16357094

Considering it's the only diet scientifically proven to reverse heart disease I'm not sure you have any idea.

>> No.16357100

Plants are a higher consciousness than us and have feelings and psychic ability.

>> No.16357101

I eat chicken

>> No.16357208

Yeah it's all HQ restaurants and I eat tasty ass cow, fish, birds etc but it's making me bleed sats

>> No.16357219

Mein neger

>> No.16357262


>> No.16357274
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>> No.16357277

have fun buying and consuming big pharma pills and powders for the rest of your life just in order to stay alive

>> No.16357280

Pajeet detected

>> No.16357293

>height tops off at 183cm
kek, manlets

>> No.16357435

Whole food plant based diets dont need blood pressure meds, cholesterol meds, or viagra. Those are all meat issues.

>> No.16357493

grinnin fool, nice time digitals

>> No.16357531

I don't want to pay $200 a pound though.

>> No.16357616

I'm sure you heard "ok boomer" on reddit. Saying it on 4chan makes you stand out. You're probably 13 and thing you're edgy and cool when in reality you're a pathetic NPC.

>> No.16358022

ok boomer

>> No.16358399

>Grain fed
Plebeian choice

Galician blonde and Aberdeen grass fed> Argentina

>> No.16358413

>not buying a whole cow and getting to talk to a simple lifestyle farmer for an hour twice a year
>not using this chat as a chance to get advice from someone outside the office numale environment
>not saving major dosh on your meals

>> No.16358426

reporting in from san francisco


>> No.16358434

Link a study claiming that and I'll link one claiming the opposite. """Science""" always changes, but human history remains constant: they ate meat. Stay mad skinny jewed overmoralising faggot.

>> No.16358461

OP should be forced to suck no less than five hundred thousand dicks before posting anything ever again

>> No.16358535
File: 137 KB, 640x480, Lawson_Japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. Pajeet

You make this too easy. Not get me a pack of Marlboro's while I impulse buy this chocolate bar.

>> No.16358583
File: 33 KB, 500x483, 1565287570228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you a ship's captain? kek
for fucking what you retard?

>> No.16358597

you must be some special olympics retard.argentine premium beef is grass fed.

>> No.16358622
File: 484 KB, 627x405, pajeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
