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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 55 KB, 845x450, elizabeth-warren-US-flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16340826 No.16340826 [Reply] [Original]

If she wins, world equity markets are going to tank, right?

Should I start loading up on S&P 500 puts? Convince me not to.

>> No.16340839

boomer solutions for a boomer world.

>> No.16340845

>Fake Native bullshit
>commies abandon her because Bolivia
She literally cannot beat Trump in any circumstance

>> No.16340850

unelectable outside of massachusetts but more importantly the handful of rich boomers that actually vote to decide who will be the candidate will never vote for her because they have too much money. the DNC is not a real party anymore in the sense that people under the age of 55 have a voice in it. it's just set up to look that way in the hope those people will vote for Joe Biden or some other boomer candidate when faced between the choice of trump and whoever they pick. honestly it's why I have such contempt for anyone who calls themselves a democrat and isn't a rich boomer. complete lack of awareness

>> No.16340854

What are her healthcare plans? Will certain healthcare companies benefit or be harmed by them?

>> No.16340885


>> No.16340902

vote for Andrew Yang you burger fags!

>> No.16340931

sorry honey, biz is #ButtiGang territory

>> No.16340949

he'll never win, too centrist.

>> No.16340956

>Convince me not to.
"She"s not going to win.

>> No.16340958

shit, me and all my sistas are #KamalaFollowas now

>> No.16340960

you mean, if he was straight he would win. his problem isn't that he's "too centrist"

>> No.16340981

>implying a centrist has any chance at winning
yeah, just appeal to nobody - that works lol

>> No.16341016


No he won't win because nogs hate him. He's going to get fucking decimated in south Carolina and other southern states in the democratic primaries. If he somehow gets the nomination Trump will get an unheard of % of the black vote for a republican.

>> No.16341112

she'd need to win the nomination first. Be as well just running Hilary again as this personality vacuum. WHERE (WHEN) IS BLOOMBERG ?

>> No.16341138

why would bloomie leave his comfy billionaire life to be president?

>> No.16341157

>unelectable outside of massachusetts
Simply being a Democrat starts you with something like 240 electoral college votes.

And if TX doesn't go blue in 2020 it will in 2024.

>> No.16341170

idk either desu, but, he seemed to want to, at one point. Its the Ultimate Status Symbol Number - you can die rich, or die rich and in the history books

>> No.16341339

actually socialism gives the poor more money so they spend more and the economy will actually improve but crapitalists don't understand this.

>> No.16341359

you have obviously never experienced socialism

>> No.16341389

Healthcare companies benefit bigly. She would tax the shit out of everyone to pay for Latisha's 3rd bypass surgery

>> No.16341393

No one is electing some crusty old mother in law looking cunt

>> No.16341395

“socialism” as envisioned by our genius candidates on the left would obliterate the middle class and polarize society even further between a massive government-dependent underclass and ultra-wealthy corporations. It would literally increase wealth inequality, except now the 99% or all just equally poor

>> No.16341400
File: 39 KB, 720x575, 1537312033505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice bait

>> No.16341407

what are you doing on /biz/ retard

>> No.16341406

*are all equally

>> No.16341431

>Healthcare companies benefit bigly
this is the most outrageous thing about the endless calls for “health care reform” that just amount to huge government handouts to health care companies. these corps are already bleeding Americans dry with their exploitative practices and all these prog retards want to write them a blank check, top kek

>> No.16341470

Dem lineup is sacrificial lamb tier

didn't think it was possible to throw harder than hill did but look at this

>> No.16341647
