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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16327303 No.16327303 [Reply] [Original]

I'm homeless sleeping in the cold right now. I'm 22. I don't know how to make my life better or how to find a job when I don't have nice clothes or a place to shower. I found a phone and the service is still active... Thought I ask biz for advice of how to get out of this shithole of a life. I'm so cold and haven't had a decent meal in a while.

>> No.16327306

Is there a homeless shelter nearby? Where are you currently located?

>> No.16327307

Where you at Anon? Why don't you get a job?

>> No.16327309

where are your parents?

>> No.16327310 [DELETED] 

start sucking dicks
charge according to how cute your mouth is

>> No.16327313


where? you can crash at my place if you are near by

>> No.16327314

military. bed, food, clothes. in four years you're out

>> No.16327318

>I found a phone
Call the guys who owns the phone ask for a reward
Sell the phone

>> No.16327325

Oh shit motherfucker what did you do? Go to a homeless shelter for food, Take showers at the ymca or public restrooms, walk into retail places for a job any job, and either get a cheap car to stay in for a while or succumb to the rent apartment scam. Besafe

>> No.16327329


>> No.16327342

You can come live with me but you have to be okay with anal sex

>> No.16327355

Sell your iPhone

>> No.16327364

You need a job. That is your goal. Do whatever it takes to get a fucking job. Once you have some sort of stable income you can go from there.

>> No.16327386

Just commit a decent crime like Rob a bank with a note it's really a win/win either way it plays out

Good luck

>> No.16327393

Convenience store is better.

>> No.16327436

Spange and get some cash. Buy some cheapo drugs. Sell them. Rinse and repeat. I was homeless for a while, never had to sleep on the streets because I was smart and made connections and was always hustling to make sure I had food. Maybe I got lucky, but either way after enough hustling I was able to get some cash together and get the fuck out of the situation. I now am a business owner sitting comfy in my rental house who has quite a bit of crypto right now.
>Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.

>Sun Tzu

>> No.16327465

nice larp bruh

>> No.16327513 [DELETED] 


>> No.16327751

How did you end up homeless? What country do you live in? Maby try to get intouch with social workers or a homeless shelter, there are people that help. And... well, you know how to get out of this shithole of a life if everything fails.

>> No.16327757

Bro, start working for a Co. that gives you a space to live.

>> No.16327831

learn to suck cock. in the beginning for free so you learn how to do it. then start charging like 10,- per blowjob & extra 5,- if they cum in your eyes or want you to swallow etc. You will learn the ropes anon, good luck!

>> No.16327863

Weird flex but ok

>> No.16327886

Ill pay you 20 bucks to suck my dick.

>> No.16327904

suck dick or join the marines to suck dick those are your two options

>> No.16327918

consensus tell you to suck dicks

>> No.16327941

Start heroin. You'll be alright.

>> No.16327982

Are you in Sweden? Got a nice Skinny Body? I'll pay you to suck My dick

>> No.16328005

This. Also, if you can get the cash, cheapest membership to a gym with showers you can find. Or if you schedule an interview, most gyms let you try it out for a day for free so you can shower before interview.

ALSO if you're gonna keep that phone, you can get a free phone number to use with public WiFi even if you don't have service. That way potential employers can contact you/schedule interviews.

>> No.16328308

Try to stay warm by going to hostels, churches or any nearby charities that can offer you food and a floor to sleep. If you catch pneumonia, that can be your end.

And I really hope you can get out of this situation, you are still young and probably should start by looking for a job.

>> No.16328322

Just be yourself bro :)

>> No.16328327
File: 18 KB, 304x697, 1574323281124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 post by this id

>> No.16328339
File: 69 KB, 680x680, 0hsrm2o1v4n21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps, look them straight in the eye and firmly shake their head. Aside from that, just be yourself. I hope my advice has helped.

>> No.16328359

>firmly shake their head
You can do this also, same result.

>> No.16328431

>save up $50
>one way ticket to San Diego
>never cold, great beaches
>get a part time minimum wage job
>now you qualify for gibs
>buy a used van and live in it
>work 10-20 hours a week and live better than 90% of the rest of the world

>> No.16328644

Thanks for the tip all. I’ll give sucking dick a try. Where do I go in San Francisco to find johns to suck off? How much are the average price to charge?

>> No.16328735

Break into an atm machine with a drill or something

>> No.16328739

san fran is an over saturated market. sf even has men who blow ya for free. you can probably still get $15-$20, or even more if you're a cute twink with a tight body

>> No.16328770


At least you don't have cancer nigga I am TRIPPING

>> No.16328773

come on man, don't resort to that. There are organizations that will give you free clothes, and free rides to interview for jobs. Find them instead of asking these tards for advice. Get yourself cleaned up and get a min-wage job for a while. Find low-income housing and plan your next move from there.

>> No.16328786

if you want to get shot

>> No.16328833

Visit a gay bar with a gay friend. The trick is to wear a white shirt with the black words printed on the back "IM STRAIGHT. NO THANKYOU". You will make 500 a night.

>> No.16328914

What a new and entertaining shitpost to try and get some anon to give him advice for a guaranteed 1000x coin, for free. No, really, you fooled us all, we'll just hand you the secret investment advice you thinks exists.

No, we're not laughing at you, really.

>> No.16329160
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>> No.16329613

Plenty of major cities have homeless shelters that will give you a bed and a shower and some clothes. Go to a goodwill and they will help you get a job

>> No.16329630

this but unironically

>> No.16329652

>I found a phone and the service is still active...
Yeah. Sure.
Give it back, Tyrone.

>> No.16330181

I would but I won’t be able to apply for jobs and hit up all them homeless bitches?

>> No.16330215

Buy chainlink retard

>> No.16330317

now that i have been on biz for a good year and a half, is it safe to say that like 80% of threads/posters are larps?

>> No.16330322

No only 69% of em.

>> No.16330754

Sage and kys faggot. A thread had to die for your bullshit.

>> No.16330837


>> No.16330954

If you're a fag you are destined to die soon. Best way to make money in your situation without waging is go to a home improvement store or somewhere immigrants go in the mornings. Contractors always need an extra hand to meet deadlines. When get some contacts get into something you think you'll enjoy more. Framer, sheet rocker, painter, etc and start learning the trade. If you become good at it home builders will choose you over a foreigner