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1632300 No.1632300 [Reply] [Original]

>gold is now under 1200$


>> No.1632301


you got played chump

>> No.1632307
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>> No.1632927

Wait till trumps first major fuckup. Itll hit the moon.

And i voted for him.

It always happens

>> No.1632942

i think it is pretty stupid how markets made "le trump equals strong dollar" meme just right after the election, but it was totally the opposite idea before the election

market is retarded right now

>> No.1632975
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>meanwhile bitcoin up
when will they learn?

>> No.1632990

Please god make it fall bellow december 2015 prices. I will put all my savings into gold, I made such bank then I still have some left over from those days.

>> No.1633039

How much do you own?

>> No.1633055 [DELETED] 
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>right now

>> No.1633114
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nicely wew'd my lad

>> No.1633226

Gonna buy some physical silver in the morning. Nice and low

>> No.1633230
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nicely wew'd my lad

>> No.1633283

Pro tip. The fed has backed itself into a corner with the interest rates, and will be forced to raise them sooner or later with the pensions on the brink of failure. Hold out, but right now I'd not put all your eggs in one basket. A rate rise in December is very likely, but keep some stocks in the market just in case.

>> No.1633299

the 10y is going straight to 3%. And it will blast by it as well.

I was around when the 10y went to 3% and then crashed. The economy was in much worse shape back then.

>> No.1633315

I bought a bunch today.

>> No.1633366



>> No.1633374


It's going much lower - could see 1,100 or 1050 by new years,

Gold will have a comeback in '17 but until then you're getting taken to the woodshed

>> No.1633378


>> No.1633405
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Gold/Silver and shipping companies. Easy way to triple your original investment with a few years. Where do you guys think gold is headed? I'm betting 1700 an oz.

>> No.1633441
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God has been fucking shit since the mini-slump started in September.

This whole thing made me realize I have way too much sitting in Canadian gold miners. Average 20% loss on most of them.

>> No.1633451

don't buy untill under 1000 per ounce

>> No.1633454

also, why do I get the feeling people here are buying gold to make money from? you realise this is retarded right?

>> No.1633485

you have real

or buy in trading account ?

>> No.1633488
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nicely wew'd my lad

>> No.1633491


except when in trading account with leverage.

otherwise, yes, lol.

>> No.1633494
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>> No.1634395

Should I buy miners or physical?

>> No.1634408

Holding nugt long. Wolowolowolowolo

>> No.1634499

nicely wew'd my lad

also check'd

>> No.1634513
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OP here

quick update - we are in freefall mode now (see pic rel)

your crypto meme is going to crash eventually in few years from now and i will be sure to watch it

bitcoins are literally new tulips

all of it

i buy through account not physical

wouldn't be able to sell it with profit otherwise (spreads would be to high)

>> No.1634517

What about silver?

>> No.1634518


>> No.1634520
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you bought Detour Gold Corp same as me didn't you?

>> No.1634525


i see. so then if u can afford it without margin call i'd say : be patient and just hold it.

i personally think that they will let the economy crash in freefall to hurt trump, so longterm gold will be profituous.

btw: i'd also advise to hold some physical gold because if economy finally totally crashes, there is no guarantee that the dollar soll buys anything or that you can withdraw anything from your account ( both your ban as well as from your trader ).

both in longrun i see as a good idea.

btw2, trading : i find gold trading too unpredictable , too volatile, too manipulated . i stopped trading it.

>> No.1634528

btw3, physical : buy the dips, guys :)

maybe still way more dipping coming and keep in mind : production cost of ounce of gold is around 1000$...from this alone you can see the major manipulation going on :)

>> No.1634529

i have few contracts on silver too - you can earn more on silver than gold actually (also lose more)

but... silver is also in freefall mode now

>> No.1634532

Ok if it goes below 1100 I am buying some. If it goes below 1050 I am buying all I can afford.

>> No.1634539

>i'd also advise to hold some physical gold because if economy finally totally crashes

HOW? what's the difference between total crisis and for example 2000 or 2008 crisis?

>buy the dips
"dip" was around 1250$ - now it's just crashing

>> No.1634550

but what's the real value of gold? it's not commonly used in industry like coal, oil or copper

cost being 1000$ has nothing to do with it's real value that can be lower than 1000$

>> No.1634555

There is a high chance of major EU shake ups next year and serious issues with the banks on the continent

This uncertainty on the block makes a highly volatile market

>> No.1634574


all over the world
as well as all over the times n ages
gold was accepted as money.

the value is at least as what it costs to produce it.

it will always have buying power,
very much in contrast to all the worthless paper called currency, created out of nothing .. by inflationary printing.... which has no intrisic value, except the believe in it ( believe = credo => credit ), ... believe : can popp in a second.
( btw : gold cannot be printed )

>> No.1634580

actually paper currency was pegged to gold till some genius decided it was better to have it backed by air than an actual thing of value.

>> No.1634587


yes,and this non-pegged ( backed by nothing but trust/believe) currency we have now is thus called 'fiat money' ( fiat = shine ( = 'it looks like/appears to be to be (money)). it doesnt have intrinsic value. it's baced by nothing.

>> No.1634911
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nicely wew'd my lad

>> No.1634931

>tfw physically buying gold or silver from the bank is ~15% higher than market price
Should I trust the electric jew?

>> No.1634933

nicely wew'd my lad

>> No.1634953

That wasn't a genius, that was Nixon! And he only did it because economic circumstances forced him.

However, it was a very good decision. Gold backed currency is an incredibly stupid idea, because it leads to the possibility of hyperinflation when you run out of gold. Whereas with fiat currency the market sets its value, the government gets unlimited credit, and the balance of trade becomes self correcting.

>> No.1634996

nicely wew'd my lad

>> No.1634999

The banks are the jew

>> No.1635217

>Americans are this retarded

You do know when the fed rate hike hits in December gold will start to rise, as it has always done?

Stop panicking you fucking idiots.

>> No.1635286

This is bullshit. Why does gold have buying power any more then fiat money? Honestly people used to believe gold had value (it has no real intrinsic value) and now people believe fiat has value. Its just evolution.

The cost to produce an item is not equal to its value. If I spend my whole life writing a book is that equal to a life time of labour if its shit? No its not.

Also fiat money is still pegged to oil, somewhat. As USD can be exhanged to oil hooray OPEC. (This is debatable I suppose)

>> No.1635382

Is now a good time to buy gold?

I intend to buy physical gold to store under bed

>> No.1635443

begs the question, if wee all know 100% rate hike is december gold should have already risen accordingly

>> No.1635806
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OP here

freefall seems to be over now... for now it didn't even reach 1150$

any opinion on that?

>> No.1635829
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It isnt gonna bounce. I would sell gold.

>> No.1635888

Well wew'd my lad.

>> No.1635953

>It isnt gonna bounce
you mean that gold is going straight to 0$?

>> No.1635965
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indont think it will ever go lower than 1000 see pic

>> No.1635970

Pooinstreet are going to ban gold imports

>> No.1636005

nicely wew'd my lad

>> No.1636011

i would buy real physical gold right now.

it MAY dropp another 50$, but the risk is bigger than the 50¨worth ....

... and EVENTURALLY gold will rise massively anyway... sooner or later....

but definitely, because this papermonsy-bubble system is absolutely not sustainable.

>> No.1636015
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>and EVENTURALLY gold will rise massively anyway... sooner or later....

yeah, I'm not too worried about my gold investments even tho I lost like 50% because I was being retarded

>> No.1636020


i'm speaking about real, physical gold, not paper-gold in a trading account; Trading gold ofc is a different situation, because leverage etc...

>> No.1636024
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Yeah, I know, but I don't have cash, could go down to the local gold Jew if I did

>> No.1636035

converning trading gold, i think : right now, nobody nows, whet will happen.

the shaddow forces try to suppress gold with all possible might,

while the fundamentals speak for wayyyy higher goldprice.

see and this is one big reason, why i dont trade gold anymore.
i just buy physical gold, to conserve purchasing power, for the time, when the system breaks.

>> No.1636037



>> No.1636041

I think I'll follow suit once I get my neetbux, how do you keep it safe? I'm going to be moving to a big city this winter, do you think prices will stay low until January, I could buy it before, but I don't want to be dragging a box of gold around America while I move.

>> No.1636045

nicely wew'd my lad

>> No.1636055


i personally think, yes it will stay low untill trump is in power ...

and then they will in about a year crash the economy, the gold will be very expensice in dollar terms.

this is what i think

>> No.1636059

nicely wew'd my lad

>> No.1636299

all both tinfoil hats and suits agree it will be low till mid way into 2017
then reality will start to bite and the price will correct

>> No.1636461

nicely wew'd my lad

>> No.1637024
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>heavy physical material that can't be used for transactions
>value decreasing for years in spite of economical crisis

>technological improvement over traditional currency systems
>value steadily rising since inception

But gold is definitely not the meme guys, it's bitcoin.

>> No.1637092
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nicely wew'd my lad

>> No.1637186


nicely wew'd my lad

>> No.1637192
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gold bugs on suicide watch. stock market rocketing as usual

where's your peter shill now?

>> No.1637205
File: 38 KB, 900x657, Gold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>value decreasing for years in spite of economical crisis
Pic related. It's still up 11% YTD despite the recent pull back.

>> No.1637238

Horrible bait my man

>> No.1637597

Can't wait. When JNUG hits <$1 I'll be buying up that sucker. Gold will go up again eventually, and the ETFs with it.

>> No.1637952

nicely wew'd my lad

>> No.1639219
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>Markets open
>Immediately shoots up
Are we back in business boys?

>> No.1639555

We were never out of business. Precious metal prices fluxuate daily, and it doesnt mean anything.

It doesnt mean the world is ending
It doesnt mean the economy is crashing
It doesnt mean the economy is perfect

Your chart changes $4 or less than 1%.

Not a big deal. Dont be one of those faggots that freaks out every time it goes up/down $50

>> No.1639572

can i use my bitcoin to plate some wires nigga for conductivity nah i cant nigga suck my dick.