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16319066 No.16319066 [Reply] [Original]

Is home ownership really worth it considering the long term trends in the Western world regarding politics and demographics?
Referring to individuals buying themselves a home, not about real estate as an investment.

>get in a mortgage and be a slave to the jews for 20-30 years so you have the privilege of paying property taxes
>in all that time local demographics can change (for the worse, generally) and trash your property value
>the value of your house can wildly vary for many other reasons such as a recession
>property taxes almost guaranteed to go up with time
>anchored to your home's location. Forced to get a job near there or having very long commute times.
>only recourse is screen hard and hope nothing goes wrong in several decades (delusional)

Some say renting is throwing away your money, but buying a home in these conditions is pretty much throwing away your life.

>> No.16319153

>Rent where you live and buy what you rent out

>> No.16319290

yes. buy a house. I bought one a few years back and my biggest regret is not buying one sooner.

Imagine if you could lock in the price of rent for the next 30 years. That's what buying a house does. Also, you can sell it and make money when you're done. Can't do that with a rental. You're just shoveling money into a hole. Or, you can rent it out. If you pay off a house and have it as a rental property for life, it will have a much better return than a 401k bullshit. Don't be a pussy. Man up and buy a house

>> No.16319337


Buying a house lock in your house payment. Rent has ALWAYS gone up over time. No exception. And all the housing cost associated with home ownership is already priced into your rent. Renters usually just have a smaller flat, so they think they are getting a cheaper deal, because that cost is shared by several tenants in an apartment complex.

>> No.16319339

yea cuz every place is rent to own hurr durr. Adults are talking please go back

> local demographics can change and trash your property value
I am the white trash person that fills their place with auto/motorcycle parts. Has beat laboratory and makes noise at all hours

>> No.16319376

>"Man" up
>buy a house
>local demographics change
>section 8 housing sprawling everywhere
>niggers everywhere
>your house is worth now 1/3rd of what it used to
>if rented out, will be for far less than what you're paying
>"locked in" paying the same for the next 30 years

I don't say buying is always a bad idea, but there are so many things that can go wrong. You make it sound too easy.
"Locking in" the price seems a good idea until you realize by 2050 everything can have gone to shit. Boomers dying and their property being mass sold into the market, whites becoming a minority, and so on.

We don't have the stability required to make 30 year long bets anymore.

>> No.16319401


You can always sell and get your money back. Be vigilant, if you see the nigger population starting to reach critical mass, time to move before it is too late. That is just part of life. Usually high property tax is used as a deterrent for poor brown people, who can't afford it.

>> No.16319417

>You can always sell and get your money back.
Are you sure about that? Real estate is considered a highly illiquid asset.

>> No.16319440


Highly illiquid as in it takes 2-3 months to turn it into cash rather than minutes or days. Nigggerfication and gentrification takes over over a decade.

>> No.16319453

>"Locking in" the price seems a good idea until you realize by 2050 everything can have gone to shit

You're literally arguing that property values will be lower in 30 years, which would be the first time in recorded history that has happened.

Imagine living in 1989 and telling someone not to buy a house because there's potential your house could be worth a lot less by 2019. This is so fucking retarded I don't have words except it seems like the kind of shit biz would believe

>> No.16319534

Good example of property values going to shit:
Detroit from 1960 to 1980
Japan from 1990s to now.
Venezuela 1990s to now
etc etc.

Anything can happen in 30years. Will USD still be the world's reserve currency in 30 years? If it's not then having a house valued in dollars is probably not smart.

>> No.16319552
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I bought a 2br 1ba house 5 years ago, have never lived in it once even though I told the bank I would, the mortgage is $600 and the rent I make from it is $1200/month. The point of real estate isn't to just live in your house, its to set up a rolling snowball that allows you to get more and more property.

Close to buying my fourth rental property now

>> No.16319558

depends where you live in america.


In todays world, I would find a growing city (aka massive Mexican immigration) and buy a house in the best school district there

>> No.16319584

If you're not buying a house because you think the united states will turn into Venezuela in the next 30 years then you are retarded. In fact, if you honestly believe that you should be prepping and not wasting time on the internet. God damn this board is retarded

>> No.16319600

/biz/lets will never understand. They just larp about how link and bitcoin are going to crash

>> No.16319601


Nobody can predict the future 30 years out. That is an asinine reason to base your decision on. You can however direct your course as you see event unfolding or think things will go in the near term. That is the responsibility of anyone who owns any sort of asset of value. Its like saying no one should own stock or crypto, because eventually, sometimes in the future, it will go to shit invariably as something better replace it.

>> No.16319609

Won't the mortgage company check your place of residence with the state or the city? I know my city have some kind of check to make sure I am living at my house because the property tax is double if it's a rental property. Do you have your mail from the mortgage company delivered to the rental property and pick it up from the renters? I'm just wondering how much they check these kinds of things. Any info is appreciated anon.

>> No.16319631

It can just be a slow decline like in Japan due to depopulation. People aren't having kids so unless they bring in more immigrants, less demand for houses.

>> No.16319655

I let my mortgage company know I was renting the place out and updated my address so i get the bill at my new place. The mortgage company doesn't give a shit as long as they get their payment. Buying a house is a lot easier than you realize. It sounds intimidating but it's not. Renting it out is the same level of ease

>> No.16319701
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The mortgage company can't tell you that you can't move for work, to be closer to family, etc. Once you get past the initial paperwork you can move wherever you want to, 99% of the time they will never check up on you, other 1% just tell them that you had to move to another place to be closer to your sick family member or something

>> No.16319704


There are several factors for japan's relatively cheap housing price.

They have a national city planning standard and a fairly lax one at that. Unlike the US, so they are not prone to NIMBYism. This is absolutely no chance of happening in the US, due to the massive lobbying influence organization such as NAR, HOA, and real estate developers hold.

And the US isn't forecasted to have a declining population anytime soon.

The most immediate threat is niggers.

>> No.16319711
File: 73 KB, 600x885, nMl3XwY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon knows

>> No.16320361

Yes it's all very subject to local conditions. For example I rent an accessory dwelling unit (in-law basement, back yard cottage etc) very close to my work and groceries, small but it holds my stuff. It's impossible to pay a comparable price for comparable features in a mortgage, it's just too small. If I bought the whole house I'd have to rent out part of it to pay for it, and then I've got a second job at best or an eviction shitshow at worst.

>> No.16320395

this kekw

>> No.16321378

>You're literally arguing that property values will be lower in 30 years, which would be the first time in recorded history that has happened.
In recorded history where? The US? Countries with political unrest tend to have their housing market go down the shitter when things go south.
What you are arguing is that the US is going to be a stable country forever, or at least on the very long run, just because it has been so for a century or so.

We are not boomers. We don't have 50 years of ensured prosperity forward. The world is a more rapidly changing place now.

>> No.16321392

In Denmark you can get decent public housing in major cities for next to nothing.

(in DKK, 1 dollar = 6.75 DKK)

I pay 4000 a month for 80 square metres in the city.

For a similar flat, you'd have to pay about 3 million DKK.

Property tax would amount to 2000-2500 DKK alone.

So, I would only be saving 1500-2000 DKK a month by buying and I would have to take on a monstrous 3 million DKK debt.

You can get a mortgage with a 1% interest rate (over 30 years).

That's 30000 DKK a year, divided by 12 = 2500 DKK

On top of the property tax, that's 4500-5000 DKK

So yeah, I pay LESS to rent and I'm not locked down and still able to move if I get a job offer.

So yeah, I'm just saving up and investing instead, hoping for a housing crash sometime down the line.

>> No.16321403

This guy gets it. A ton of places in US already look more and more like somewhere in Brazil.

>> No.16321409

And I don't have to worry about maintenance, repair or any of that shit. That's covered in the rent.

And free laundry etc.

>> No.16321581

In Norway that's a 80m2 is around 8000-10000.

property tax 10.000-30.000,-

interest on mortage is close to 3%

>> No.16321602

You are mentally retarded. Rent to own is a scam and that’s not what he was talking about.

>> No.16322305

i'm no doomporner but i agree with you op
making a 20+ years bet is insane risk considering the speed of change nowadays
crypto or venture capitalism are unironically safer options

>> No.16323279
File: 345 KB, 636x720, 1572989700154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus the amount of people who think the world is going to end because some people might have more melanin than them is fucking pathetic. Honestly if you don't want to live your life because a nigger might move next door to you then just kill yourself and spare us all of your toxic bullshit.

>> No.16323335

Based and diversitypilled

>> No.16323412

The world population isn't going to stop going up in our lifetime. Property is finite and therefore will go up in value. This isn't complicated.

Living alone is the luxury, not buying the house. You can spend similar amounts renting a room or buying a house and renting out the rooms that aren't yours.

>> No.16323417

Also you are not locked to a house. If you want to move, just rent it out. It isn't rocket science.

>> No.16323523

As Western countries become brown they will increasingly function like brown countries, except without the stabilising culture of the nation.

Think Brazil but far worse.

Hopefully in future someone will trace IPs and force diversity supporters like you back into the diversity kill zones at gunpoint once you try to flee the cannibals, witch doctors and rape prisons which gave you such interesting and exotic food.

>> No.16323548

It isn’t like things go to shit in an instant. You can typically see it coming and sell, getting your equity out that would, if you’d rented, be in the pocket of some jew.

Move into a nice white neighborhood. Live there for years. If a mud person moves in, sell and move to another white neighborhood.

>> No.16323566

>3 actual examples
>1,000,000 other neighborhoods where the opposite happened.
You are choosing to stay poor.