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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16281724 No.16281724 [Reply] [Original]

Literally one of the only altcoins making a profit with real businesses actively using their product. Token burn every month now, almost 1mil tokens have been used so far this month and we are only halfway done.

Now there is a dedicated fudder who will be replying with this very long copypasta about Acronis. He is accumulating as well and doesn't want you to.

Enjoy the tip friends, current price is half of the ICO price with a circulating supply of 27million and it's actively being burnt by the team.

Atleast 200k tokens will be burned this month as well, probably double that if the usage stays consistent.

Buy before they burn the whole supply!

>> No.16281755

Many riches for family sirs with take hash of document for pay with token.

>> No.16281786
File: 181 KB, 1190x592, 50000X clients.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Airbus is a customer of Acronis, FYI. Airbus Defence & Space is a division and has an even smaller division in Netherlands. And V-ID hasn't fully rolled it out yet, even though supposedly they have been a client for over a year. Uh oh. Show one single proof that Airbus has collaborated with V-ID on a large scale or let alone name-dropped them.

>Allows customers to notarize files of any type via a web console or API, generating a certificate that provides publicly verifiable proof of its timestamp, integrity, and authenticity.
>Easy to sell, upsell or bundle: Universal service that fits business of any size and industry
>Key improvements in the Acronis Notary Cloud service will allow service providers to easily enable data verification via a new public webpage – eliminating the need to use the Acronis Notary Cloud user-interface to verify files.

Acronis Notary costs $99 for the whole year and comes with a cloud backup solution, HDD image creation, and all the validations are free. That's right, motherfuckers. Free. Because 99% of people who buy the cloud backup solution are not using notary services in the first place and they're subsidizing the transactions of those who do need the service. Large companies that do thousands of verifications a month and don't need a backup solution only pay mere cents per validation. Cents.

Why would any company choose V-ID over Acronis is beyond me. Not only is it cheaper, but Acronis also works with over a hundred Fortune 500 companies.

>Now there is a dedicated fudder who will be replying with this very long copypasta about Acronis. He is accumulating as well and doesn't want you to.
Can't counter the facts? Make up shit. Bagholders claimed that V-ID has first mover advantage AND owns majority of the market share AND that the coin will get listed on Binance in Q3. Why believe their lies now?

>> No.16281796
File: 66 KB, 1185x589, vidt-stole-this-idea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Validating your whole god damn hard drive with Acronis Notary takes less than 70 minutes. V-ID validations take over a day (sometimes there are days with no validations at all) and bagholders watch over Etherscan like a hawk to calculate the number of validations.

Here's a quote from the Acronis Notary user manual:
>The notarization process can take up to 70 minutes. To reduce the cost of each notarization, the notary service collects hashes throughout an hour, then builds a hash tree based on these hashes and sends the hash tree root to the blockchain database. After that, the notary service waits for the transaction to become confirmed in the blockchain database, and then changes the statuses of the files to Notarized.
$99 for a yearly subscription, as opposed to $600 a year. No nickel and diming like with V-ID, charging you over $2 per file. Imagine how much it would cost to validate a 100 files with V-ID, as opposed to using Acronis.

Acronis also owns the patent for blockchain validation technology in the United States (and it is enforceable if V-ID does any business in the United States, regardless of bagholder claims): https://patents.google.com/patent/US10114980B2/

>> No.16281798

they aren't making a profit.

>> No.16281810
File: 25 KB, 1088x295, vidt-is-a-scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VIDT is a scam. Token not needed. They created VIDT for the sole purpose of raising money. Service idea came first and then VIDT got shoehorned into it. They needed a utility coin for an ICO, as otherwise it would have been a useless security token and have no chance of being listed on exchanges or being legal. They knew no one would want to invest in a "1 VIDT = 1 Validation" scheme because that would make it a stable coin and have no speculative value. Which also means that VIDT price doesn't matter to V-ID at this point, they already got their million dollars. Unless they want to dump. All buybacks are scams to raise the price, so you give them your lunch money and create liquidity to dump into when the time comes.

The V-ID team even admits right on their website that the token is an illegal security, that they created the coin for its speculative value, and that the tokenomics were "praised" by pajeet moonboys. Even they know it could have been a stable coin. Then the founder lies in the face of bagholders on Telegram and says it's a utility token and two unknown lawyers have confirmed it as such.

But don't question it, or you might just get banned.

If any anons have any UNBIASED questions about V-ID or Acronis, holler at me. You can also summon me by posting a picture of a teal circle. It's the BAT signal.

>> No.16281831

Nice pasta

>> No.16281842

I have more where it came from. At this point any bullshit a bagholder comes up with can be refuted with CTRL+C/CTRL+V

>> No.16281947

Ah there you are, I even mentioned you earlier. Glad to see you are still pasta chef.

>> No.16281952


>> No.16281963


>> No.16282059

Fudilli, al dente, only for my bagholder frens.

>> No.16282060

Imagine trying to get a better entry price by making up crap fud. If not trying to get a better entry, why do you fud? Do you love bizlets so much to spend so much time warning us of this project?

>> No.16282066

>Why did you post this thread? What are your motivations? Why would anyone spend time warning anons? Why are you concerned about our investment? Why do you care how V-ID gets paid? Why do you browse 4chan? Why do you spend your Friday morning posting about V-ID? Are you by chance interested in buying? There cannot be any motivations other than fudding to buy in cheaper, can there be not? Why am I not addressing any of your legitimate arguments?

>> No.16282124

based pajeet fudder

>> No.16282127

When answer question

>> No.16282132

Sooo what are your goals or do you expect us to believe you're fudding out of the goodness of your heart? You'll be the first one on biz... But we all know you're not

>> No.16282182

You fuckers have been shilling this shitcoin since 50 cents. Graph looks like a fucking bankruptcy. It’s been dumping forever. Fuck off pajeet, rakeesh, ramesh and all u fucking curry eating sandniggers. Nobody is buying your bags. Can verify with eyes

>> No.16282184

YAWN. I'm fudding to troll you all for being incorrect about everything related to v-id at this point desu

>> No.16282220

You’ve been proven incorrect multiple times but you continue. You must be trying to warn us about VID. What a kind human you are

>> No.16282244

I have been proven wrong zero times. But nice try. Quick, abandon this thread and make a new one.

>> No.16282251
File: 2.04 MB, 3072x2304, IMG_7976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I buy this as a US resident?

>> No.16282294

KuCoin does not require KYC and 2btc withdrawal limit.

>> No.16282726

Team seems too legit to pump the price like they should at this MCAP, but i heard the founder hangs out with the Fantom guys so I assume VIDT guys will give up their integrity sometime in the near future.

Just bought a 100k.

>> No.16282733

Is 100K enough to make it?

>> No.16282776

Can't wait till these guys KYC, you know its going to happen.

>> No.16282963

unironically .50 by end of year

>> No.16283447

Yes, just enough

>> No.16283650

Proof of Acronis used by Airbus? I mean literal proof. Not some bullshit dodging around.

>> No.16283852

There is none

>> No.16284503

There's like a copy pasta duuuude. He's fudding out of the goodness of his heart

>> No.16284689
File: 4 KB, 200x250, 1561401463254s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16285018

Proof of V-ID/VIDT used by Airbus? I mean literal proof. Not some bullshit dodging around.

>> No.16285397

You guys are pathetic at this point trying to fud. When you veer from the shithead pasta it all falls apart.

>> No.16285530

If you bagholders want source of Airbus using Acronis, but don't accept the Acronis website as a legitimate source... Then by the same logic no one should trust V-ID's website that lists Airbus as a client, unless you have confirmation from Airbus itself.

That sentence of the pasta was bait and you guys bit on it, hook line and sinker.

>> No.16285670

No matter how hard you try to fud it’s not going to change the mind of anyone, keep going though so everyone can see how desperate you are haha.

>> No.16285762

Getting nervous there, bagholder? I'm changing the sentiment to be closer towards reality, exposing the scam. You all lied when you said V-ID is a first mover and owns the largest market share... Scummy and should feel bad. And if you didn't "know" about Acronis partnerships, after being made aware of the company months ago, then you're willfully ignorant.

>> No.16285861

Airbus uses Acronis backup solutions, yes. Acronis verification, no.

>> No.16286166

Except Acronis Backup now includes Acronis Notary by default, free of charge. Any company that has Acronis products installed on their computer can now verify files on the blockchain. If a company trusts Acronis with doing backups of their files, we can assume they will also trust them with filehashes and won't seek a third-party.

>> No.16286177

Cyber Backup (Formerly Acronis Backup): https://www.acronis.com/en-us/business/backup/
>Blockchain Notarization
>Ensure data integrity with our innovative blockchain-based Acronis Notary technology which prevents damage to or tampering with your files by attacks targeting archive files.

>> No.16286203
File: 14 KB, 499x221, Screenshot_2019-11-17 Usage Dashboard - V-ID.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kills the VIDT FUD.

>> No.16286254

This fuckin thread gets made every day fuck off with this shitcoin. The pump was 6 cents to 50 cents, if you didnt get in and out there then unlucky cuz its not gonna happen again

>> No.16286261

You cannot validate real-world items on the blockchain. No artworks, no photographs, and no photographs of real world items. You can only validate binary and lossless documents, such as PDFs, Powerpoint projects, executables, and audio files. The Rembrandt etching on the blockchain was a marketing ploy to boost the credibility of the project. Good one at that. Fooled me as well. In the end you would still need a third-party examiner painstakingly verifying every single inch of the artwork and play "spot the difference" between a real Rembrandt and a fraudulent one to see whether you have pulled a switcheroo, rendering V-ID's validation process pointless. The artwork is going to be validated by an art examiner, not a blockchain solution. V-ID is as useful as a certificate of authenticity. Both can be forged enough to fool a notary.

Taking photos of a rental car and then uploading to V-ID is also pointless, because your car rental service would first need to recognize V-ID's services as legitimate before you have signed the contract. Said contract would also need to mention V-ID. You cannot escape a charge/fine by pulling up your phone to show that some no-name website says the photo hasn't been altered.

You can validate a scanned document and save it as a PDF and then validate against that same exact scanned PDF, but you could not validate against the original document. Medical and government documents are often printed out, scribbled on, then scanned back in. But even if nothing was scribbled on, a duplicate scan would not match. You would need to verify with eyes.

>> No.16286274

Dubious marketing strategy encouraging mass spamming and washtrading. Scam tokenomics. Useless worthless token. No unique tech. Operating at a loss. Partnered with LTO. Small side project of another company.

Let's look at the white paper and do some math. They will need 1,500,000 files validated to break even. One file validation costs as much as $2.20, $1.65 on the middle plan, and even less on the bulk volume plan. Let's go with an average of $2 per file validation.
>1,500,000 Files X $2 = $3,000,000
>$3,000,000 / 5 Years = $600,000
$600,000 is their estimated annual revenue as file validations are a one-time fee and not reoccurring. The verifications are free. V-ID sold $3,400,000 worth of tokens in the ICO with a white paper outlining a plan for five years, so the numbers so far are reasonable.

V-ID is a tech company with no unique tech or first mover advantage. Supposedly uses algorithms that cannot be patented, according to bagholders. Multiple competition exists, including Acronis Notary, IBM Blockchain Trusted Identity, and Bitcoin.com Notary to name a few. V-ID's potential advantage is a user-friendly design, which can be had for $10,000. V-ID is in the software industry, so let's value the business at an incredibly generous and delusionally optimistic 3X revenue. In which case the company can be estimated to be worth $1,800,000 as of today.

If VIDT will convert to VIDS, which represent shares in the company and the total supply is 62,391,039 VIDT, then one VIDT is realistically worth 2 cents today. 5 cents if we only use the circulating supply (30,800,318). Of course that's with the 3X multiple. At 2X annual revenue (and only looking at circulating supply), one VIDT is worth one penny. And currently, it's even worth less.

Will the largest VIDT whale with his tokens locked up in a smart contract want to sell or convert to VIDS next year? Will "he" also do cursory math before making his decision? Coin is overvalued and worthless.

>> No.16286289

Show proof that all 32 clients V-ID has are paying customers and the team didn't offer a free or discounted trial run to boost their numbers to make VIDT more appealing to investors. Validating a file on a blockchain costs no more than 1 VIDT (less than 10 cents), but the team is supposedly charging 10-16 VIDT for clients for essentially doing fuckall but providing an interface to interact with a blockchain. That's 10X profit per file. If you had a company, ready to validate 100,000 files a month, would you want to pay $10,000 or $165,000? All you have to do is a five minute research to save over $100,000 a year.

Acronis Notary costs $99 for the whole year and comes with a cloud backup solution, HDD image creation, and all the validations are free. That's right, motherfuckers. Free. Because 99% of people who buy the cloud backup solution are not using notary services in the first place and they're subsidizing the transactions of those who do need the service. Large companies that do thousands of verifications a month and don't need a backup solution only pay mere cents per validation. Cents. You can contact Acronis support and get the pricing structure, if you don't believe me.

>VIDT is a scam. Token not needed. They created VIDT for the sole purpose of raising money. Service idea came first and then VIDT got shoehorned into it. They needed a utility coin for an ICO, as otherwise it would have been a useless security token and have no chance of being listed on exchanges or being legal. They knew no one would want to invest in a "1 VIDT = 1 Validation" scheme because that would make it a stable coin and have no speculative value. Which also means that VIDT price doesn't matter to V-ID at this point, they already got their million dollars. Unless they want to dump. All buybacks are scams to raise the price, so you give them your lunch money and create liquidity to dump into when the time comes.

>> No.16286303

Stop thinking about "muh business model" and start thinking about disruption. Kleros. It's being used. Mostly by techies and companies in the space. The product is built. Check it out.

>> No.16286320


you post this copy pasta fud so much I don't think anyone is even reading it anymore.

give up.

>> No.16286336

Thanks for spreading the word, fren. Imagine paying $2 per file validation! Once you validate more than 50 files, Acronis would have been cheaper. Not to mention V-ID charges $600 for a subscription, which would pay for 6 installations of Acronis (but you only need one per office) and over 3000 GB of cloud storage.

>> No.16286358

>You can contact Acronis support and get the pricing structure, if you don't believe me.
Note how bagholders didn't call me out on this one at any point. That's what we call silent agreement with the numbers.

>> No.16286377

Pim is completely bedridden from the aesbestos and lead paint particles in their headquarters. They've been testing the IoE sensors in the office and the severely dangerous air quality has been successfully validated and verified on the blockchain. Last week two programmers died from exposure to the poison but overall the IoE project is considered a success.

>> No.16286574

This. His mouth is so full of acronis cock no one cares. Oh look we're already up to almost 11c again. Lol.

>> No.16286589

>when coin pumps, price action matters
>when coin dumps, price action doesn't matter, low cap, low liquidity, etc.
I'm going to keep posting anyway.

>> No.16286614

Price action is the only thing that matters. The thing is it pumped from 7c to 14c. It was bound to retrace. That's what we call a higher low.

>> No.16286625
File: 48 KB, 1080x814, the-future-you-chose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Price action only matters if you sell or have the option of selling more than a few hundred dollars worth.

>> No.16286641

Looks like it's bottomed out and prime for a pump Tbh retard.