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File: 247 KB, 1070x681, Screenshot_20191115-123101_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16266928 No.16266928 [Reply] [Original]

Thinking of buying some No shares here for a quick 50% gain, what do you guys think

>> No.16267097

It's a shitcoin.. he is getting impeached.

>> No.16267108

Easy money, they won’t touch him unless they want civil war

>> No.16267132

Don't buy this one. Buy the "how many articles of impeachment passed by the house by March 2020". Load up on zero, same result but earlier pay off.

>> No.16267138
File: 71 KB, 720x469, 1561441314194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He will most likely be impeached by the house.
The senate will not convict him.
He will remain in office.
Basically the same as Bill Clinton.

>> No.16267167
File: 1012 KB, 500x281, 1521066118493.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He should hang.

>> No.16267344

Huh? This is end of 2019 it will probably be 90 something in a few weeks

>> No.16267377

No need to post bait, friend. This is a friendly prediction discussion.

>> No.16267415

Dems control the house, republicans have the senate. House is going to pass an article of impeachment before years end, it won't make it through the Senate though.

Was also going to pick some of these up a few weeks ago last week desu but caught the fine print there. Careful what you buy.

>> No.16267720
File: 644 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20191115-135553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about this? Seems like an easy 20% gain

>> No.16267732
File: 131 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20191115-135408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related are the rules. How could I lose this bet? The Senate wouldn't convict Trump would they? Seems like an easy way to profit off the left's Trump derangement syndrome. What do u think

>> No.16267749


>> No.16267750

This isn’t Mexico...people will complain on Twitter and at work but nothing will happen if he gets impeached.

>> No.16267792

This isn't Mexico. If a president is impeached for what is obviously political reasons people will do something. At that point we don't even have a legitimate democracy. Its anyone's game.

>> No.16267873

It's an easy 20% but you've got to wait a whole year and predictit takes a cut of your profit so in the end its not worth it

>> No.16267885

15% in 1 year? I like that

>> No.16267895

I don't trust these websites

>> No.16267947

I made money when he was elected, predict it is legit. They just take an annoyingly large cut of your profit when you cash out. But its probably the best game in town for political betting since you can sell your shares at 90 something cents once it looks certain you will win without having to wait til the outright resolution of something

>> No.16267962

You do you, those are boomer returns to me

>> No.16267990

What kind of profit cut?

>> No.16268073
File: 257 KB, 900x675, dallas_rally_2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


An impeachment for obvious political and phony reasons means rule of law and the social contract is officially terminated.

Guess what happens next?

>> No.16268091

Easy win right there.

There is 0 chance the Senate will convict. House can kvetch all they want, but Senate conviction will trigger civil war.

>> No.16268153

They take a 10% cut of any profit you make up front when you trade and they charge a 5% withdrawal fee.

So say you deposit 1000 and trade a 100% gain on it, you will end up with 1900 and when you try to withdraw that it's a 5% hit on 1900 for another 95... so a 1000 profit turns into an 805 profit.

>> No.16268179


If Bernie wins the primary than there will be a real race and I don’t know who will win. If not it's Trump hands down. The American people are sick of neoliberal shitlords and won't vote for them anymore dem or repub. I'm a socialist and Trump would get my vote if they cheat Bernie again simply to fuck over the democrats out of spite. And Bernie isn't a real socialist, just way less insane than most politicans.

>> No.16268184


hmmm help me math this yall
Dem nominee winner
Warren at 28c
Biden at 24c
Pete at 18c

What would happen if i put a hundred on all 3 of them?
Even if warren won at 28x - that 28c becomes 1.00
1.00/.28 = 3.5
100x 3.5 = 350 profit on 300 down.. am

>> No.16268231

I think your numbers are right but because of their fees I think running slim margins on predict it isnt a good idea. Risk/return profile isnt right. I think it's good if you see opportunity for quick 50%+ opportunities but otherwise you lose too much on sale and withdrawal.

And who knows what happens with the dems, Hillary could even enter again or Tulsi/Bernie could get momentum... uncertainty doesnt seem worth what would be like a 15% return before fees that you want see until March or so even if you are right

>> No.16268302

yeah well said.
Does make me consider betting on 2 dems though

>> No.16268348

A fun thing would be to bet on Hillary running, going at 18c right now

>> No.16268357
File: 59 KB, 600x507, berniesanders_venezuela.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO What do you mean that Bernie is not a real socialist? He's a bolshevik commie in his very bones.

Bernie Sanders in 1985 praising the Communist Castro regime in Cuba and admitting on camera that he traveled to Nicaragua to advise the Ortega regime on how to successfully fight the United States.

After his 1988 trip to the Soviet Union, Bernie Sanders
praises their (communist) youth programs and his wife Jane praises their (communist) system of not separating personal life and work.

1985: Bernie Sanders bashes a reporter for referring to the brutal communist dictator of Nicaragua Daniel Ortega as a Communist and Marxist, and not as the Democratically elected President of Nicaragua, demands that he praise the regime.

Bernie Sanders, University of Vermont, 1986, recalls his excitement watching Castro’s revolution “rising up against the ugly rich people.” & his sick feeling watching JFK speak out against communism in Cuba.

>> No.16268365


Will there be a recession in Trump's 1st term?
(at least two consecutive quarters with a negative annual growth rate in real gross domestic product)

right now its at 29c "Yes"

Seems like a decent triple your money bet, no?

>> No.16268531

America would need to post two consecutive quarters with negative real GDP and I think there's only 5 quarters left to election? Maybe 4? I don't follow American politics much.