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16258815 No.16258815 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16258827

It only works if you're successful and good-looking.
Actually, anything works if you are successful and good-looking.

>> No.16258841


>> No.16258858

It’s not even up for debate at this point

>> No.16258935

being boring doesn't work

>> No.16259003

It works for beta-provider game. That’s about it

>> No.16259049

Raw sexual attraction isn't mediated by higher cognitive function in both men and women. Nevertheless women use those mental faculties to choose which man will be given the chance to kindle this attraction in her.

Both require a different set of characteristics from a man.

>> No.16259069

>t. someone who just pulled this all out of his ass

>> No.16259082

>I don't understand this, therefore It's untrue
What I wrote is self-evident to anyone with a functioning brain

>> No.16259096

Women want men will a strong will. A superficial look will make this seem like they want to be treated like shit. Though that’s kinda true, it’s more they want someone strong that’s not walked all over

>> No.16259334

Women want men that other women in their in-group want. Actually more specifically, they want anything that other women want.

I made a good first impression to a churchy girl in a more hierarchical church with a bunch of female followers once. Escalated ridiculously quickly and got tons of girls hitting on me very directly. As in the physical kind where one would grab me from behind and tell me I smelled good, while her friends would go WTF as if they deserved to go first.

Didn't have the confidence to act on it after years of being neglected by women and being fairly close to wizard territory. Ended up acting dense like a harem anime protagonist and ended up sleeping with none of them.

>> No.16259351

As in specifically, the girl I made a good impression to in front of her church was high-status in her in-group (but a bit older), and constantly talked to her friends about how dreamy I supposedly was. Which made everyone else want to grab a piece.

>> No.16259365

*in front of her friends from church

>> No.16259411

Only if you are attractive to whatever woman you are saying it to, You can literally call a woman a slut, call her worthless and ask her to fuck if you're handsome enough and she'll act kinky.

>> No.16260237

Yes it does

>> No.16260274
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what if you are a handsome virgin, or is that a turn off? i know it sounds strange, but i get hit on by girls all the time, they drops 'hints', or do women not actually care about that

>> No.16260276

Yes and no. Don't be a push over and you will attract a certain type of girl and repel the domineering bitch type which is a good thing. Roids help. I got my gf and get female attention due to that combined with height. In reality hair face and height matter the most but you can't control that. Roids are the best improvement you can make if you don't lose your hair.

>> No.16260277


>> No.16260306

Repeat after me. White tall fuck boi hair is all you need.

>> No.16260333

It’s not about being handsome really. you just have to confident about Expressing your sexuality and escalate on them. literally ask her something nonverbal or verbal sexual in between small talk. Everything you learn about dating in movies is completely wrong

>> No.16260352

Most guys who are handsome and attractive to women are not virgins, If they are it's by choice. Anyone can have sex, Incels whether female or male do not exist. You can have sex, But it won't be with someone who is 10/10 or even 6/10. You get what you put out, You can fuck women but they won't be super skinny or attractive.

>> No.16260377

what if you are older, doesn't society seem this is strange? and im older, because of bad luck, not bad luck with women, just bad luck getting constantly justed by life

>> No.16260398

This doesn't matter. If the girl is interested she will show it these days. Either They will ask you about you with no reason or be shy. If they aren't ignoring you they are probably interested.

>> No.16260523

If you're older than 12, it's over. Sorry, that's just how it is.

>> No.16261171

yes but don't be autistic about it, treat women like they are inferior, but remind them subtly rather than overtly.

women are mentally and physically inferior to me, including in controlling urges (hence "all women are whores"). The truth is all women are not whore, rather they have greater potential than men to be sexual because of their inferior mind.

Dominate them, outwit them and lead them. There is the manpill.

>> No.16261195

Wrong. If your just quiet girls project their ideal man onto you. Happened to me. Only if you're at least a 7/10 though.

>> No.16261211

Why do you equat the term virgin with incel. Why do you use the term incel. Im so tired of leddit shit on here

>> No.16261218

It's mostly a meme, retarded club girls? Sure, they'll think you're a creepy, but normal women honestly don't care, if they do, avoid them, they are low quality women

>> No.16261364

fucking retard

>> No.16261471

Yeah, it’s hard to tell who’s jewing who anymore on this site.

>> No.16261579

If ALL women are whores then surely it can't be a bad thing right? That's how they are supposed to be

Therefore it is your attitude about women that is wrong and needs to change

>> No.16261609

>If ALL women are whores then surely it can't be a bad thing right? That's how they are supposed to be
In evolution yes. But for 100,000 years you could discipline them and they couldn't take your kids and half your stuff on a whim. The problem is not women the problem is the government stopping you from doing it right, thanks to women voting.

>> No.16261722

This is the main reason why I’m attractive, yet still a virgin at my age. I’ve been intentionally avoiding women, and trying to be cautious. At a gut instinctual level, I sense something is fucked up with the dynamic between men and women right now, but I can’t quite put a finger on it. But as I get older I regret more and more not having the experience, and I’m still young enough that I have my youthful looks, but the window of opportunity to still get prime young pussy is closing, and I need to take advantage of that.

>> No.16261736
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it works if you are attractive (and rich after you hit 30)

>> No.16261763

Are you still holding those XRP bags? How’s that holding up for you?

>> No.16261782

I never bought any altcoin in my life.

>> No.16261797
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That's why I live in a penthouse in Thailand and you are still wagecucking in Kentucky, loser.

>> No.16261936

but ure not attractive keeek.

>> No.16262027
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>Didn't have the confidence to act on it after years of being neglected by women
This stung real close to home fren, I'm a /fit/izen now after 5 years of solid lifting but I'm still an autistic retard. Women hit on me but I'm still a shut-in weeaboo that can't interact with girls. At least I held hands with a girl once.

>> No.16262048

>>>16258815 (OP)
>It only works if you're successful and good-looking.
True. But it's mean spirited and works on vulernable people. Donf spend you life tearing people down, build them up. You can still slay pussy and not hurt people.
>Actually, anything works if you are successful and good-looking.
Only someone who is lacking one of these two would say this. No offense. I'm both and have, in one dark period of my life, lacked self esteem. I was scraping the bottom of the barrel just to get a chance at even an extended conversation with women. You're either trolling, genuinely misguided, or malicious. If really hope, for your sake, it's the first two.

>> No.16262054

Ok, if that really is you in the pic, then I mistook you for someone else.

>> No.16262098

The problem, as I understand it, is internet addiction and dependency on app based dating, likely as well culturally baked in isolation and conversational avoidance..you can break free though as I have (most but not entirely). But it is difficult and you will have to embrace life once again and the awkward and struggles that you should have dealt with earlier, but didnt because the internet allowed you to avoid it. It's time. Not today and not tomorrow. Now. Get off the fucking computer and relearn how to be social. Please listen to me. You have to help yourself. Nobody can do this for you.

>> No.16262279

Yes, internet addiction is a big problem. Even more addicting to me than porn or vidya games. But I didn’t realize it was a problem until it was too late.

>> No.16262490

To a degree-it’s not insulting the girl that bad just not throwing yourself at her feet.

>> No.16262507

chekt and incelpilled

>> No.16262510
File: 97 KB, 723x1024, 1571147094907m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you kill them it unironically makes them want you. It's the logical conclusion to women liking to be treated like shit.

>> No.16262530

It's not about literally treating them like that, its a mentality thing. Pretty much don't put the pussy on a pedestal.

>> No.16263215

wow that really great anon. pattaya? if you dont mind me asking, what are you paying for that place? do feel your getting ripped off or its a good price? another personal question, no including any hooker costs, if thats your thing, what do your monthly expenses average?

>> No.16263425

Yea. Stop using your phone whenever you can. And go outside. Relax and feel free, smile at people genuinely. If they dont smile back, dont take it personally. You're not a mind reader and they're probably just having a bad day or are thinking. Those who smile back, just say hi. You can start building confidence from there.

>> No.16263430

unironically yes. the shit that comes out of my mouth is pure /pol/ and i slay pussy

>> No.16263561

hold up, is that a coworking space?

>> No.16264005

How much for this?

>> No.16264373

it doesn't work for christian women or women educated the christian way

>> No.16264518

no it doesn't you deluded incel, to females being boring is indicative of mental illness and no facial structure will dig you out of that unless you're in the literal top of genetics

>> No.16264568

>Ended up acting dense like a harem anime protagonist and ended up sleeping with none of them.
>As in specifically, the girl I made a good impression
Holy shit, really? Would have never thought that. You write like a boomer