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File: 2 KB, 298x169, BAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16243030 No.16243030 [Reply] [Original]

There are people here still stacking SATS instead of stacking BATS.

>> No.16243038


>> No.16243097
File: 859 KB, 1920x1080, 1555551391967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16243105

There are actually people here still not all-in LINK.

>> No.16243121
File: 21 KB, 600x600, back pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brave 1.0 is out and they're releasing commercials now.


BAT is the future. Only a matter of time before Brave the company is turning a profit off of advertising campaigns. Fucking based. BAT price will follow suit eventually.

>> No.16243160 [DELETED] 
File: 1.19 MB, 640x800, final_5dcc602bff48b800143d7753_8895977.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we ready, lads?

>With Brave’s Basic Attention Token (BAT), Eich said, the company has been able, “to grow a set of users who are now ready—if they want to—to send bitcoin directly, and we can make it easy for merchants and creators to receive it,” said Eich. Brave currently uses an implementation of Uphold wallet that lets uses add and withdraw funds in cryptocurrencies including BAT, bitcoin and ether. Ultimately, Brave wants users to be able to spend BAT on “subscriptions and premium products” as well as tipping Brave Creators.

“We want to go the full distance towards e-commerce,” Eich said. “So any cryptocurrency you want, we'll matchmake with the merchant. This gets rid of credit card fraud and credit card interchange charges.”

Stack up, lads. By the time this board wakes up, it'll be too late.

>> No.16243220

This advertising
>Brave doesn't collect my browsing data
>Data never leaves the devices

So what the fuck is this creepy update process doing calling home and trying to build outgoing connections every time? And why can't you turn it off?
Seriously, I tried Brave for dem free tokens, but all the background spyware made me uninstall it.

>> No.16243245


>> No.16243288

I know this might come as a shock to you annoying cultists but not everyone here gives a fuck about chainlink and goes all in on 1 token. I got in at .40 and built a comfy stack and now im into other tokens on the side. but you'll just sperg out like the cultist you are and get all omfg link is the only (insert insane cultist sperg out here). nobody cares cultist stop being so concerned with what others invest their money in.

>> No.16243295


> And why can't you turn it off?

Oh for fucks sake. You apparently have the ability to monitor attempted connections. Then you can turn them off too. You don't really need me to explain this to you I hope?

>> No.16243310

You shouldn't have to use external methods to block connections within a program, there should be options within it to completely turn it off (like in Firefox)

>> No.16243334
File: 84 KB, 766x772, PSX_20190128_115356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine the suffering of stacking sats and bats and not wauz for the last 2 months. up 3x

>> No.16243336

> Then you can turn them off too.
Yes, but that doesn't mean it stops trying or stops eating away my memory and CPU usage in the background.
And I don't like some process collecting data on my PC. It could be collecting your private keys or tranny porn for all you know. Maybe that was the plan all along - collect the keys of gullible retards, then empty their wallets and move to Cayman Islands, Bitconnect style.

>> No.16243461

Doesn't bother me. Used to it. From Adobe to whatever you can think of, even games, I block most requests before I even start the app for the first time. It is standard for me at least.
The few requests that come through after that, I could still block as they come, but most are harmless, which is what you study before you start said app.

My point is, nothing out of the ordinary here really.

>> No.16243552

I think brave is nearing a tipping point here. Good time to accumulate now while its dirt cheap. Most people will try and time an entrance while it just keeps breaking new ATH's

>> No.16243564

they will start when it hits $10. Whoever is buying now is smart money. Even 100 BAT will be life changing.

>> No.16243600

We do not talk about BAT.

>> No.16243615

Those people are probably educated.

>> No.16243745

"yeah i knew about BAT in 2018, but this coin Nano i saw all over reddit that fell in value by 99% looked more promising"

"I had 140 BAT but traded them for litecoin. They would be worth $4100 now"

>> No.16243814

it's an ERC20 shitcoin. it's not going to ever amass real value. Eich also has it in the whitepaper to suppress the price to make it look more appealing to advertisers.

>> No.16243877

>Eich also has it in the whitepaper to suppress the price to make it look more appealing to advertisers.
great. a simple screenshot should suffice to prove your point (hint: you are lying).

>> No.16244028

spotted the litecoin holder

>> No.16244128

But is $10 going to be the endgame? How much higher could it conceivably go?

>> No.16244174


Please ask an old woman in a tent reading your hand or something. And leave it be.

>> No.16244192 [DELETED] 
File: 370 KB, 1080x1349, 853C49B9-6393-4A98-953D-D25FCAC493B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the smell of a fat stack of bat

>> No.16244902

If you are using Brave Browser, use SWASH app with it

it lets you sell your browsing data for $DATA tokens



>> No.16244926

I have had the swash app for about 2 days now and havent earned any. When i do though i plan on converting them to BAT and then staking the BAT on crypto.com

>> No.16244966

Lame reposter.

>> No.16244987

the browser is great - the token is fucking stupid as fuck. sorry brah, nobody gives a fuck about earning $1 a year for watching and listening to horrid ads all year. fuck off

>> No.16245105
File: 62 KB, 386x784, e674d263ebf24e5fc416b907e7fbb6b9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im only a few months in. If BAT goes to $20 i will make thousands of dollars while you sit here and spread useless fud