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File: 452 KB, 1580x746, luke-jr on mining.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16235988 No.16235988 [Reply] [Original]

If only you knew how bad things really are with BTC.

>> No.16236000

Oh no it's retarded

>> No.16236031

That is fucking retarded hahahaha

>> No.16236051

That's how XRP works, except it actually costs money to participate on their network. Why is this guy surprised by how Bitcoin has worked from the start?

>> No.16236057
File: 80 KB, 196x211, 1572065622941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this was a fucking nobody but then I googled his name.

>> No.16236099

Greedy kikes going to get theirs

>> No.16236223

Did Bernie sanders start talking about btc?!?

>> No.16236234
File: 108 KB, 288x445, F1B8F4B3-8B15-492F-92E2-F86C81B4B9B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16236243
File: 1.40 MB, 400x400, 95242761.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and he's constantly trying to argue for lowering the max block size limit as well

>> No.16236250
File: 130 KB, 528x747, 20191103_201407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16236284

>jannies don't work for free, they pay for your tendies

>> No.16236308

Would be cool if the btc devs weren't such retarded egomaniacs

>> No.16236331
File: 47 KB, 630x420, jjdjjdjlike-630x420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16236547
File: 1.58 MB, 498x490, pepecry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its way worse blockstream has full control over core.

>> No.16236585
File: 382 KB, 1298x1394, Luke wants impracticality Vitalik wants improvement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also let's not forget Luke's dreams that assist him in developing bitcoin

>> No.16236611
File: 142 KB, 360x346, 1573117986651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not even fellow sperg Vitalik can understand his autistic ramblings

>> No.16236632
File: 127 KB, 586x580, 1568412452931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16236653

>imagine STILL being a corecuck not realizing that bitcoins being actively subverted by commie retards
>imagine not realizing satoshi himself was pissed enough about this he made BSV to btfo these reddit-tier fags who took over his brainchild

>> No.16236661
File: 4 KB, 66x89, youjustlostthegame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone kill these retard before he kills bitcoin with his stupid delusional needs to be commited ramblings. he sounds almost as wackjob as xander of brapper token

>> No.16236693

BTC is a mess.

>> No.16236938

So here's the real crypto bluepill:

Craig Wright is unironically not Satoshi, the real Satoshi Nakamoto always wanted small blocks and segwit, "Peer to peer electronic cash" was simply a purposeful mistranslation of the Japanese. Blockstream - funded by Bilderberg group - saved Bitcoin by refusing to raise the 1mb block cap, preventing the blockchain from becoming cripplingly large. If they had not done this the blockchain could be as large as 500gb today meaning that Bitcoin node operators would have to upgrade from 500gb hard drives and pay for more storage space, ultimately leading to financial ruin and the death of the network.

Bitcoin as a store of value was just the first step, Blockstream is releasing the full version of the Lightning Network in 18 months, this will lead to a revolution in digital gold and decentralisation by routing all payments through Lightning banking nodes off-chain, this is why Blockstream is so intent to lower the block size to 300kb to incentivise adoption.

Back to hash power, as the price and adoption of BTC increases the blocksize will be gradually reduced to 0kb, closing off the blockchain completely, this will move all transactions onto Layer 2 (Layer 3 and 4 are also in development). With all transactions off-chain the greedy miners will have all their power removed and we will never see another hardfork ever again like the hard forking of 'Bitcoin Cash' and later 'Bitcoin SV' by the Craig Wright (they have their own competing blockchain in the works), this will render the BTC protocol completely free from big blocker influence under the tight but decentralised fist of Blockstream.

>> No.16237025

Fuck these losers

BTC can still be saved if they are ostracized

>> No.16237155
File: 153 KB, 162x146, walking away.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, the damage done can not be reversed.
adoption left, developers left, supporters left.

everybody that believed in the original bitcoin vision are gone, those that wanted everybody in the world to use bitcoin as money. that was the dream, now only crypto bros remain with BTC, people that don't really believe and just want to sell for a profit and keep using USD.

it's too late to fix BTC now, all it has left is brand recognition.

>> No.16237255

luke is undeniably retarded

>> No.16237265

>it's too late to fix BTC now
with defeatist fucks like you sure seems like it

>> No.16237269

please nigga stop the bullshit its so tiresome
even if you repeat 10000 times a lie is a lie

>> No.16237277

Diversify them retard. Ugh why do people without a formal business education even come here. You picked a profession, dont pretend you can waltz in here and start a new one willy nilly

>> No.16237286

commie bastard

>> No.16237334

what an absolute kikenigger

>> No.16237352


Not if the network votes them out through consensus

>> No.16237380

But he's right. It doesn't HAVE to be profitable, as long as the miners have an interest in BTC security.

For example it could also work by taking the miners' families hostage and threatening to kill them if BTC fails.

>> No.16237772

I hope this is a literal who. Because this looks like commie shit to me.
I admit I'm not a super techie, but my whole understanding of bitcoin is it was designed in a way that greed is what powers it. So that it doesn't matter if you are a greedy psycho or a bleeding heart leftie, because the protocol always rewards honesty.
I hope this is not the common opinion in btc. If it is I think bitcoin is heading down a bad path

>> No.16237817

Monero is the future of crypto

>> No.16237821


Dude he's the lead dev...

>> No.16237833

No, he's not the lead dev

>> No.16237839

enjoy your knacc attack

>> No.16237863

This just make me want to get back into ETH. Based fucking Vitalik.