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16199964 No.16199964 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We laugh at trade workers

>literal criminal tier alcoholic scumbags
“Muh muh trade union”
>job can be learned by watching a 15 minute YouTube video

Trade workers, face it, you’re going to be out of work eventually

>> No.16200230
File: 463 KB, 2048x1724, wagie wagie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude didn't you know trade workers avoided the college scam? you don't need college to be successful! money isn't the key to happiness! real fulfillment comes from hard work! I signed the S.W.E.A.T. pledge!!111!111!

>> No.16200238

You're a loser and you'll never get to fuck good looking women, you'll be depressed for decades and end up a wagie except you have to sit in your rat cage all day.

>> No.16200249

I'm a tradie

Been just chilling for 7 months now when I feel I'm running low on funds I'll simply go get a job within a week of looking lel

>> No.16200257

You are just jealous that I make $85k a year shitposting in the shop at my union electrician job. I am willing to wager that I do the least amount of work out of anyone in my tax bracket.

>> No.16200284

nice larp

investors score the hottest pussy and have more free time. Enjoy your ulcers from stress

>> No.16200291

Based as fuck. Seriously fuck all these fags that say you have to work 24/7, what ever happened to “work smarter, not harder”? Some people are so smart in fact they don’t have to work at all and can spend their time doing things they enjoy

>> No.16200506

State licensed tradie here. 12000 hours of state logged on the job experience, 4 years of simultaneous education, 10 years of full time construction experience. Keep watching those YouTube videos brah. I make bank fixing your dumbass fuckups on a daily basis. weekends/holidays off, set schedule, full benefits/medical/pension/matching 401k, 60k /yr min wage. Paid fucking gym time, all the time. Negative educational debt. My average worker competition has the cranial capacity of a rabid cat in heat since all you "smart" millennial/zoomer etc cucks fell for the "college is the only way" meme and are currently battle Royale style shanking each other in the interview room competing for your 15$/hour degreed entry level jobs at your mid twenties while still living in moms basement driving the same piece of shit car you got in high school. Kek. The rope is calling, you must answer.

Seriously go fuck yourself.

>> No.16200513


Which you aren't and will never be faggot.

>> No.16200535
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Also this

>> No.16200554

more like
>bachelor in philosophy
>gets hired to his dad's bank after graduation
>d1 athlete during college
>believes all people are stupid except himself

>> No.16200704

i just started trade work after 7 years in the IT fieod and 2 years of being crypto rich neet and i love it.

>> No.16200748
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>> No.16200762

Eh. For the rare few in that position, sure. most of my classmates that went to college either got into a good place early on before it all went to shit or are still scratching by trying to make a living. Out of 10 or so of my high school/college sports buddies about 3 are doing okay, with one doing great. 1 works a shitty gone all the time job and I'm pretty sure his wife is fucking around on him, but makes bank. 1 nearly committed suicide and after the 4th dui is trying to pull the plane out of a nosedive but will never regain previous altitude. 2 others are dead inside with shit jobs. The rest turned into wankers and I have no clue where they are. Maybe 5-10% of the athletes in school graduated to a silver spoon getting shoved up their ass and they're stunted mentally because of it, living on fragile egos not based on realistic worth and have their happiness and well being tied entirely to the current whims of said successful business owning parents who have a golden string tied to their nuts. They're the most fragile of all

>> No.16200768

>Jim at 45
>middle manager making 130k/year

>Joe at 45
>electrician making 80k/year, paying 20k/year in medical bills, nearing retirement age

>> No.16200780

>4 year paid apprenticeship
Is there another way to get a job like that without throwing away 4 years of my life getting paid 500$ usd a month?

>> No.16200800

It all depends on how much you're willing to invest.

You don't need a college graduate to be successful. People who are 50k in debt because they went to college would want to believe that, of course, but that is not the truth.

Average people who go to college end up better than average people who don't sure, but if you're interested in being successful you don't need college.

Successful people who went to college paid off their debt within the first year after finishing college, most people who go to college are average and need about 10 years to pay it off.

>> No.16200868

Good luck with that. I've been out of high school for nearly 20 years now and that's not how it's going. The only places I see wages like that for middle managers are near major metropolis areas where a cardboard box with a mail slot goes for 200k+. Same places that min. wage for Joe there is 40+ an hour. Conservative estimate of middle managers outnumbering workers 10 to 1 and the amount of jobs that pay said 130k.... without kneepads and some real pretty lipstick, odds are it ain't you pal. And it sure as hell wont be for your philosophy degree or even an applicable degree because all your competition will have the same piece of paper. If you do make it without your kneepads it'll be because of social skills, most mangers bullshit their way through life anyhow.

Also while we're talking career advancement, after 8 years Joe can start his own business and break that 130k mark with even a two man shop and very little start up capital.


>> No.16200896
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no more brother wars

>> No.16200916

Try looking into it before you assume pay. Super fucking rural areas (cheap) pay journeyman electricians full benefits at 25-30$ an hour minimum journeyman's wage. First year apprentice in those areas start at 16 ish an hour and gain a buck an hour raise every six months. Your apprenticeship pay is scaled to journeyman's wage by percentage and how far through the program you are. In 6 months you have benefits and have started a retirement program. In two years you have that plus 20 bucks an hour, and I'm using the lowest geographical areas as examples here. Find your local IBEW union online and either call or figure out what the journeyman's scale is for your area, then go from there. That's for electrical. Same process applies with other trades. Niche trades can do better but have limited demand. For path of most likely success find out what mainstream trades in your area are required to be licensed from the state then do your research from there. The state licensed trades are paid better.

>> No.16200929

lmao at how mad tradecucks get when people bash their dumb fucking field

people in the trades are dead end losers, criminals, drug addicts, or low iq fucking retards that had no where else to go in life and chose the last resort, a fucking trade lmao

enjoy working in shitty conditions making your "60k a year minimum"

>> No.16201015

Thanks. It's your attitude that ensures I rarely have to compete with anyone because surely, any form of blue collar work is for losers. No one ever made a great living building the shit you live in and the office you go to work in. States have never utilized mandatory building codes to force you into paying for my services. Everyone will easily go without running water, a working toilet, heat, a roof that doesn't leak or electricity. They'd much rather spend that money on geological environment impact studies or engineered building plans for their Amish home where they shit in a bucket. Surely they'll never create a computer program to do your desk work, that's not happening at all, anywhere. Though I am sure they'll figure out a way to make a robot climb a ladder and run power tools even though so far they can barely make one that walks without looking like Helen Keller trying to blend in at a twister convention. Also I'm sure your work will never be outsourced to street shitters and all those pesky immigrants will find a way to circumvent state licensed state inspected trade jobs.
Don't confuse my posting with rage, cagie. I don't have any insecurities whatsoever about my job, or chosen profession. I genuinely hope some anons here look into it because the opportunities are pretty damn good. But thanks for looking down your nose at the tradesman. That kind of shit pays my bills on a regular basis. YouTube DIY has created financial opportunity and a lifetime of outright fucking hilarity for me whenever someone thinks like you do and bites off more than they can chew.

>> No.16201041

cope harder

>> No.16201073

The main drawback with trades is that they're overly specialized, which can work for and against you. You can start your own business (in your specialty) or move climb the ladder to foreman/inspector (which have a limit). Regardless, the path is limited to your craft. Something as simple as an injury, can prevent your career from taking off, and someone else's injury can bankrupt your business easily.

>> No.16201075

You're right, I guess I'll just go do some drugs with my illiterate coworkers while we laugh at YouTube videos of guys like you getting kicked in the nuts.

>> No.16201125

The main drawback with trades is that they're overly specialized, which can work for and against you. You can start your own business (in your specialty) or move climb the ladder to foreman/inspector (which have a limit). Regardless, the path is limited to your craft.

-> any specialized education in anything does this to some level. Without specialization you won't have the ability to require higher compensation. That said, every town of every size on every corner of the nation, or other first world countries, all have a need for trades. By that fact its a job that you can carry almost anywhere, from major metropolis to rural bumfuck nowhere. The same cannot always be said for other options. As a specialization goes, it's like being a bartender. You can go nearly everywhere with it

Something as simple as an injury, can prevent your career from taking off, and someone else's injury can bankrupt your business easily.

-> Union benefits include disability insurance as a standard, at least where I am. If not standard, it's optional. Someone else's injury for your business is a moot point, as it doesn't matter if you're a landlord, a shop keeper, or an engineering firm owner. It's a constant for any form of business owner regardless of the background, and is mitigated by umbrella insurance policies, and incorporation.

>> No.16201139

I'm a trade worker in advanced manufacturing, and I completely agree with this.

>> No.16201178

>literally implying that every person in society is dumber than a fucking half-brained monkey and can't figure out how to quickly and efficiently learn something from watching a YouTube video and trying it
>installed flooring in my entire house, by myself, in a matter of a few hours by watching YouTube

Again, cope harder. You're not special. You're not smart. You're not ahead of the curve. You simply do retard work with your cute little special title that makes it "official"

A doped up drop out could do "muh apprenticeship" and get your job. Enjoy your minimum $60k a year lmao pathetic

>> No.16201187

Also, look at how hard you try to defend it lmao. It's almost like you're coping, OH WAIT

>> No.16201230

Carpenter here, i also agree. My coworkers are double digit IQ retards and my back is always sore. Studying engineering as a 30 y/o to escape this.
No regrets as such because if I went to uni as an 18 y/o I would have done some trash degree like fucking theology or something.

>> No.16201236
File: 138 KB, 890x1066, wagecuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tradie getting ragie :^)

>> No.16201243

>Some people are so smart in fact they don’t have to work at all and can spend their time doing things they enjoy
True. We call them NEETs.

>> No.16201300

This is the reality for almost all trade workers. They either are too stupid to realize they are fucking themselves up big time, they go back to college and become a normie white collar worker, or they save a shit ton of money and retire at 45. You're making the right move anon.

>> No.16201335

laborer reporting. my step dad is a commercial contract that i have done a lot of work for, and his hires are almost exactly how you expect them. alcoholic, super low iq, unreliable, full of drama and excuses, you name it. we had a guy that was supposed to go do repairs at panera breads and what not, and if it was a small job he would go solo. (its the night shift, because you can only operate when panera is closed) and this guy would sometimes fuck off the job entirely or part way through to go to his paid for red roof inn motel room and get drink whiskey and high life and smoke two packs of winston reds. and that type of is so commonplace and much worse in the trades, a lot of dickheads out there that will take advantage of anybody.

>> No.16201347

wow i typed that too fast and fucked up without spellchecking, obviously i am too a brainlet

>> No.16201351









>> No.16201368

>jim wants joe to pay off his debt and wants gibs from the government because "muh automation, the market isn't competitive!!11!!"

>> No.16201397


learn to invest

>> No.16201400

Congratulations, out of everything I've said specifying state licensed trades you picked an example that requires no license and minimal training for your own championed example and are painting a brush over all trades because you installed laminate flooring. Slow clap. Talk to me when you can apply that to transformer load calculations on an automotive plant or have an understanding of phase balancing. You're essentially the guy who managed to slap a shed together in his back yard and decided that hurrrr... construction is easy, these guys must all be dummy drug riddled degenerates. Also for how many times you keep repeating "60k minimum ha" you seem to not grasp the concept of a base wage given conservatively for even the lowest paid geographical regions or advancement in a career. You also have now started using "cope!" as a rebuttal to any of the fact based information I post. Thanks for your contribution.


I'm sorry to hear that Anon. When I did carpentry I really enjoyed it, but i understand what you see. I was 28 at the time and it was hard on my body, and none of my co-workers were going to win any accolades for deep thought. I really liked finish carpentry though, though I probably breathed in enough mdf dust to tranquilize a horse.

>> No.16201408
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>> No.16201524

Nice try, retard. I worked avionics in the Air Force, got out and used my GI Bill to get a degree in Computer Engineering with a minor in Physics. Now, 9 years later, I'm amongst fucking absolute geniuses making over $200k a year and actually building real shit that will advance our future.

Have fun working on granny's cable box on the side of her house.

>> No.16201539

The patrician looks at both of them and appreciates them equally, for without both of them who is he to view at all?

>> No.16201572

Imagine not working until you run out of money lol

>> No.16201614


>> No.16201635

Look at this tradie excited to fix my shitter and all my poo poo pee pee messy
You're not a man who fixes fuck ups you're a maintenance boy that's easily replaced by a mexican

>> No.16201688

>States have never utilized mandatory building codes to force you into paying for my services
You're worse than a welfare nigger

>> No.16202242
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He can’t even reply because he is so btfo

>pic related is him

>> No.16202409
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>job can be learned by watching a 15 minute YouTube video
Pretty much this, anyone with half a brain and an able body can learn any trade within a week of studying. But I guess that's why retards do those jobs.

>> No.16202460


>> No.16202466

>home by 2pm
>rarely work 8 hours
>pension and insurance
All the office/deskcucks I know have to work 8-5 or other bullshit hours. being a union tradie is max comfy, provided you don't live in some southern shithole scab state.

>> No.16202676


>> No.16202705

The problem with this picture is that conservatives try to apply those rules on a political/societal level. If you take all these rules and internalize them, they likely will make your more successful, and productive, but if you try to take them and apply them on a societal level they will just drag everyone down. The second lesson, about how people are entiteled to pursuing happiness and not happiness itself, is a good ATTITUDE to have. However, people take this to mean we shouldn't make its easier for people to become happy, or that we shouldn't make people happier in general.

>> No.16203811

College debt is only a problem for shart in marts.
If it isn't a shitty community college then philosophy is logic heavy and connects to mathematical logic.
With a bit experience in software and programming they can easily get a job in tech/management.

>> No.16203874

>Everyone will easily go without running water, a working toilet, heat, a roof that doesn't leak or electricity.
Yeah the Indians are managing

>> No.16203910
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>> No.16204392

Right on.

Opee, what's the point of your horseshit post. Yes, you'll get a slightly higher wage in your florescent-light illuminated cubicle and toil away for 5 less years. But you're still just a rat in a cage. Why don't we focus on lifting everyone up to relative freedom through actual /biz/

>> No.16204923

lol. half of them are on meth, especially the older ones. Guys you'd never suspect. It was surprising to find out

>> No.16204943

based tradie anon
I kind of want to get into this work and spend some gains learning a trade but I think as a 30yr old boomer I'm too old to start now. IT stuff is what I'm skilled in but I can't get hired in any high trust position because of my record

>> No.16205026

why are you posting in /biz/ then? sounds like larp. this a place for shitposting, if you want good crypto insights you start networking with devs and promoters

>> No.16205477
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Tax secretary here,
During my second year in the office had the displeasure of setting up repayment plan for one phone repairshop owner who had failed to provide us with receipts for 5 years so we had to take him to administrative court. His defense lawyer argued that it was unreasonable even inhumane to expect someone to hold onto every single receipt for period of 5 years but the court decided in the favor of tax administration since we had acted according to the tax code. In the end the man failed to pay his court fees and failed behind his repayment plans leading to his arrest and imprisonment for tax evasion.

We gave the man multiple opportunities to re-work his plan with us on basis of his personal tax rates and even gave him 3 month grace period to get his things in order. He failed to contact us regardless, despite our senior inspector even visiting his restaurant. After that he pursued the legal action against US. We did not start the whole situation he can only blame himself, I think we were more than reasonable enough with him.