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File: 600 KB, 1000x667, Bitcoin-SV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16192884 No.16192884 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a reason why as to why Samson Mow and Bitcoin Core developers are buying Bitcoin SV?
Is this rumor really true?
Is Lightning Network really that messed up?

>> No.16192895

its all a rumour, nobody in their right mind would ever work BSV. everybody agrees that Craig is a fraud. LN works perfectly fine. just ignore this stupid BSV shilling OP

>> No.16192898 [DELETED] 

Shabat Shalom fellow bizraelis , share this facts about BSV in another post and green wojaks and fortunes will come to you

1_BSV Hashrate is so low that a small mining pool can 51% attack it


2_ 96% BSV transactions come from a fucking weather app


3_If you don't believe the thing in point 2 all you need to do is look the average transaction size of every crypto.


even dogecoin moves more money

4_BSV mining is centralized massively and dominated by coingeek





Worse nodes are even more centralized

Only 468 nodes using the same client vs btc having more than 10k nodes using different clients.


5_BSV HAS 1GB size blocks if full , this mean 52tb per year blockchain growth and an ever decrease ammount of nodes hosting it for free(only pools need to be nodes and there are 8 pools on bsv so 8 nodes will receive monetary incentives to host it).
8 nodes hosting CP basically.

6_BSV allows people to upload shit like videos and illegal stuff like cp will be uploaded there 100% knowing it's open.

7_Combine point 4, 5 and 6 and eventually you will end with a centralized blockchain with a few nodes sharing child porn that will be taken down by governments.

8_The fact that SV shills constantly attack other cryptocurrencies and threaten their destruction and even support capital controls show they are not just attacking btc but want to destroy crypto and the recent shilling campaign shows they are paid to do this.
With love , Greg Maxwell.

>> No.16192908

>LN works perfectly fine
LMAO how stupid are you?

>> No.16192914

OP see this is what Im talking about. concerted psyop going on. BSVjeets will simply call you names and try to rattle you but they got nothing. no arguments, no facts, only slander and toxic bullshit. just phase them out and I would recommend to filter BSV from the catalog as well you dont want these low IQ mongrels ruining your experience of this great board

>> No.16192949
