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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16179667 No.16179667 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else's mental state entirely rest on LINK?
I browse /biz/ and watch the LINK chart all day long at this point.

>> No.16179679
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You're gonna have a bad time kid.

>> No.16179680

I hate my aunt.
Fuck you, Linda.

>> No.16179682

Yeah, my mental state relies on LINK. In other words I don't worry about shit. Look away. We've already made it

>> No.16179691

LINK is a test. The anons who have already experienced $1,000 EOY are the ones that stopped browsing biz and started living a normal lifestyle.

>> No.16179706
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the absolute state of LINKIES i can't even

>> No.16179738

Nah not really. I'd say that I have a healthy relationship with link. I check the price maybe once a day unless it's being volatile and doing fun things in either direction in which case I'll check it multiple times a day. It's being boring right now so sometimes I'll check it once every 2 days, I'm not a swing linkie so I don't feel the need to be obsessed with the price. I have a strong faith that it'll make me rich but I'm not putting all my eggs in one basket and quitting my day job just yet. If link fails I'm not going to be a little bitch about it and mope around. I have other things to occupy my autism. I don't want any external factors beyond my control negatively effecting my happiness or quality of life. So if doesn't end up making me rich life isn't over off to new pursuits and if it does well then time to live a life of comfort and luxury.

>> No.16179751

Not anymore. I got an extra job so I can accumulate more, now I just think about being productive and solving problems all the time.

>> No.16179773

I'm in the same boat except I keep putting in more and more. At this rate I'll be all in before the year ends.

>> No.16179889
