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16154895 No.16154895 [Reply] [Original]

Biz. Is owning a dog worth the cost? Consider a higher than average connection with the animal because of autism.

>> No.16154911
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>> No.16154918

Yes, unless you live in a city, in which case the answer is probably.

>> No.16154932

delete this

>> No.16154983

don't get a dog if you're gonna leave it home alone for a majority of the day, especially if you don't have a yard

>> No.16155022

what about a cat?

>> No.16155030

Total chick magnet

>> No.16155044

cats are pretty based

>> No.16155066

cats are pricks

>> No.16155068

yes it's worth it. they're incredible animals

>> No.16155109

I live in a city. But a decent little neighborhood i can walk around in, and close to a couple parks.

I do have a yard, but he wont have a doggy door. But it is an enclosed yard with a wooden privacy fence. I dont work currently. Will be going back to work some time next year unless link moons to like 5 to 10 bucks first. Even if not, I'll probably only work part time.

Cats are cool and all. But I kind of want a pupper. Actually like pic related. I have a chance to rescue a rottie about 8 months old. I've met him, hes sweet, havent seen any aggression whatsoever from him, hes fixed, and has had all his shots. No papers or anything. Tail is docked (poor baby). Both the parents were 120+ lb dogs.

>> No.16155145

I have both a cat and a dog, a stay at home wife and children.

>> No.16155521

DELET This Shit please

>> No.16155529
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>> No.16155558

No. Dogs are anchors. They trap you in an unhealthy relationship by virtue of being incredibly loyal and inspiring of your empathy. While they aren't as bad as women, they take a lot of your time and money.

>> No.16155565

Look at em look at that boy what a good boy

>> No.16155574

Final rating - good/dog

>> No.16155625

My dogs alright

But I take him places almost everyday and he's a lot of work.

The companionship is what makes it worth it though. He's still kinda young but I've had other dogs and overall it's worth it. People trust you more too and they'll come talk to you just to pet your dog

>> No.16155650

yes, anon dogs are a great investment, life really is at LEAST 33% better with a dog friend. plus ladies love them if that's your bag. also, please rescue.

>> No.16155776

There is a primal connection between man and dogs that is hard-wired into us through millennia of co-operation.

Cost is not even something I would consider, they are invaluable as companions and security.

>> No.16155849

Totally worth it, but it's almost as much commitment as a child (albeit, a semi-retarded child). You gotta walk it at least three times a day, don't feed it junk, and take it to vet for checkups a couple times a year (at the very least - depending on the dog's health).

>> No.16155900

This. They are also literally an endless source of good vibes, you spend five minutes snuggling with your dog and everything bad falls away.

>> No.16156018

it's nice to have someone that loves you and needs you in your life. but make sure you can care for it.

>> No.16156119

Your relationship with your dog is different to that with other people. Don't mix up to two or think one is a substitute for the other and you'll be fine or you'll end up like horse people.

>> No.16156199

owner of 2 pure bred rotties here. They are super sweet dogs if you socialize them. My dogs like everybody even strangers, but i never really socialized them with other dogs so they are highly aggressive when they see a stranger dog. Rotties are pretty hard headed when it comes to training. Super Stubborn. They get jealous of other dogs if you ever plan on getting another one.
They are awesome bros though, super protective, very talkative, and social.

>> No.16156706

this guy has never had a gf or dog

>> No.16156721

Cats are coyote snack and shouldn’t be considered real pets

>> No.16156729

I personally can’t have animals because of the caretaking and financial aspects of them but they help some people. Consider helping someone else with theirs to get an idea of ownership before fully committing

>> No.16156749

i have a gf with a dog and i used to have a dog
tell me where i'm wrong

>> No.16156751

walk you dog three times a day? stop feeding your dog crystal meth

>> No.16156757

Only if you can handle the most pure, unconditional love this world has to offer.

>> No.16156758

I have high functioning chad autism and I always wonder what my dog would be like if he had the comprehension of a human. It’s clear that their souls come from the same place ours does. I like more than any human I’ve ever had in my life. Sometimes I swear he just understands me through looks alone. He speaks to me with his eyes and getting him was the best choice I ever made. He was a little bit of a brat growing up, I came home to him completely matted in shit cause he shit in his crate the very first week I had him, and he barks a little too much sometimes, but he’s just expressing feeling. I wouldn’t trade him for all the chainlink in the world.

>> No.16156794


this guy is trapped in a mediocre lifestyle void of any spontaneity

>> No.16156809


>> No.16157565

Depends where you're at in life. My retarded ex gf got a pupper and abandoned it after 4 months. That's for subhumans so I got rid and her and got the dog. Smart dog and I love her to bits, but I'd be lying if I said it wouldn't be easier without her

>> No.16157580


>> No.16157770

Not gonna make it

>> No.16158171

Yes, definitely situational though
Maybe your main focus is on making money though
Get one later in life? The opportunity not always open
Dogs are literally modern day wolves for civilization

>> No.16158263

Doesn't make life easier, but it's good to be loved and to love. My dog is a royal pain in the ass but I'd still die for him

>> No.16159335

I've had a dog and as much as I loved him I wouldn't have one again since it's a cost and time expense that would seriously drag me as a young guy with ambitions. Dogs are for when you're established in life, have your own home with a huge ass yard or if you're a wealthy person and want to keep it to protect your property.

If you live in a flat or a small house with no yard keeping pets like dogs or cats is a stupid choice.

>> No.16159470

have a child instead of surrogates for one

>> No.16159584

Kek. Good one.

>> No.16159594

>My retarded ex gf got a pupper and abandoned it after 4 months.
This is actually a really good way to find out if a girl you're dating is worth it, because a woman who cant handle a dog is more than likely not able to handle children and will more often than not be the type to do frivolous shit with your money because she has no sense of responsibility.

>> No.16159676

this is 100% correct - dont think of the $

>> No.16159986

Yes. I recommend a labrador. They're incredibly intelligent, friendly, helpful and best of all, they're low maintenance.

>> No.16160002

if you're concerned about money at all with regards to oet ownership then you should fuck right off. you'll be rationing care like a genuine asshole. no dog for you anon

>> No.16160011

Big true just lost my best friend it hurts but the lessons and joy are worth it

>> No.16160024

School shooter levels of loneliness Anon. Get a dog.

>> No.16160031

The only good investment you made was children. Better make more before ss collapses

>> No.16160068

At least once in your life, yeah.

Personally wouldn't get a dog until I owned land, though.

>> No.16160199
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Dog ownership is definitely worth it for me. I would be spending thousands of dollars per year on prostitutes if it weren't for my big cuddly slutpuppy.

>picrelated when she looks at you like this

>> No.16160237

The dog asked Death, "Was I a good boy?". "No", Death replied, "I'm told you were the best."

>> No.16160283
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My cat keeps catching birds, off a balcony, on the third floor apartment. Fucking wild. Upstairs to the right neighbour has some bird feeding thing and sometimes some birds come to my balcony and the second they come, my cat leaps. About every 3rd leap he catches a bird. Has caught like 10 birds in the last 2 weeks. His spot on the balcony is full of bird feathers it's crazy. 2 years ago he caught a fucking pidgeon. He brought it inside, but my mom and sister were like no he can't kill that pidgeon and they let the pidgeon go by opening the window. Fucking disappointed I didn't act fast enought to take a video or a picture. A fucking pidgeon flying around in the kitchen.

>> No.16160285
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>he gets boners from his dog

>> No.16160330

That's cool and all. But I want a pet for the love and companionship. Not to have a little murderous bird killer.

>> No.16160335

My brother had the EXACT same story as yours. She wanted a dog on the whim, lost interest after she realized it was a lot of work and few months later they broke up and she didn't even want to keep the dog.
Has to keep the dog for him often when he must work 24 hour shifts, he is pretty retarded but it's a nice dog.

>> No.16160386
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Cats are more passive like. Dogs follow you around all the time and want to be with you all the time, although my second cat follows me around too. Before you take a dog, try babysitting one. I've had to babysit my sister's dog and it's kinda tiring since I got uni and other stuff and having a dog in an apartment is not ideal. But if you got a house and think you have time for a dog, then go for it, but again try dogsitting for a week and see how it is.

>> No.16160420

What costs nigger? Just feed it your food scraps and some bread lmao

>> No.16160617

Doggosit one for a month or so
You will probably find people on the internet searching someone because they want to go to vacation or even just some guy searching someone that walks his dog while he’s at work
If you still feel like you need a dog get one
Go for an easily trainable dog with mediocre energy stay away from stuff like huskies, shepards, pitbulls if you are new to the game unless you buy an already trained one
For me though half the fun is to train your puppy and see him grow etc.

>> No.16160784

i want one so bad but am gone from work like 7:30am to 5:30 pm with commute, could run home for all of 10 mins on lunch but it seems wrong. even if i added a doggy door, idk if i can do it.