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16145489 No.16145489 [Reply] [Original]

So I hope the smart autistic anons who have been here a while have accumulated comfy BSV stacks and are prepared for the incoming meteorites that will lay waste to all of crypto in the upcoming years. You've all been warned, take advantage. Everyone still thinks BSV is a scam and will miss the golden opportunity to become the new elite. They dont deserve it anyways.

>> No.16145506

Ok I'm buying a sui stack just in case I fucking hate you jeets so much man. I can't take the FUD and shilling any longer.

>> No.16145532
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Then sell faggot

>> No.16146305
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we can post pic related and and add green wojaks, and tell them we told you so.

I cant wait

>> No.16146993
File: 94 KB, 270x302, firefox_k1lfSE5xbr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the real crypto redpill:

Craig Wright is unironically Satoshi Nakamoto. Blockstream - owned by Bilderberg group - intentionally crippled BitCoin by refusing to raise the blocksize cap as was the original design, this caused the adoption and growth in BitCoin to stagnate and collapse due to the artificially high transaction fees imposed by tiny blocks. BitCoin would be at least $50,000 by now if it wasn't for Blockstream, they don't want BitCoin to challenge the central banking system which Craig has spoken out against multiple times.

The original BitCoin protocol lives on as Bitcoin SV (Satoshi's Vision). Craig's company nChain has been hard at work to eliminate the CPU bottleneck in the Bitcoin node software which was originally only single-threaded, rumour has it BSV miners are upgrading to Xeon Phi processors (64 cores) which the code is now being optimised for (thanks to the work by Steve Shadders). This is due to be finished by February 2020 for the Return to Genesis upgrade which will remove all limits in the BSV protocol code and lock down the protocol, with the software limitations removed BSV will be ready for unbounded scaling with the short term goal of sustained 1 Terabyte blocks and millions of transactions per second.

This breakthrough in cheap free-flowing data and sound instant money will create a 4th Industrial Revolution as companies compete to start making ever more powerful computers, faster bandwidth, cheaper and more electricity to mine the Bitcoin blockchain. Mining will be the biggest and most advanced industry on Earth, an expected Bitcoin price of millions of dollars is not unreasonable at this level of scale.

>> No.16147007

>BSV means pedophilia

>> No.16147011

learn to ignore it. filtering shit like this is an important skill

>> No.16147016

All in for a year. Thanks to that autist shilling it back then. I've tried to repay the universe by doing my share of shilling it. Hope I helped someone see the truth before it's too late

>> No.16147031

Craig Wright partnered with Billionaire Calvin Ayre see the destruction of the BTC fork of Bitcoin to be their short-term top priority. They intend to do this by building up a majority of the hashpower on the BTC chain in stealth by hiding their hash on other pools, over time as the difficulty increases existing BTC miners will go out of business and stop mining, further increasing their percentage of hash, Craig and Calvin can also afford to mine at no profit or at a loss. Mining is a Red Queen game so hardware gets outdated very quickly, because of this all of Bitmain’s old hardware is obsolete, by mid-2020 only 10nm and 7nm machines will matter, this is what Coingeek and Squiremining have been investing in heavily.

The purpose of this? In May 2020 BTC will have a halving and enter its 4th Reward Era, lowering the block subsidy to 6.25 BTC per block. Craig and Calvin intend to pull all their hash over to BSV after this happens causing a chain death spiral event in BTC while selling the Satoshi coins and buying BSV, this will cause the price of BTC to crash to $1-100 and the price of BSV to skyrocket. The BTC chain will eventually recover from its chain freeze after a few months but it will be forever crippled and BSV will be shown to be the real Bitcoin.

>> No.16147038

God bless anon

>> No.16147051

sv is a garbage dump on fire not business

>> No.16147056
File: 72 KB, 1080x1020, 1556614863381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>n-no y-you

>> No.16147066

just but a lottery ticket! better odds.

>> No.16147067

>*utters meme phrase*
subhuman confirmed

>> No.16147074

>aussie man bad because my subreddit fellows said so

>> No.16147078

what's a "subreddit"?

>> No.16147091

Where your mom camwhores

>> No.16147098

edit: Thanks for the gold

>> No.16147121

you seem knowlegable about that "subreddit" thing. educate me dear BSV devotees

>> No.16147651
File: 29 KB, 360x340, 1563055125105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys... I'm about to faint. It's true... all of it was true all along.


>> No.16147667

Im literally a top 1% wallet owner and got banned from their shitty subreddit fuck the entire BSV "community" absolute lemmings sometimes I hope BSV will tank just so that all these retards get justed but then I dont get rich fuck. I really dont wanna live in a world where these plebbitor bsv faggots make it

>> No.16147670


>> No.16147693
File: 99 KB, 480x640, Chad vs manlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please refer to him as Mr. Chad

>> No.16147740

Not Connor I've just done a lot of research

>> No.16147761
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>> No.16147792
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Either way good job anon. Hope you don't mind that I make your redpill >>16146993
into a copypasta going forward. It is going to be a core cuck saltmine.

>> No.16148083

Take the brown pill sirs, creg wight is Satoj Punjabi Rajneeshpuram