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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 547 KB, 1055x1081, SmartSelect_20191103-093411_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16128263 No.16128263 [Reply] [Original]

Yep, I'm buying this

>> No.16128271

Nice man flip it for 120,000

>> No.16128279

Couldn't pay me to live in ks lmao

>> No.16128285


Not gonna make it

>> No.16128292

Why aren't millennials buying houses?

>> No.16128296

I am cumming over later

>> No.16128299
File: 15 KB, 166x167, IMG_20191021_210820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that everyone on 4Chan knows your new address, enjoy your home invasion and forced anal rape at gunpoint

>> No.16128302

Have fun living in a neighborhood full of niggers selling crack and shooting each other.

>> No.16128305

This. I bought a 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom, house when I was out of highschool. These youngins just don't know how to save up for things they need.

>> No.16128312
File: 51 KB, 450x450, crime-index-Arma-KS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16128313 [DELETED] 

>neighborhood full of niggers

>> No.16128320

Too true. That house is a 2hr commute each way to Kansas City. Kids are just lazy.

>> No.16128334

> Kansas 6% black population
> Arma, Kansas 97% White

>> No.16128340
File: 1.46 MB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20191103-064417_Zillow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did the sellers mean by this?

>> No.16128341
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 1565399326779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new roof $10k
>termites spray and fixes $10k
>new full HVAC replacement $15k
>new washing machine and dryer $3k
57 + 38 is only 95. Yeah if you find a buyer at 120 that's easy money. It's free real estate

>> No.16128354

Kek you dont think Kansas has a nigger problem? You've clearly never been there.

>> No.16128364

Is this what you should expect if you get doxxed by 4chan? Jesus

>> No.16128377

They meant rub a dub.
As in rub my dubs, checkem

>> No.16128381

Checked. Very nice.

>> No.16128382


97% white and high crime

why are the whites so violent

>> No.16128390


>> No.16128393

Anal raping is part of who we are

>> No.16128415
File: 80 KB, 600x600, 1572355122822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

property tax is only 10% so just $5700 a year that's only $475 a month forever after mortgage paid off. Good right

>> No.16128433

You couldn't save up for a house just out of hs. Parents paid for it.

>> No.16128454

I wish I could buy something like this and still be around whites. Not in my nigger infested area though. There's a $100k added to any home if you want to be around whites.

>> No.16128458

I work in the trades and I can guarantee you that the inspector is going to come back with a list of shit all kinds of fucked up with that house. Pop open a recepticle and see if it's still got cloth wiring.

>> No.16128473

>three men in the tub

>> No.16128479

A quarter of your post tax monthly income just to pay more taxes wtf

>> No.16128682

>property tax is only 10% so just $5700 a year that's only $475 a month
that cant be fucking right
burgers, wtf

>> No.16128687

holy shit did you just make that up or are property taxes actually that high there? around where I am the highest I've ever seen is 4% but most places are between 1-2%. values are a lot higher though.

>> No.16128734

i would rent it out. live in a van.

>> No.16128746

Probably has some dead kid's spirit in it. Enjoy.

>> No.16128755

checked, awesome

>> No.16128765

My county is MD is 1.1% per year. I'm paying less than he would per month and I have a house valued 6x higher.

>> No.16128773


Shitty house or you had help from family. Get your privileged spoon fed life story out of here.

>> No.16128801


As a Western European shitskin myself i couldnt imagine something more comfy than Kansas.
Just looked it up on gmaps.
Area looks pretty comfy if you make magic internet money gibs , i'd consider moving to the midwest. For me maybe a bit more Suburban area with middle class normie people and not like boomeristan germany

>> No.16128837

No, the whole thread is full of retards. No one here actually owns real estate. Property tax in Kansas is probably around 1.4%. It might vary by county. But no more than $80 a month for this little piece of shit. This isn’t an investment. Small town, probably hard to keep occupied. There’s a reason it’s 57k. OP don’t buy it.

>> No.16129066
File: 637 KB, 1355x1924, Screenshot_20191103-092623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's deceiving. Somehow higher than most cities yet at the same time less than the U.S. average.

>> No.16129108

US government usually takes about 1/4 - 1/3 of your income in income tax alone. Not very surprising. Meaning in a 12 month period, 3-4 months of working is just to pay the government income tax, very disheartening. None of it for you. Add in all the other taxes and its almost likes its for the purpose of not letting people be able to retire young.

>> No.16129127
File: 170 KB, 360x346, 1568170758942.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16129129

Number of cities vs pop of cities probably.

>> No.16129135


>> No.16129138

>house thread posted
>coastal citycucks enslaved to the rent jew instantly seething

every time

>> No.16129158

>buying wood houses
It is like your guys can't learn even from fucking fairytales.

>> No.16129176

that's because a minority of cities skew the US average to that of a warzone.

>> No.16129183

I'm in TX and I'm honestly thinking about moving to KS. Seems like the ideal place to be when SHTF.

>> No.16129205

Would be cozy if it wasn't in Kansas

>> No.16129258

Retard it's about $400 in taxes per year for that home. Not whatever propaganda this faggot is spreading. I was expecting anti jew hate to pop up.

>> No.16129290

ok, this is based....

>> No.16129333

Based and Dorothy took too many amphetamine pilled

>> No.16129338

Termite fixes especially in that town is under 500 dollars you dickhead

>> No.16129346

literal shit shack

>> No.16129367

Wonderful, very nice.

>> No.16129389


>> No.16129409

>new washing machine and dryer $3k
What the fuck I bought my pair new for about $800 last year.

>> No.16129467
File: 98 KB, 600x450, D77E9C7E-2DB1-4361-A7F8-732D5E9E035F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting to be subject to US taxes
Maximum yikes bro

>> No.16129512

Nice. Impressive.

>> No.16129537

>doesn't understand basic statistics
>/biz/ poster
Checks out.

>> No.16129555
File: 106 KB, 700x1000, D5224FCE-7450-4F93-A8C1-93C1CF895D92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Land of the brave and the free,if you don’t own it,you are renting it. Rephrase: the government lends you your own property. Hilarious! Remember ussr,well,you are the slav now.

>> No.16129564


What do they use that money for?

>> No.16129571

Rockets! Hahahaha

>> No.16129588

looks comfy and payment looks pretty low. Idk how much jobs typically pay there though.

You would NEVER find something like this in southern california. Corruption up the ass

>> No.16129595

with just a highschool degree and out of highschool you bought a home....

fucking retard. You have to be at least 18 to post here. Either you're a fucking preteen or a boomer. Same difference really. Brains are basically the same. Naive and stupid.

>> No.16129681

make sure you get that place tested, you'll start hearing bumps and voices and think it's haunted and find out it was used as a meth lab and you've been breathing it in and absorbing it for months

>> No.16129744

10x more here in Northern, VA.

>> No.16130068

>go to college
>get a degree in psychology or whatever you need
>move to one of these podunk meth towns
>open an addiction counseling service and get a contract with the county
>start stuffing your pockets with the money of desperate druggies that pour in
>get rich

Find a flaw

>> No.16130132

We have 9000 penises and theyre all raping little boys

We do not forget
We do not forgive
We are legion

>> No.16130186
File: 7 KB, 231x218, 1569123467255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>degree in psychology

>> No.16130198

Looks cute.

>> No.16130207

>Find a flaw
Meth addicts don't have a lot of money to spend on psychologists

>> No.16130225

wow, you retards are worse at taking bait than /v/.

>> No.16130511
File: 163 KB, 1024x763, 1608128568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how will small town Kansas react to my cross dressing?

>> No.16130620
File: 728 KB, 1259x622, housing60s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was unironically true in the 1960s.
If you worked a summer job for 3 years, you could buy a house.

>> No.16130670

I guarantee you most of this town is on meth.

>> No.16130803


>> No.16130894


hilarious and true

t. burger

>> No.16130914

really livens up the place if you ask me

>> No.16131275

I'd cum inside your ass

>> No.16131299

nvm this shit up on google images.. guess i gotta take my 6'7" bearmode goodness elsewhere

>> No.16131569
File: 143 KB, 600x600, 1571457650431.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16131648
File: 162 KB, 640x480, 1446941438549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bet ur happy with urself on this one
nice. job well done. plenty of buttsecks 4 u in the near future.

>> No.16131663

why can't u buy a house in full with cash? i thought money talks? did the boomers lie to me? d-do i just shake their hand f-firmly? pls hlp

>> No.16131726

you can if the seller agrees to it, usually through real estate agents for some reason

>> No.16132060

Roads :^)

>> No.16132069

> becoming rich while all the metheads in the city know who you are and visit you regularly
flawless plan

>> No.16132081

wizard confirmed

>> No.16132328

Show Boi Pucci

>> No.16132372

Chad virgins do exist, check’em

>> No.16132570

Great idea OP, so if you don’t die in a home invasion a tornado will finish you off

>> No.16132580

>plywood cuck shed smack dab in the middle of Tornado Alley
Good luck

>> No.16132673

Missiles and diversity.

>> No.16132698


>> No.16132704

he means he got a mortgage you dumbass

>> No.16132874

Must be in an absolute shithole

>> No.16133204


You need an actual phd and all kinds of certifications to operate a treatment facility or even a private practice. There's good money in it If you have a good team and get approved to take Medicaid. Basically unlimited money.

>> No.16133385

>Public message board.
>Posting real life info.
>1000+ people seeing this
>Anon assumes no psychos in USA

Good luck in life, anon.

>> No.16133525



>> No.16133665

>find a flaw

Hanging out with meth addicts all the time. Good luck, channer.

>> No.16133692

Paint those columns white

>> No.16134514

why did you doxx yourself