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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1612505 No.1612505 [Reply] [Original]

How do you stop yourself from thinking about suicide when you realize that the overwhelming chances are you will always be poor and will never amount to anything?

>> No.1612506


>> No.1612507

Invest in your mental health by pumping money into hard drugs.

>> No.1612519

Bernie might run again lol

>> No.1612529

Apathy doesn't change the fact that being poor means living in pure misery and that I still have at least another 50 years of it ahead of me.

>> No.1612788

Read Sartre and Camus

>> No.1612893

You can change your life. 5 years ago I was dead broke and living with an alcoholic who was cheating on me. Now I'm married with two kids and a business that does well. One day at a time.

>> No.1612908

more on your story please!

>> No.1613022 [DELETED] 


Simple way to get rid of those thoughts:

Buy Golem Network Tokens (GNT). They're the next Ethereum. Crypto subreddits are about to blow up and it's still at only $8mil market cap on it's way to fucking billions. Get rich overnight. Proceed to fuck all the top tier models you want. Literally that easy.

>> No.1613051


not your blog fag

>> No.1613706

Find joy in the small things. Being rich is not as good as they make out anyway.

>> No.1613714


By investing in Bitcoin

>> No.1613718

>posting in fluent English using a phone or computer that you probably own

You already have it better than 70% of the world. Be thankful you don't live in an Indian slum, and if you're an American, the only reason you can't be working on bettering yourself right now is because you're a lazy piece of shit.

>> No.1613725
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There's always a Chinese cartoon I haven't watched yet

>> No.1614452

Start taking active steps towards being rich, or at the very least lifting myself out of poverty.

I've already amounted to something, I've turned out to be a bit of an overachiever

Yes please! I demand more

Once in a while /biz/ tells the hard honest facts

>> No.1614459

you can try r9k

>> No.1614630

having a huge cock helps

>> No.1615796
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Nature my nigga

>> No.1615800

>being poor means living in pure misery
Only if you can't stop focusing on those with more than you.
I was never miserable when I was poor. I had a great time, probably because I wasn't dissatisfied,
Of course I also wasn't glued to social media, watching other people's lies about how great they were doing, so there's that.

>> No.1615813


>> No.1615957

Holy fuck your attitude is what's going to keep you poor. You have access to the internet. Learn a skill and use it to make yourself money. Being a whiny little bitch isn't going to do shit for you. Man up and do something instead of talking about sissy shit like killing yourself.

>> No.1616006

control your thoughts you pathetic loser.

>> No.1616060

>chances are you will always be poor and will never amount to anything?
Probably, but if you are poor now and just keep doing what you're doing chances are pretty much close to 100%.

>> No.1616075

by realising that the 'happy' portion of your brain functions the same as a rich persons 'happy' portion.

Thus, if you can un-cuck your way of thinking, that is that money and material shit brings you happiness, you can be just as happy as absolutely anyone in the world just by doing what you enjoy.

>> No.1616076

buy cgc and be rich in 2 years

>> No.1616915

I don't.


>> No.1616927

Except you can't do what you enjoy while working and also being poor, and you cannot live without working to feed yourself. Trust fund baby detected.

>> No.1618317

being a wagecuck is the same as being poor

>> No.1618320

finally a legit post

>> No.1618659

>Only if you can't stop focusing on those with more than you
Yeah, because being poor doesn't bring negative effects upon your life by itself, you fucking retard. Like having a shit job that pays scraps that you hate, but can't quit, living in bad conditions, being unable to afford anything that you want, being unable to sustain a family, being unable to pay medical bills or medicine, living in constant stress because you don't know if you're going to make it through tomorrow or end up on the streets.
That's what being poor means, you were probably never poor, your definition of the word is fucked up and you can't even into logic, also your 5th grader cliche philosophy is shit, kill yourself.

>> No.1618915
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>> No.1618954

>How do you stop yourself from thinking about suicide when you realize that the overwhelming chances are you will always be poor and will never amount to anything?

Holy shit you white folks are hilarious.

Nobody amounts to much anyways. Why can't white people just enjoy being poor and getting free shit once in a while?

Life is more than just work, achievements, and accomplishments. You all gotta learn to enjoy life.

>> No.1618997

Don't give up, at least try!
If you can invest $250 into a binary options robot you will make profit in minutes. Scale that up and your on way to being rich.
Here's a review about a pretty good one: https://mikesbinaryreviews.wordpress.com/automated-binary-review/

>> No.1619087

Rationalizing being poor is NOT accepted on this board, faggot !

>> No.1619370

>NOT accepted on this board
Hmmm, butthurt AND attempting to act as an authority.
Not an attractive combination, anon.
Just take a couple of deep breaths.

>> No.1619374

Getting a wife helped. Having someone to live for and the ability to cooperate to build wealth was very uplifting.

I also got a cat. He likes when I give him fish.

>> No.1619887

shut the fuck up reddit

>> No.1619894

>smoke weed
>learn to cook healthier
>read books
>exercise at least 3 days a week
>save up some money and fix your credit
>get a real job that pays at least 60 - 80k
>buy some property
>rent out property
>hire a property manager to run your rental operations
>use your rental property profits to fund a restaurant startup (offer siting in, catering, delivery)
>buy a house in a modest suburb (get a mortgage put 50k on a house with at least 2500sqft, so about 200k for your house)
>have children and make enough money to help them live a better and more productive life
>die knowing that your kids have money, are educated and not on the path being fuckups

>> No.1619903



I was making minimum wage 2 years ago. I make about $50/hr now.

Life can turn around, just gotta keep talking to people and trying different stuff.

>> No.1619905

>>use your rental property profits to fund a restaurant startup

Know how I know you're a poorbabby and will forever be a poorbabby?

>> No.1619911
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still tastes like a cheeseburger

>> No.1619926

> just gotta keep talking to people and trying different stuff.

Why do you retards always pull out platitudes? Do you literally not see how fucking stupid you sound?

>> No.1619933

>living in the top tax bracket
>implying I'm poor
thanks for the (You) poorfags

>> No.1619956

Being in the top tax bracket of Poland doesn't count