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16123950 No.16123950 [Reply] [Original]

Just fomo'd back into smoking weed again after 5+ weeks of successfully abstaining. Feels bad man.

>> No.16123960

Stop watching porn

>> No.16123959

weed is good fren. or perhaps it's b/c i've been high every day straight for the past 8 months and it's more of just the act of inhaling b/c vaping has made my tolerance high enough that i don't get high.

>> No.16123972

I smoked it daily for 8 years and got high everytime i smoked. idk what kind of lame shit you get, son

>> No.16124012

same kind of. went about a month before reupping. im starting to realize how pointless getting high is though. find something else to focus on.

>> No.16124015

i use and arizersolo vaping 28% THCA hybrids.

>> No.16124023
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Just got a new sack

>> No.16124025

Naw bro it's good for you and one of the few ways God has provided us as a way to see past the devil's time cube and into the firmament.

>> No.16124028

If its not getting you high any more then you must either be doing it all day every day, which is bad, or your tolerance has gone up very fast, which is bad.

>> No.16124033

or into hell

>> No.16124039

>thinking you can quit the weed jew after he gets his claws in you

>> No.16124055

Weed is great when you exercise, eat right, and take care of yourself. If you're depressed and feel like shit it doesn't do you any favors. It just makes you feel worse

>> No.16124057

what was the 5 weeks like? i need to quit

>> No.16124062

It is the filter that is the true you.

>> No.16124065

Weed just puts me on the state of /make it/

Like when I dont smoke weed I just want to do normie things like going out, spend, having a gf, etc.

>> No.16124074

I smoked weed for about 5 years, i couldn't imagine a day without it until one day i got a really bad panic attack after smoking which changed me in a bad way. After that moment smoking weed wasn't the same anymore, it just gave me anxiety and didn't make me feel good anymore.

>> No.16124100

fear of missing out of smokign weed?

>> No.16124101

>Weed is great when you exercise, eat right, and take care of yourself.
It can be...at least temporarily. But if you develop it into an unavoidable habit/crutch or don't feel uncomfortable going a month without it, you have a problem

>> No.16124110

come ere fuckboi get slapped in yo mouf

>> No.16124113

It appeals to your female energy,.. it is a female drug. Weed (marijuana) comes from the female strain of the cannabis plant. In marijuana fields, male plants are typically eliminated to ensure the maximum production of sinsemilla flowers. When you smoke it you're ingesting a strong female influence and you can feel it.

>> No.16124117

I went on hiatus as well and recently started back up. It's fine, Anon. Just don't drink booze or jerk off.

>> No.16124123

How long ago did you last smoke. I had a few panic attacks in my first 0-3 years but it didn't deter the devil.

>> No.16124131


>> No.16124135

I was doing fine 2 months not smoking but Im in uni and Im fucking stressed, Im smoking again, feels good

>> No.16124145

I never really tried weed until my late 20s, and it didn't do anything except make me feel stupid. Did I just age out of its effects?

>> No.16124149

yeah it's my tolerance. is it bad though? all i means is that my body process THC more efficiently. thc diffuse into the blood stream where it is carried to the nervous system. on the neurons in the brain there are these receptors which only bind to certain shaped molecules. when you consume thc the first time there are only soo many receptors available, to process the thc in the blood stream, when the neurons are exposed to thc over time the cell adapts and signals for more receptors to be built, and the cell does that so it can process the concentration of thc in the blood stream. as your tolerance goes up the more receptors each cell has ultimately allowing the process to be more efficient and fast. now when you go on a tolerance break what ends up happening is because the cells are no longer constantly or periodically exposed to the concentrated thc in the blood stream they begin to deconstruct the receptors because the cell no longer needs the additional receptors to be efficient. the same applies to the cells in the rest of the body where thc interacts. another thing to consider is the that thc is radioactive, it has a half life of 19 minutes. as in the presence of it becomes halfed ever 19 minutes. i used to be a biologist before that physicist, and now i am a neet if you are curious.

constant presence = improved efficiency (more receptors) = higher tolerance

>> No.16124162

same I think it's part of chronic use, most old stoners I know get that way. For a few years it's giggly + hungry, then it suddenly changes to comfy but paranoid when your brain has had enough.

>> No.16124164

If it stops you wanting a gf or wife then it's stopping you from being an actual chad i.e. procreating and raising a family

>> No.16124201

How come you don't have a family?

>> No.16124235

>being an actual chad i.e. procreating and raising a family
thats not a chad thing tho
thats NPC wagecuckery ngmi tier

>> No.16124243

snap out of it faggot, dont smoke you money and future away

>> No.16124249

how can you fomo into smoking

>> No.16124252

I can confirm that is exactly true. When I started smoking it I was still bluepilled then and listening to the dude weed lmao guy podcast all the time. I fell for the meme. Was all great for the first couple of days/weeks/months.. years. A ll the sensory elevation, the dopamine, the increase in creativity, the munchies, the relaxation. You brush off the negative effects and only see the "positives" while the serpent slowly wraps itself around you. Since 4-5 years ive wanted to quit but always fall back into it. That's because within the time period of abstinence my life doesnt improve in any other way and I still have a huge void with nothing to fill with. As much as I think negatively about it now, i've no doubt weed has *some* medicinal benefits.

>> No.16124281

Failed to meet a girl young. 31 now, look 25 but so out of the game now, was a NEET for a good few years. Apparently the only way to hook up with young milennial/zoomie women now is by having Tinder and snapchat. I remember a time when using online dating was for losers. Apparently you dont ask a girl for her number anymore, you ask for her snapchat. Wtf.

>> No.16124283

APEX BASED, I never thought about it that way.
Severely underrated post

>> No.16124289

Not if you actually make it

>> No.16124292

YIKES, Deffo, not going to stop smoking. I don't wanna be coming back to this place.

>> No.16124329

Probably just wasnt your drug of choice. Drugs connect with different people in different ways. I dont use any other drugs but weed just hits some type of spot in me. My introverted side. Done ecstacy/mdma a few times when i was in my late teens/early 20s at raves and enjoyed, coke too, but never seeked it habitually and only ever used it to house parties or raves. I have a beer once in a blue moon and never crave it. No other habits. Weed tho I struggle to abstain from.

>> No.16124340


>> No.16124353

What you're essentially describing is the body forming a dependence

>> No.16124366

Had a bad day man. Depressed as fuck, couldn't resist this time.

>> No.16124382

True and exstonerpilled. Smoke it enough and it turns on you. T. Smoked weed for 6 years and ramped up to all day every day last 2 years now panic attacks every time

>> No.16124390

you cant make it when you drag a roastie and child with you

>> No.16124400

if you dont have a reason to stay off, you will always go back. I have my CDL now, so my will to pass a drug test is much stronger than my will to smoke a blunt. But I literally think about smoking weed everyday

>> No.16124415

>tfw op is answering questions in his own thread asking for advice
the absolute state of stoners

>> No.16124418

it's not dependence. it's the natural reaction of the cell to maintain an environment it can exist efficiently in. dependence is when you can't go a day let alone a week or two without it.

>> No.16124438

u jelly

>> No.16124506

if it's "improved efficiency" as you put it, then surely having more receptors active would ielf greater effects of experiencin the effects of thc like feeling high. but its having the opposite effect for you. Generally with drugs when you build a tolerance you form a habit. Your body adapts to accommodate habitual behaviour.

>> No.16124513


>> No.16124563

no you mongoloid. the receptors reduce the amount presence in the blood stream, that amount also gets cut in half. so more receptors sooner the concentration decreases, and the high is gone faster because what the high is is the concentration in the blood. more receptors and thc's half life means the presence in the blood stream becomes lowered and the high no longer works because the body is already used to a certain level in the blood, until that is there is none in the blood. ultimately when you have a tolerance it means you need more and more because more means longer high because higher concentration.

>> No.16124567

Just hit my bong about 2 mins ago

If I get substantially rich i will stop smoking but until then it's mostly for cope

>> No.16124568

Pot makes running and working out with headphones much more enjoyable for me. Otherwise it makes me into a lazy glutton and overall I'm better off w/o it

>> No.16124574

So you need more and more weed to feel the effects. Some call that chasing the dragon, fren. Youre coping.

>> No.16124575

it's also why alcohol makes you higher because the alcohol also travels through the blood stream and thc can bind to the additional alcohol molecules in the blood along side the blood cells. increasing the over all saturation of thc in the blood. over all if you know the science behind all of it, it is really easy to quit and start back and quit and start back. the body is adaptable, and it can ultimately do this forever until complications from old age.

>> No.16124582

I feel ya

>> No.16124584

just stop again then if you want, it gets easier to stop every time

>> No.16124596

It's okay OP, just start from scratch again and try to go to 10 weeks next time.

Learn from your failures and what caused you to start smoking this time.

For me it was having access and paraphernalia. Once I threw it all out I haven't thought about it. Been 6 months

>> No.16124632

must be why i can interact so well with women when im high but be a complete sperg sober

>> No.16124633

Weed sucks if you smoke more than once a week.
T. 14 year daily user
Sober five months. Don’t let your life slip away. The next few weeks are crucial for your sanity.

>> No.16124661

oof, these tunnels are bad dude. you're going to look back and regret it. maybe not right away, but someday, decades from now.

also everyone can absolutely tell you're always high, but you're probably a neet so who cares

>> No.16124669

agreed. getting high everyday really dulls the experience. smoking once a week when you're out with friends is the best way imo

>> No.16124687

i don't think i'll ever try weed because of my brother. his life consists of: wake up, smoke, work at home in IT, smoke whilst doing that, finsih work, smoke and sleep. shit's depressing

my life isn't much more exciting but it puts me off of ever trying weed

>> No.16124726

Diff anon here. I quit mid September after smoking/ vaping twice daily for 3 years. Lungs feel noticeably better.
I'm glad I quit. First two weeks were the hardest. Hands literally trembled. Was irritable sometimes. I missed it somedays. Now a bad day is just a bad day and not an excuse to blaze. There's always an excuse if you're looking for it.

>> No.16124740

This was me. I'm glad I quit.

>> No.16124754

>Now a bad day is just a bad day and not an excuse to blaze
I felt like this up until today but today i delt depressed as fuck and found the temptation too hard to resist. i shouldve just thrown the last of my weed out.

>> No.16124760


Good job on abstaining for 5 weeks straight fren. Don't be too hard on yourself for breaking your current streak, you can start again and break the record. It will be way easier too.

Often times one has to take a few attempts to really quit for good, it's just important to not get discouraged when you fail after a long streak and get back on track as soon as possible.

Keep it up anon

>> No.16124778

dude you sound like such a faggot, jesus christ

>> No.16124785
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Thanks pal

>> No.16124878

quit weed and stop watching porn.
stop being a bunch of losers, anon.

>> No.16124909

Did heroin like twice and quitting THAT is shitty

Like withdrawals for 3 months dont do Heroin bros

>> No.16124998

Same here. All my friends who still smoke must be confused as hell when they smoke around me and I'm not even slightly interested. I feel panic just thinking about smoking it. Used to be the biggest stoner dropkick of them all. Glad this happened to me.

>> No.16125052

Your body knows when youve overdone and it manifests in different ways.
I genuinely developed an autoimmune conditions from overindulgence, and yet I still toke.
>Have mild allergies
>toke weed everyday
>unhealthy lifestyle
>have an allergic reaction to a banana
>develop cholinergic uticaria
>body was super sensitive to the lipids in the banana as the same lipids are found in cannabis
>CU continues in reaction to cannabis
>body is intenally inflamed

>> No.16125116

go for 30min runs instead

>> No.16125129

6 weeks clean here.
Thanks for posting this. Wont lapse.

>> No.16125131

>tfw everybody always thinks im high
>tfw I'm just a coomer

>> No.16125148

I’ve been smoking every day for the past year to cope. Before I only smoked a few times a week at most. I gotta stop wasting money on it,could’ve bought massive link with it

>> No.16125158

I just fomo'd back into kratom after quitting for like the 10th time. Feels comfy. Not sure why I even bother quitting.

>> No.16125173

>procreating makes you a Chad
Wow I didn't realize 95% of the world is a
Chad and broke illiterate Mexicans with 10 kids each are actually the biggest chads on earth

>> No.16125184

Smoked everyday for 15 years, off the ganja for 1.5 years now, I smoked like once very couple months when I first quit. Haven’t smoked since last January now, bought a quarter a year ago, still have half of it

>> No.16125514

I smoked multiple times a day for 5 years. I masturbated three to six times a day for as long as I remember. I'm the king of bad habits. I've cut back on smoking weed (don't even feel much different) but I'm still a massive coomer. I actually can't cum during sex, I never have, and it's not even that great to me. It's a bit of an ego boost knowing I can pound a chick for 2 hours but that's my max after that I'm just way too tired.

>> No.16125515

long cranberry juice

>> No.16125521

Try hypnosis. It's really relaxing and will work.

>> No.16125272

Sipping on some kratom right now fren

>> No.16125274

I've come the the conclusion that my mental health requires me to smoke weed everyday. And that's ok.

How could one quickly lower their tolerance? Any thing to speed it up? I read about taking 24hours off then just taking one hit three times a day. Think the theory was based on trying to reduce the sensitivity of the receptors before the numbers were reduced...but not sure on all that.

>> No.16125451
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Every time i get a craving i get down on the ground and do some pushups, gives a nice little endorphin natural high to satisfy the craving

>> No.16125754

29...this is correct. Chatting with a girl who is 20. Snapchat is glorious and honestly more efficient to talk by recording quick videos and send pics, I just wish it didn't also delete the messages and treated them like texting but everything else deletes. Its no pressure/safer for girls because they can communicate with you without give their formal cell number

>> No.16125877

eh fuck weed

>> No.16125932

stop smoking mexican bammer weed, that shit causes anxiety

>> No.16125963

Weed and Viagra don’t mix

>> No.16125969


>> No.16125975

I only stop when I have to flight in Asia or GCC so if something happens my blood analysis are clean
Back to civilized world is not an issue unless you are a depressed schizo

>> No.16125986

>3mo w/d for using h 2 times