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16104537 No.16104537 [Reply] [Original]

the hodge

>> No.16104550


>> No.16104563

The absolute unit

>> No.16104567
File: 69 KB, 960x960, 3463462347623423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think you mean

>> No.16104581

this man is an inspiration

>> No.16104582

Literally named his node after the meme about an incel mass shooter and he's the technical face and senior engineer of 1 billion dollars fintech startup partnered with the global banking network which it's about to revolutionize, literally cannot make this up

>> No.16104585
File: 963 KB, 1618x894, dodge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16104602

kek i wonder if he starts threads about himself such as this one

>> No.16104606

Got a better resolution? Link?

>> No.16104622

unfortunately i am not thomas. i wish i was just a tenth of what he is but i cant even bring myself to learn how to code.

>> No.16104629

Shit tier video though

>> No.16104718

Based as fuck.

You NEET fucks better recognize who the Hodge really is.

Here's some protips for you virgins. Tom went to one of the hardest courses the military has to offer, which is the military's joint cyber course- where he not only passed, but excelled at.

For those incels who don't know, the course, commonly referred to as JCAC is basically the military home for cyber network operators, programmers, coding etc. this is essentially a gruelling year + long course where the slightest misstep or academic failure will send your ass packing and you'll do bitch work for the remainder of your enlistment. For intellect and mental acuity, this is the hallmark of a gifted individual to succeed when half this board couldn't even.be bothered to much less get a fucking job at Wal-Mart.

But let's not stop there, people who finish out their enlistment are offered upwards of 6 figures to work for defense contractors, fortune 50 companies, etc. as industry experts. Tom could sent his resume and had his cock sucked by any major player like Lockheed, General Dynamics, Boeing, Honeywell, etc. who would have given him a bonus for his skills and clearance.

Yet this based mother fucked went to work with Tyler Tech. The same fucking company who loans their people out to Chainlink/Smartcontracts to work on in their ***spare*** time for an emerging blockchain middleware projects that has the backing of top companies like Google, Oracle, Microsoft, etc.

And yet you faggots don't realize how lucky you are that this man is working for CL/SC.

It's almost embarrassing how little you know about the people on SC/CL- or their advisors. You should be sucking Tom's or Steve Ellis cock for the money they are going to make you. Steve single handedly made MoneySmelly booger eater ass blasted on GITHUB when Steve was improving that anorexic fucks shitcoin.

TLDR fuck you and suck their focus for making you wealthy.

>> No.16104760

Bump you degenerate fucks

>> No.16104819
File: 5 KB, 232x162, chainlinkisverygood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks tommy but umm maybe lose them titties alight

>> No.16104881

He did stop doing PT sadly

>> No.16104892

god bless him, what a legend