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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 57 KB, 400x533, snickers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16080079 No.16080079 [Reply] [Original]

this board is pajeet central with 95% shills and 5% actual content.
gid I wish hiro shuts this place down.

>> No.16080110

Yeah you’re one of those pajeets, now dump your link and buy RLC

>> No.16080141

i wonder why he assumed op is link holder or was that message not meant for op? Just a reminder I will never ever sell my linkies and you will never get your hands on them you smelly pajeet

>> No.16080154

that candy bar looks like a BBC

>> No.16080172

>5% actual content
where? literally everyone on here is disingenuous

>> No.16080226

bout finna coom

>> No.16080240

hyuck hyuck dat der choclat bar look liek nigger dick hyuck hyuck

>> No.16080283

really its the lustful look in her eyes that made me think she was sucking a nigger's cock

>> No.16080301


>> No.16080307
File: 2.78 MB, 290x229, 1416864272715.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lustful look
reminds me of a retarded girl I knew from special ed to me

>> No.16080315

Welcome to biz! Wahoo yay business and finance!
One of the dumbest and shittiest boards on 4chan at the moment buy far.

>> No.16080324

Porn free enough time to not see any dicks in the pic. Pretty proud of myself

>> No.16080330
File: 64 KB, 768x576, grrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16080332

by far*

>> No.16080388

Nothing is what you get for extrapolating poland band synthetic oil garbage for FAGGOTS HOW long have YOU BEEN A FAGGOT YOU fight a war of attrition and COCKS in your wildest imagination. Furthermore why that mustang lands less than half a mile away from the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow you'd have to find jesus on ASS ACID OR ANOTHER LIKE IT to figure out for yourself DARLIN AINT IT GRAND when you're tree on bikeshedding eggplant planet plantation parasite faggots faggots FAGGOTS FAGGOTS CHAINLINK 1K EOTBX your headspace is incompressible information equivalent to the configuration of the big bang FIGURE IT OUT DYOR peace

>> No.16080400

what exchange has far coin sir?

>> No.16080486
File: 267 KB, 566x425, hiyooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me, first day of third grade
>look around, don't recognize anyone
>notice qt3.14 asian girl looking at me and starts smiling
>desk next to her is empty...don't mind if i do!
>walking up the aisle, tall black boy blocks my path
>pokes me in the chest and says 'she's mine, boy'
>I look up and see all the girls pointing at me, giggling
>emotions roil through my belly
>without thinking i kick him as hard as i can between his leg and scream 'take that nyagguh!!!'
>he falls into a heap of himself crying as I start laughing
>principal runs over
>'what the fuck you doing?!?' as he grabs me
>drags me out of the classroom and down the hall
>tells me I'll never teach in that school district again

>> No.16080505

um what?

>> No.16080529


>I could hear a black girl's voice in the distance saying "he cute"

>> No.16080711

Lewl at all the coomers entering the thread to jerk their willie to snickers.

You not coomin when you hungry, grab a snickers.

>> No.16080732

satan is healthy, load - powered ai and gold, more sexually attracted to ignore bitcoin the central banksters are above weekly 5 to canada
enjoy your mums parser then, lmt, whether what now with love sergey can anyone advise some asian boy pussi an s vs risk of love iq is helping own the buyside is sanjay dies?

>> No.16081002
File: 77 KB, 640x686, 6F24DEB3-09F8-4445-A03F-60B0B58160AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16081266

hmmmm. as simply looking for most, capable people from a purpose to no fear. betray the source of questionability, or the things that work on other tomes, what energy! your manifestation. your talents. to arrange events and lack the parties of queens?
you, my representations, generally come forward to eke out and ready to board a post from poisons commonly ingested by exercising the evils of public spectrum are struggles. however! doubtful! get out!
hello and welcome!

laughing out loud! evolution!

>> No.16082185
File: 1.19 MB, 2317x3541, 26350875-310D-431A-8483-CCF5BB79CCC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16082210

Snicker licker

>> No.16082840

Anybody else notice that it looks like she's sucking on a huge dick?

>> No.16082887

its definitely a bio female. look at the hands. bet she sucks a MEANASS dick with those bedroom eyes