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16079176 No.16079176 [Reply] [Original]

I had to sell 10 link today so I could get my tanks filled for some scuba diving tomorrow.

..at the end of my rope boys. I am broke...can't hold out much longer.

diving is always worth it tho, pic related.

>> No.16079211

>I am broke
>I had to sell 10 link today so I could get my tanks filled for some scuba diving tomorrow.

truly the darkest times, when a man can barely scrape any money for scuba diving

>> No.16079325
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a year ago it was not an issue

>> No.16079367

tips so I can into scuba? I recently realized diving in the ocean and experiencing hours of silence and observation is redpilled as fuck. I live in Florida so there's plenty of places to do so

>> No.16079419
File: 441 KB, 1920x1440, 69304747_10218924552560442_7510703494853033984_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tip #1 - find a friend with a boat

just do a certification class if you really want to dive. wander into any store in town and they will be more than happy to put you in the water and sell you all the gear you need. Renting gear is relatively inexpensive if you want to do it occasionally and any certification course will include equipment.

>> No.16079436

Hope it was worth $10,000 anon

>> No.16079453

No, it was worth like $26.50

>> No.16079711

Unironically based, redpilled yada yada
Diving is freedom unchained
Fuck crypto enjoy yourself, good on you OP

>> No.16079737

tell us about that sea gun though

>> No.16079891

looks cool anon, i've wanted to get into diving myself
what you shooting with the harpoon thing?

>> No.16079941

Do you ever find any Spanish silver coins?

>> No.16080014

>using scuba tanks
What a faggot you are, be a real spearo and freedive like a man

>> No.16080029

please be respectful

>> No.16080041

Thanks bro.

Never found any treasure. Just shot some fish. I'll post pics of my "sea guns" when I get home.

>> No.16080062

cunt i hope you get shot by a fish and die

>> No.16080085

So you and your friends are seamen? And hold link?

>> No.16080710
File: 32 KB, 478x587, 37238900_1076919982484260_5964854334486216704_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spearbro here

Many of you are correct - diving is an incredibly freeing experience, especially once you become completely comfortable in the water. Usually, I am spearfishing, which means I am on a mission. But when you take that moment to just look up at the sun refracting through the surface of the water while you hold on to the anchor line and pause to decompress, and you feel your self suspended, weightless in the water that stretches out infinitely in all directions...

well let's just say that is worth everything.

I got my tanks filled and I am ready to go for tomorrow. Wish me luck boys. I want to get some fish. A grouper, hopefully.

>> No.16080743

can you catch fish consistently? I want to live on an island one day and never considered spear fishing. have you anything to share?

>> No.16080866

To use a /biz/ term, DYOR.

The sea does provide but being able to catch fish consistently takes some knowledge. Also, knowing the full bounty that is available to you. Setting crab traps, harvesting clams and scallops...

What I am doing is all offshore in 70+ ft of water so it is a different concept...

if you want to spearfish off your beach I guess start practicing holding your breath and swimming.

>> No.16081299
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florida bizraelite here, can confirm scuba is undeniably based. you get to see plenty of hot ass if you're diving a spring or something. girls are usually interested and come up to talk to you. also the feeling of staring out into the abyss of liquid space is like nothing else. you really do leave all your problems at the surface.

>> No.16081457
File: 226 KB, 563x651, C5172890-F8AF-4C86-908E-9DB81A2B3C2B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you’re not killing fish on breathhold you’re literally a weakling. Bubbles scare any worthwhile fish away, you’re just catching absolute shit. I can go 30m and can do a 5 minute static

>> No.16081505

Imagine being such a self loathing sack of shit you feel the need to shit on someone who means nothing to you, who in fact, is doing the only thing this board isn't doing right now. Shilling SLC.
Fuck off back to plebbit you fucking faggot. Let me guess
/r/ breatholdingfaggots

>> No.16081543

Not even treasure hunting you're not going to make it. Faggot.

>> No.16082081

i shoot grouper, snapper and hogfish. I get all the good reef fish on air. please stop with the bad attitude.

>> No.16082103

>Be such a poor piece of shit you have to sell off your capital asset
>But don't do it for necessities like food or shelter, do it so you can do some pointless activity instead of getting a job.

How about you get a job you piece of shit?

>> No.16082123

i should go back to work, you're right. maybe the water will help me get my mind right tomorrow. I had a good gig going but have been a bit lost lately.