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16074578 No.16074578 [Reply] [Original]

What trade or boot camp type education would you recommend for a 30yo boomer with a shitty "violent" record? I've been living off btc cap gains and alts since 2013 but I don't want to keep selling out of what I've got left. With trading getting all regulated to hell it's becoming a lot harder to increase the size of the btc stack than it used to be. I'm pretty advanced with IT stuff and used to work in corporate places doing IT, then did website design for a little while but I hate dealing with the customers and I can't work corporate anymore because of my record.

Everyone says the best thing to do if you've got the money is to learn a trade. Does that still apply if you're mid 30s? And what sort of thing is worth learning? I keep up on tech but freelancing is increasingly working against pajeets who work for too cheap. I'm sure some other people on here have similar questions

>> No.16074589

please be respectful

>> No.16074846

Commercial Real Estate Broker if youre not ugly

>> No.16074864

If you wait any longer you will be too old. watching 40+yo boomers try and learn a trade is sad as fuck. They try so hard and they are just mediocre tradesmen.
Do you have any experience building anything? handyman shit? Fixing your own car? If the answer is no....well have fun with your computers

>> No.16074872

what wasn't respectful?

>> No.16075512

Yeah that's what I was thinking, I might already be too old. I've fixed my own cars when i was younger and once bought a second model of the same car to take apart and swap working parts in. Working on higher end cars seems interesting and something I could apply computer skills to, but I don't know how picky those places are about records, I don't think I'd get hired at an Audi or porsche type place. Might just have to start doing websites or some kind of freelancing again so I can hodl what I've got instead of living off it

I'm attractive and clean cut but you need to pass background checks to get a realtor license. One option I've got in the future is to help family manage building and selling homes on their lots but I want to do something independent as well. I was doing a lot of freelance type work for new crypto projects before but all the regulations are suffocating that sort of thing in the US