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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16051068 No.16051068 [Reply] [Original]

Not impressed at all by BTC in these days. We are still where we were some days ago. BTC is not moving towards the decentralized economic we dream of. Dopamine hits and a huge green dildo are not what we should look at. The reality is that centralized exchange and wealthy people are sneaking us away from the decentralization we want. Thank you, Satoshi for what you taught us, but now it's time to change.

>> No.16051105
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BASED but dont think funamentals will kick in for another year or two desu

Than again biz is full of tech illterate mongos with 0 clue how much development community and true decentalised ideas are flocking to eth

>> No.16051109

>BTC is not moving towards the decentralized economic we dream of
No one ever thought we would. Are you retarded or something? It's not the purpose of BTC. The purpose of BTC is to pump our bags.

The whole crypto market's point is to kill the legacy banks and to move to the new DeFi models and replacing Jews with new Chinese overlords. CZ already runs lending schemes that are more profitable than any legacy bank could dream of. Couple that with ETFs for eveyone and crypto hedge funds and the old finance will die and be replaced by China.

>> No.16051122

64 eth am gun make it?

>> No.16051762

Its a fucking scam. EOS can do everything ETH can do and more

>> No.16051767


>> No.16051858

Also, simple answer: EOS has faulty governance. I don't care how many TPS EOS can handle. 21 nodes are too few and can be acquired. Apparently, they have already been bought by the same people behind the centralized exchanges.

>> No.16052098

Except it cant be fucking decentralised lol

ONLY that :(

>> No.16052374
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>> No.16052408

Who cares? Look at bitcoin miners post 2015, its been effectively centralized for five years. EOS is good enough and its the apps that are important. Developers are abandoning the failure that is Ethereum in droves, there haven't been a single innovative app for it since cryptokitties. EOS is the way forward boomers

>> No.16052523
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Devs apparently. And probably also you should too. The whole crypto world is about control over monetary policy, it's not about gains how many think. Without decentralization, the control will flow again in the hands of the usually 1%. This is why everyone should go ball deep in Ethereum. Update yourself, since 2017 the community did huge steps thought decentralization

and so on